I have a two inch dredge unit ( no pontoons, but looking for cheap ones).
I see the GoldIT#1 on the Arkansas, is dredging allowed? if so, any permits required since it is "our" claim? anyone dredged there before? success rate? THanks to all just a newbie at this asking questions.
also another question not related to the above. I have an angus mackirk sluice (short plastic scouting model) I am running my 2 inch dredge through it and attached a longer fast angled sluice to the bottom, I noticed I am blowing gold down into the fast angle. Is there a longer sluice available? what model is normally used? I purchased this from a guy who was "Getting out of the business" only to see him three months later on a creak bank (different subject)...
Thanks for the help.
Sam the newbie.