Last Post 05 Sep 2018 08:30 AM by  Brad Hatt
Recommendations for handheld GPS unit?
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John Taylor
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05 Jun 2018 04:49 PM

    Heya All,

    So I have been reading on the Claim Directory that folks say to buy a handheld GPS unit instead of relying on the cellphone.  Given that my AT&T iPhone hardly ever gets receptions in the mountains, I can appreciate that recommendation.  Trouble is, there are a *ton* of units out there ranging from very little to crazy money.

    Any members care to weigh in on what would work for finding the ingress and center of claim coordination for the GPAA claims that are posted on this site?

    Thank you in advance for your contributions and advice.  



    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
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    05 Jun 2018 05:16 PM
    GPS unit is only as good as the maps that it contains. Get a Android tablet without a data that only uses WiFi. It will have a satellite GPS built in or better yet....get a Garmin $100 GPS receiver (which also receives Glonass for better accuracy) and pair it with your tablet. But if you are gonna be strictly in 1 state most times, buy a topo map for the state on a SD card, and just use the built in GPS of the tablet. Forget the tiny display on a phone. With a tablet you have extremely good visibility

    06 Jun 2018 07:52 AM
    The dedicated GPS receiver I think is better but as for the cell phone service with most GPS apps after the download the app works off the satellites independently. Any way I would download a free app just for a backup. 
    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
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    06 Jun 2018 09:12 AM
    What I like about using the tablet the most, as a GPS the ability to quickly zoom and scan the map, and the readability of a large display. The OEM's of handheld devices cant compete with the displays on the tablets, or they charge too much for the products with larger displays....

    14 Jun 2018 08:14 AM

    I went out and bought a handheld unit. works great from garmin with topo.

    the garmin does not route you on the roads like the cell phone on google maps does. the gps just gives a rout as the crow flies. works great once you get to the location.

    google maps does not need cell reception to work...YUP THAT RIGHT! I go offshore fishing 60-120 miles offshore 2times a month between prospecting and you always can get a google maps icon with your location. it is a Satellite that it works off of as long as you have your location setting on.


    I love to use google maps and punch in all the GPS numbers from the claim guide. start with one location and add the other coordinates like you would list near by locations in the area. they will save on your map if your logged into your google account. you can see yourself moving on the google maps screen as you drive. when you get to a location  you can drive no further...that is when the hand held GPS comes into play. it will walk you to the location your searching for.

    New Member
    New Member

    15 Jun 2018 12:58 PM
    Learn how to use the public land survey system first. Get maps from blm , forest service , a set of dividers , ruler , compass. Cheap and you can't go wrong. Then after learning how to really find your way feel free to drop a big rock on your iPad.
    Chris West

    19 Jun 2018 07:27 AM
    I have Garmin Rino plus topo maps and won't leave home without it. Although it is pricey over $500. I also use it for hunting. It has a 2-way radio.
    Jonathan Monnier

    13 Aug 2018 10:06 AM
    I use a Garmin 64s, reliable and burly.
    Scott Leidenberger
    Basic Member
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    13 Aug 2018 04:21 PM

    I have a Garmin 62s. Nice unit. As long as your maps are accurate it works well. I have not had a problem with that.  A drawback is that it has a small screen and likes batteries. As long as you don't scroll around to the different functions all the time the batteries will last a bit longer.

    Brad Hatt
    New Member
    New Member

    05 Sep 2018 08:30 AM

    I have a Garmin 64s with Hunt maps works GREAT! Shows roads and property boundaries.


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