DENNIS JANKA New Member Posts:56 
08 Jun 2014 07:41 AM |
we added an extra 4 foot sluice to our high banker with 3# grating, miners moss and ribbed matting and found we now retain a lot more flake and fine gold in the extra sluice. wounder now why these companies make such a short sluice box in the first place
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
08 Jun 2014 11:57 AM |
Not knowing at what pitch you are running .But if you run too much you will push the fines out .I run mine at 7 degrease and I have checked my tailing's all the time .And I do find any gold in them .I have even panned them out and not found any .
DENNIS JANKA New Member Posts:56 
08 Jun 2014 12:10 PM |
thanks for the reply Joseph we run ours around that same 7 degree but as i said we have found that with a short sluice box the standard 4 ft. you get from a dealer you or at least in our case we have lost fine gold. so if you or anyone else may think there loosing gold i thought i would mention this simple salution to fix your problem. it may or may not help every body.
RONALD LEWIS Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Jun 2014 08:25 PM |
joseph, how do you get the 7 degree? i sure would like to know. thank you. ron
DENNIS JANKA New Member Posts:56 
10 Jun 2014 10:54 AM |
hi ron a good place to start is to adjust the angle of you high banker sluice 3/4 inch drop for every foot of sluice box. so a 4 ft. sluice would be about 3 inches of angel. you can also get a degree scale at your hardware store that you can set at 7 degree to fine tone your high banker
RONALD LEWIS Greenhorn Posts: 
10 Jun 2014 11:54 AM |
Dennis, thank you for the info. i appreciate it very much and will follow your advise. ron
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
10 Jun 2014 08:26 PM |
Well I was going to say that 1 ''Drop for every foot of sluice will average out to 7 decrease of slop .Some time you need more and other time you need less .When I run my highbanker this is how I set it up .Like was said you can go to any hardware store and buy a gauge to set it up .Once you get it were you want it you can go to any RV place an d get some levels and put them on your unite that makes it easier to set it up .Not knowing what brand you have makes a difference .Mine is a KEENE .
RONALD LEWIS Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Jun 2014 09:43 PM |
sorry for the late reply but thanks much guys, i appreciate it very much, ron
Glen Walker Greenhorn Posts:2 
27 Aug 2014 09:39 AM |
I have found this to be a problem for me as well. I know I am running my high banker/power sluice with too much angle. The problem for me is I can't be on the nozzle and clear the larger gravels from the riffles at the same time. Nobody likes to be in charge of clearing the riffles for 2 hours so I have to set the angle higher to help clear the riffles. I am thinking about reducing the size of my riffles and going with a more aggressive expanded metal (#9). That would smooth out the flow of water and increase the velocity. I am hoping that will keep the big gravels moving on down. I am limited to 3 sq ft of riffle area so I can't very well add another section.
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
19 Feb 2015 10:00 PM |
Dennis: A 7 degree drop in one foot is not 3/4 inch. It comes out to be 1.473 almost an inch and a half.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
20 Feb 2015 06:23 AM |
A 1 in 12 drop is 4.7 degrees. I run my recric sluice at 6 degrees when I have carpet in it and 8-9 degrees when I have Gold Hog mating in it. It doesn't clear as fast with the carpet but I want that as I feel the carpet does not as aggressively grab and hold the gold.
DENNIS JANKA New Member Posts:56 
20 Feb 2015 08:54 AM |
joseph your right 7 degrease is about an 11/2 inches our crew runs a 12 inch by 10 ft. sluice box in our highbanker and we run it at about 7 degrease when we run moss, rib matting , and #3 grating. when we convert to a 21/2 inch dredge we use hog matting in different configurations such as talon river hog razorback and down draft. at 6 degrease. i have spent a lot of time with the folks ( mostly doc) at gold hog and they recommended 6 degrease we tried other angels but the 6 works best for holding on to the fine and float gold along with pickers. sorry for the miss information member GPAA, WORLD MUSEUM OF MINES, NEW49ers, PLP, WMA,LAST CHANCE MINERS ( equipment fabricator for lcm ) DAV
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
20 Feb 2015 02:12 PM |
Now that was useful to know. I will lower the Hog mats to 6 degrees and see what my tailing show. Thank you for the data. I am interested to hear about the dredge/highbanker info as I am in the market for one. And I prospect in Georgia and North Carolina.
DENNIS JANKA New Member Posts:56 
21 Feb 2015 09:04 AM |
tim i think you will be happy with the 6 degrease if you want a store bought high banker/dredge keene and gold hog make very good ones. i have seen the others work and for fine gold the gold hog is best. now if you want a custom so to speak ( you can deside how big and long ext. you want your sluice box ) a very good place to go is heckler fabrication. for there web site. if you need questions answered about products talk to greg ( tell him i sent you ) the price is almost the same as store bought. i'm always here if you need help.. i'd build you one but i know i couldn't compete on the price with shipping and all. anyway hope that helped. member GPAA, NEW49ers, PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE, WESTERN MINING ALLIANCE, WORLD MUSEUM OF MINES,LAST CHANCE GOLD MINERS, DAV
MICHAEL JUDD Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Mar 2015 05:37 PM |
For those interested, in my pictures on my profile is a pic showing the inches per foot of sluice in 1/8 increments, also the degree, percent and decimal.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
30 Mar 2015 05:47 PM |
Michael, Great to have as a reference. So in the long run , I put the gold hog mats back in and set it at 6.5 degrees. Lots of black sand and gold in the cons. Very very little black sand in the tailings, almost none actually and I found no gold so I think this set up is doing what it should. Still looking at a Highbanker/dredge combo. Keene and Proline have been on my list for awhile. Of course since it starts with Gold Hog matting, the Gold Hog is in the mix. I would like to talk to some people form out west to see if they have good results with Gold Hog matting.
MICHAEL JUDD Greenhorn Posts: 
31 Mar 2015 03:12 PM |
Tim, I live in Texas, where ask anyone and they will tell ya there is no gold. I have been testing all the Gold Hog mats since Doc first came out with the UR mat. I tested different angles, different velocity of water, volume of water, feed rates. Painstakingly tested capture rates vs loss rates. I have pulled some nice gold from the Llano river by being able to process large amounts of material. Do they catch all the gold? No, and nothing else will either. But look at the numbers, if you catch say 10,000 pieces of gold in the mats and you are at a 99 percent capture rate (which I am at or better) your losses will be 100. A lot of commercial ops are happy to run at a 80 or 85 percent capture rate. The plus with Gold Hog is being able to process a lot of material and still hold the gold. While others process X amount of dirt, in the same time I can several times the amount dirt. With Gold Hog you have to understand not only the lower extreme, low water and angle till the mats are full, but also the high extreme, running them so hot they are bare. Then you tone them down. Most make the mistake of seeing gold in the tailings and slow the mats down when this is the opposite, they are already loading up. Take the mats to the extreme, then back off some.
BRANDON JOHNSON New Member Posts:37 
17 Sep 2015 01:21 AM |
I'm a bit behind on this post, but glad I read it. Just bought, and waiting for delivery, of a Gold Hog mini with extension. This information is great to know... thanks!
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
03 Dec 2015 07:52 AM |
Really good stuff here, I have to agree Brandon! I recently bought another Keene A52 and adaptor to add to my 2.5 Keene Hi-banker Combo. I ran it for the first time with the extension at the Loud Mine last weekend. I recovered at least 10% more fines from the lower section, running at the same angle and velocity as when I used the hi-banker at the outing in October. I would highly recommend, if you have the room and the extra $, to add an extension (lower sluice section) to increase capture. Gold Hog with the flare system, Martin with extension and Pro-Line with extension will treat you right, if you set them up right. I try and purchase everything locally to support our economy. I buy my equipment almost exclusively, from Crissons Gold Mine in Dahlonega, GA. They carry a full line of Keene, Gold Hog and proline Golden Days!
Dan Campbell Greenhorn Posts:1 
06 Sep 2021 07:33 PM |
I just got a Keene 3 in 1 highbanker, sluice, concetrator. The top is 2 feet, so i should run at 1.5" pet foot slope 3" total. The lower is 3' so run that 4.5" total slope. Any help would be appreciated. Ran about 20 5 gallon buckets. Had only half a pan of concetrates. I think i had to much slope. Running in Ohio.