Bill Killian Greenhorn Posts:2 
28 Jun 2018 08:34 AM |
Can anyone help me out with some directions to find the His & His 1 & 2 claim near Boise, Idaho. Claim guide and website only list GPS coordinates and that's no help to me...thanks.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
28 Jun 2018 03:45 PM |
Welcome Bill, Go to the online claims guide, put in his & his, that brings up the info for that claim, notice the GPS cords that appear half page down on left, click on either number ( I would click on the ingress point) that "should" bring up a google map that you can reverse figure out how to get there. Check it out, cool feature. Be sure to post info on the guide to help others Bill
Christopher Planinshek Greenhorn Posts:3 
26 Jun 2021 12:11 PM |
Is anyone familiar with the forest service closure around grimes creek? Does our membership fall under one of the exemptions? "Special use permit" I'd love to go out when it's nice and quiet instead of packed with campers!!
Christopher Planinshek Greenhorn Posts:3 
26 Jun 2021 12:13 PM |
EXEMPTIONS: Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50 (e) the following persons are exempt from this Order: 1. Persons with a special use authorization or other Forest Service authorization specifically exempting them from the effect of this Order.
Michael Woods Greenhorn Posts:14 
10 Jul 2021 08:58 PM |
Be careful, I know this area well, I prospect further south. Some of the Rangers there don't like prospectors at all, and have an attitude when it comes to going into 'burn areas'. They may rush you off. Just saying.
Matthew Foster Greenhorn Posts:2 
10 Jul 2021 09:14 PM |
I think the family and I are going to make a drive out there tomorrow and check it out. I'll report back and let you know if we run into any trouble.
Christopher Planinshek Greenhorn Posts:3 
10 Jul 2021 10:55 PM |
I've called the ranger district as well as our local office and left voicemails. I haven't gotten a return call from anyone. Seems to be the norm though... I hope you guys do well let me know how it goes!
Michael Woods Greenhorn Posts:14 
10 Jul 2021 11:06 PM |
Son and I are headed up there next week for some 'researching', lol. Does anyone know if you can dredge there with proper permits? We're just planning on high banking for now, motorless, my engineering degree at work, lol.
Michael Woods Greenhorn Posts:14 
11 Jul 2021 01:34 PM |
Bill Killian: From Boise, take Highway 21 towards Idaho City. Travel approx 24.1 miles to FR364, or Grimm's Creek road. Travel approx 2 miles, you'll see turn off's to the left, several grouped together. Pull off there, your on the claim.
Michael Woods Greenhorn Posts:14 
12 Jul 2021 06:50 PM |
Sorry folks, according to the USFS, Grimes Creek road may be closed to everyone due to forest fires. I'll know more soon. Awaiting a call back from local Ranger. I know alot of these guys, so I'll get good intelligence. Also, according to the water basin management, they ARE NOT issuing permits for high banking or dredging because of low water level. That's unless you got your permit before they stopped. But it don't matter, because supposedly, you can't get to the claim right now. (Until Sept). However, when the road opens, if earlier than Sept., you can still sluice, pan, and metal detect. Hint, if there are signs at either end of Grimes Creek road for closure, don't go past them. They will sight you. Big fine. I will let you all know what the local forest ranger for that area tells me if they return the call. Laterz, Michael Ps, the permits for the Boise Gold Claim are the same, due to low water, NO High bank or dredge PERMITS WILL BE GIVEN. you can still sluice, pan, and metal detect.
Matthew Foster Greenhorn Posts:2 
13 Jul 2021 11:02 PM |
The family and I were out there Sunday just panning. Good time. Found some fine gold ~5-8 colors per pan. There were a hand full of other GPAA members out there. Don't know if we just got lucky with it being Sunday, but the road was open and there were other folks out having picnics on the first turn off and a few more folks pulled off to the side of the road. There were no signs on the road indicating road closure or anything indicating restricted use. There are signs at the turn offs that say not to drive down to the creek, but the creek is right next to the road, so it's no big deal. It's hot, so bring plenty of water.
Michael Woods Greenhorn Posts:14 
14 Jul 2021 10:15 AM |
Great Matthew! Thanks for the info. Maybe we'll try to go there after all.