Last Post 22 Feb 2025 03:29 PM by  BRIAN WILLIAMS
What is the best place to buy pay dirt from
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Paul Straub
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01 Nov 2015 07:55 AM
Hey Everybody, I checked out the Constellation Mining website Rob mentioned. Really decent prices for Alaska paydirt, only $11.50 +s&h for a 1lb bag (they ship in USPS flat rate boxes). I might give them a try. I'll post the results if I do.

One note: if the paydirt really comes from a pit like the one in the pic of a guy in the hole with a shovel (click on the 1# paydirt and pics will come up check them out), I would give my left everything (arm,leg,n*t,etc.) to have access to that material with a highbanker.

Another cool thing was the subscription paydirt, EX: 1 - 1lb bag a month for 6 mos @ $10 a month +s&h (saves 1.50). They offer different size bags up to 15# bag ($150.00) for at least a 6 month period, some smaller bags can be shipped on a weekly basis.

Sounds interesting, I might check it out.

Rob Gallagher

01 Nov 2015 08:05 AM
Actually, I have the subscription for 5lb each month as it gives me a reason to set up the Gold Cube and get the rush of opening up the top mat. I know there's gold in it but it's still a rush. 

Here's a link to a video from the last shipment when I opened the Gold Cube:

One other thing - it's never 1 pound - always more. On my last subscription shipment, I got five 1lb bags and each bag weighed 1lb 4oz. It's shipped in Zip-loc bags that are double bagged.


Tim Leibel

01 Nov 2015 04:54 PM
He best pay dirt I have gotten so far has been from Todd Martin at Martin Prospecting Supply in North Carolina.
Brad Lamb
Basic Member
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02 Nov 2015 06:33 AM
Posted By TIM LEIBEL on 01 Nov 2015 04:54 PM
He best pay dirt I have gotten so far has been from Todd Martin at Martin Prospecting Supply in North Carolina.

I got a 1 lb. sample bag when I bought one his tables at the Loud Mine.  It was loaded for the size.  Many small flakes, some flour and 2 pickers.

I also picked up some dirt from the Heritage Mine in McCormick.  Dave (park caretaker) puts together a good bag for the money.  We got 6 pickers and a lot of flake, very little flour.

On a side note, the Martin Table has led to my permanent distraction and leading to an obsession of extracting every piece of gold, no matter how small.  

Todd Martin is also one of the nicest, most genuine folks you could hope to meet.  I can also recommend Crisson's Gold Mine in Dahlonega, GA.

Tammy and Tony go out of their way to support their customers.  They also sell some good paydirt.

Happy Pickers!

Brad Lamb
Basic Member
Basic Member

20 Nov 2015 05:37 AM
I just got done panning out a bag from , owned by a member of the GPAA Augusta, GA Chapter.

I am impressed!

Large Nugget

2 Smaller Nuggets

Many Pickers

Many Flakes

A lot of Flour


I have not weighed the recovered treasure yet, but, it looks like more with that nugget sitting there... 

This is by far the biggest recovered nugget that I have personally experienced...all for less than a tank and a half of diesel.

Owned and Operated by a GPAA Member, located near Augusta, GA.

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

20 Nov 2015 12:17 PM
NICE pretties there.
Rob Gallagher

20 Nov 2015 04:07 PM

OK - that's a darn nice looking pan!!!  Well done sir!

David White

25 Nov 2015 05:25 AM
Has anyone tried the Pan-A-Can from Prospectors Plus ? I see on their web that they sell for 20.00 plus shipping.
Dominic Ricci
Basic Member
Basic Member

25 Nov 2015 08:13 AM
Hi David - There are plenty of pay dirt products out there on the market that I think you would be happier with. GPAA is not in the business of paydirt, but I can tell you our "training bag" @ $14.95 is a better buy than Pan-A-Can . . . not the price but what you get out of the paydirt.

25 Nov 2015 09:33 PM
looks good Brad
David White

28 Nov 2015 03:14 PM
Good to Know ,thanks
Brad Lamb
Basic Member
Basic Member

01 Dec 2015 05:31 AM
Thanks Jim! I actually heard the nugget hit the bottom of the pan when I put in the 3rd scoop.
Rob Gallagher

05 Dec 2015 04:50 PM
Hello all,

I just got done working my "Black Friday Special" from  I spent $99 and that included shipping.  The USPS took their time delivering the package even though it was sent Priority Mail.  Of course, that's NOT anyway the fault of the seller!

I'll go back through all the "waste" but after an easy panning there were two nice nuggets that totaled 0.84 grams and the total with all weighed out at 1.75 grams.  

They now have a Christmas "Stocking Stuffer" bag that just made my Christmas list.  I have to say that I'm very pleased and will gladly order from them again!

Take care all,






David White

11 Dec 2015 05:34 AM
Where is the training bag listed for purchase, all I see is Tom and Perrys at the store?
Leo Lorenz
Basic Member
Basic Member

19 Dec 2015 10:31 AM

I just received a couple of bags from Constellation Mining. This picture is what I panned from 1 $11.50 bag . I ordered a total of  3 bags. But this picture was just the first bag. I am gonna start working on the other 2 bags. I feel like doing an experiment and order some from each place and really get to see whose is best. I also received 20 lbs from Mother Load Gold in California but didn't try that yet. They have a buy 10lbs and get 10 lbs free. We will see how that goes. This stuff from Constellation came from Quartz Creek Alaska.


Charles Besecker

19 Dec 2015 11:52 AM

To plug my pay dirt, I advertise in the Pick & Shovel. Think you will find good value in either of our two pay dirt bags.


PO Box 790

Fairview, NC 28730


Merry Christmas to all.


Leo Lorenz
Basic Member
Basic Member

19 Dec 2015 05:39 PM

These were the remaining 2 bags of 1 lb each paydirt. It was more than I really expected, but then this is the first bags I ever bought. I figure for $11 a bag it was a decent deal.

Brad Lamb
Basic Member
Basic Member

31 Dec 2015 06:34 AM
Posted By DOMINIC RICCI on 25 Nov 2015 08:13 AM
Hi David - There are plenty of pay dirt products out there on the market that I think you would be happier with. GPAA is not in the business of paydirt, but I can tell you our "training bag" @ $14.95 is a better buy than Pan-A-Can . . . not the price but what you get out of the paydirt.

I can attest to that!  The training bag had a lot of flake, some flour and a spec or two of float.  For the money, it is hard to beat The GPAA Tom and Perry's Training Bag!
We panned the bag and also ran it across our Martin Table and had fantastic results.  We did not miss more than one little spec with panning and got it all with the table.
As the weather gets more uncooperative, we will be ordering a full size bag or two from GPAA!

Thanks GPAA and Todd Martin!

Tim Leibel

31 Dec 2015 08:16 AM
Todd Martin's bags are always worth it to me. I buy a couple a year so I have good gold bearing dirt to teach with and every time they do not disappoint. When we get to the final " money swirl" and the look on who ever I am teachings face when that big pile of gold appears, it is always great.
Leo Lorenz
Basic Member
Basic Member

15 Jan 2016 01:58 PM

Wanted to warn about a place I ordered pay dirt from called California Mother Load Pay Dirt in Santa Rosa CA. I ordered 10 lbs from them and was also supposed to get an additional 10 lbs free since it was a holiday special. Paid $119 for it. After I placed the order, I got a message from a guy named Mike saying he was also going to put something "rare" in with the order. I received the order and panned it all out, and what I got from that left me wondering. There was very little gold, and on the web site a picture with the item showed a pan with a good bit of gold. Ok I figured, well maybe this was just a bad batch. I looked through all the waste trying to find the "rare" item and there was nothing. I send them a note asking just what it was that I was supposed to get? They replied saying I was supposed to get a "specimen" and they would resend the order. Haha...I have sent repeated messages and no answers. The pictures on the site are actually too good and I never expected to get what I saw. But it is truly false advertising on the web site and their lack of response only reinforces the scam. below is a picture from the website.


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