Last Post 22 Feb 2025 03:29 PM by  BRIAN WILLIAMS
What is the best place to buy pay dirt from
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Jonathan Sever

19 Jan 2016 08:31 AM

Hello all, i have been reading all kinds of stuff on this thread about buying paydirt online. I have made many purchases online and have been not so happy with 90% of them. However , i found a seller ( wich we are now friends for over two years now) who has the most honest (NON-SALTED) authentic paydirt.'He has claims in AZ,AK,CA,VA, and a couple other places. he sells unsearched cons, unsearched raw classified dirt, and will custom make any size package for ya. Every bag i have purchased has pickers to flour gold, and sometimes nice amathyst pieces. my average ROI is 72%. Try a bag of his stuff and i gaurantee you wont be disapointed!!!!!!!!. My GPAA chapter treasurer in michigan shawn willett bought a bag to test and posted a video of the cleanup. He was very impressed with the amount of gold he got. here is the link of the video just copy and paste into browser. The sellers ebay name is  (VAgoldseeker)
Brad Lamb
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02 Feb 2016 11:21 AM
Just got back from picking up 1 yard of bulk material from Crisson's Gold Mine in Dahlonega, GA.

Once I get a chance to classify it down to ~20 mesh, I will run it and post some photos.

The price was $90.00

I ran a 5 gal bucket as a test through a RDH (prospector) mini highbanker and got some flake and flour.
Eric Weaner

02 Feb 2016 08:46 PM
I too have panned Constellation Minning Co. paydirt and was pleased with what I got for what I paid. I have also purchased pay dirt from Randy Witham, very pleased with what I panned out of the 3lbs. bag. Goldstrike Adventures also gets a thumbs up from me.
Brad Lamb
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01 Mar 2016 12:26 PM
We finished running the pay dirt from Crisson Gold Mine over the weekend, testing out the material and used Cal Sluice GMS highbanker that we picked up and have been re-plumbing.

We were impressed. I have not weighed the material for a real ROI, but, we recovered many pickers, at least nugget and a lot of flour and flake. 95% of the material was caught in the first two riffles, with all being caught in the first four. We panned our tailings, intermittently, and did not find any lost treasure.

Good times!
David Piper

06 May 2016 08:07 AM
Well folks l have been buying dirt from Pay Dirt Gold Co. At sportsman warehouse 1lb. for $20.00 not good. I also joined the dirt of the month club @ $169.00 a mount in March no dirt from them as of now.
I have called, e-mailed and they just give me the run a round. This is the worst company to do any business with.
Brad Lamb
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06 May 2016 08:26 AM
I just got through running 2 lbs of pay dirt from Martin Prospecting (Todd Martin attends many of the GPAA outings and always stands behind his product, as does Crisson, and Gold and Gem Grubbin in Cleveland, GA).

This is the 2nd large bag I have gotten from Martin and am always pleased. Always re-run your tailings from "bought" bags across a Martin or Miller table or pan under a large lighted magnifier (cheap from Harbor Freight) and you will find what your quick/careful panning may have lost.

My short list of suppliers for my dirt:
Gold and Gem Grubbin 

and of Course Tom and Perry's Dirt Bags...some of those bags have very course gold!
......I cannot afford Felix's Bags or I would likely include them as I have heard great things

Golden Days Friends,


Rhett Lynch

06 May 2016 01:05 PM
Never heard of Paydirt Gold Co. or Crisson. I know Martin is good as well as Felix. Has anyone ever purchased a 5-gallon bucket from Felix?
Charles Besecker

06 May 2016 02:46 PM
I am owner of DreaMail. I advertise in the Pick & Shovel. We sell two different SALTED gold bags of gravel as well as nuggets. Check us out.

10 May 2016 07:01 PM
I just started a business selling a gold panning kit with pay dirt included. It has 1.5 lbs of unchecked, 1/2" classified Arizona paydirt, 1.5 lbs of unchecked, unclassified Alaska pay dirt, and blue sand (used to teach panning technique) There might be a little gold in the pay dirt, but I wouldn't expect to much. I add 1/2 gram of gold to every bag (about 60-65 small flakes), and in every 10th bag I've added an additional 4 grams of gold nuggets (about 8-9 nuggets). As an introductory special, I've added a surprise gift (not gold) into every other bag with MSRP values between $25 and $250. My kits can be found on E-BAY (search for Blue Heron Gold Panning Kit), and on ETSY (Etsy has pay dirt listed without the panning kit) Blue Heron Pay Dirt is $100 for a 3.5 lb bag, or $125 included with the gold panning kit. you have a 1 in 10 chance of getting a bag with 4.5 grams of gold (about $200 worth), and a 50/50 chance of getting a surprise gift. You can find me on Facebook as Charles Sawyer or Blue Heron Prospecting. There are plenty of other pay dirts available online, some are better than others. I'd watch out for anyone that say they guarantee gold, but won't say how much gold they add. Also pay attention to the level of classification, because if the material is classified down to a number 8 mesh, you can be sure you won't find anything bigger than an 8 mesh flake. on the other hand, unclassified material probably contains larger gravels which are essentially dead weight, but unclassified pay dirt may also contain large nuggets, so it can be worth the trade off. Also keep in mind that unchecked material only has the potential to have gold in the material, but that doesn't mean it actually will. Most pay dirt companies "salt" the pay dirt. I don't like that term, because it refers to a deceptive practice where prospectors added gold to samples to obtain higher assay values on their gold claims. That isn't what we are doing, but the term "salting" has become associated with pay dirt sellers because we do add gold to the material. I add gold to my pay dirt because I want every customer to experience the thrill of finding gold in their pan. I am not trying to deceive anyone, and I am very open about how much gold I add to my material. Call it "salting" if you want, I just call it satisfying my customers. I hope my information helps you find what you are looking for. I'd love to have you try some Blue Heron Pay Dirt, and get some feedback, but take a good look at all the other options available. I've personally tried material from Crisson Gold Mine in Dallonega, Ga. and Felix Pay Dirt from Alaska, I found gold in both, but I liked the Crisson material a little better. The gold was coarser, and I even found a specimen (gold in a quartz matrix) in the Crisson material.
Mary McCarty
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03 Jun 2016 02:49 PM


This begs the question... You say remove the magnetic black sand prior to processing. I just did that with 4 lbs. of paydirt I bough off of Amazon. I kept it and intend to run it across my Miller Table when it arrives. I have to wonder how much fine gold (if any) might be stuck to the black sand? I know gold is not magnetic but fine flour gold is notorious for being easy to lose...



Joseph Loyd

03 Jun 2016 08:09 PM

When removing black sand when wet always keep it as it will hold gold 0I only do mine dry as the gold will not hold to dry materiel as easy.

Brad Lamb
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04 Jun 2016 03:37 AM
Thanks Joseph! That is a very good point that is often overlooked or forgotten.
Mary McCarty
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06 Jun 2016 02:46 PM
Posted By DOMINIC RICCI on 25 Nov 2015 08:13 AM

Hi David - There are plenty of pay dirt products out there on the market that I think you would be happier with. GPAA is not in the business of paydirt, but I can tell you our "training bag" @ $14.95 is a better buy than Pan-A-Can . . . not the price but what you get out of the paydirt.

I checked into this item at the GPAA store and it does not say what you are getting for the price. Based on the average prices of various paydirts, it would be nice to know what to expect on panning this item. Any idea?



Joseph Loyd

06 Jun 2016 07:55 PM
Try some Gold hog dirt as I know it is some good stuff .
Benjamin Crain
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07 Jun 2016 07:05 PM
Our Chapter recently used some of our points to get cans of cons from GPAA, we were surprised at the quality.

We use these materials to teach kids to pan at rock and gem shows and the stuff in the cans was easy to find and pan through quickly, it made it easy to send each kid home with some gold.

I also purchased concentrates from Marvin's Gold Concentrates recently to benefit a camp for kids with cancer called Camp Wapiyapi. He worked with me and made up individually packed bags of nice cons with gold that make it really easy for even a beginner to work with. Having dealt with other companies in the past I will go to Marvin's before I go anywhere else for cons again.

Benjamin Crain
President of Western Colorado Chapter of Gold Prospectors Association of America

11 Jun 2016 08:49 AM
I bought from Felix Paydirt once before and paid $170 for the bag. I got about $100 in gold out of it.
Bradley Moffatt

11 Jun 2016 05:12 PM

It really is a valuable teaching aid when you know that there is gold in the sample. It can really help with panning and testing other recovery techniques before going out into the field. So, I don't begrudge them making some money off of it. The best sellers at least give you some decent color. I know of one place that gives about 80% return on a pretty regular basis. I think that's fair considering labor and packaging; they don't sell online though.


Mary McCarty
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13 Jun 2016 12:57 PM

I'd like to be able to post photos of my pans when I do pan commercial paydirt but am no quite sure how to tack a photo onto a post off of my cellphone? I did e-mail the two pics I took of the Yuba River paydirt so I could pick them up off of the laptop. It'd be convenient to be able to add them directly from the Android. Any hints please?




14 Jun 2016 05:58 AM

here is a link on how to post a picture on the forum.


Mary McCarty
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15 Jun 2016 05:59 AM
Posted By WALTER EASON on 14 Jun 2016 05:58 AM

here is a link on how to post a picture on the forum.


Thanks Walter.

I'll have to post them from the laptop,

Those headers do not show up on the cellphone browser even tho' I'm using Chrome.

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