Last Post 22 Feb 2025 03:29 PM by  BRIAN WILLIAMS
What is the best place to buy pay dirt from
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22 Jul 2019 11:27 AM
roaring camp in California sells DIRT OF THE MONTH bags that are 13-15 pounds with really nice gold for 50.00 a bag. they are my favorite paydirt.
they also sell small bags for 10.00. I buy these so when I take a newbie out for the first time and IF FOR ANY REASON I DO NOT FIND IT ON MY OWN I spike their pan so they get theirs no matter what. of course no one is getting rich but everyone likes to take home some color after digging all day. always smiling faces when they see the nice gold.
Roaring camp is generous on the gold.
Gary Bast

25 Jul 2019 01:54 PM
I like Tommy Knockers paydirt. Guarantees at least 1 gram of gold and always over that. Quick shipping and fair price.
Kelly Levitt

25 Jul 2019 02:46 PM
you might try these places for gold bearing dirt , they worked well for me.. ipan4gold --- crisson gold --- tommyknockers ,,,and roaring camp gold ..i'm not selling their product,but they do their best to see that you DO get good all four i listed i've gotten fines,,flour,,pickers,, and sometimes small nuggets . one from tommyknockers gave me a 1.1 gram nugget ..the dirt they sell is a fair price ,there is also Felix's pay dirt though i have not gotten a bag from them for sometime,,and the bags i've gotten from them has also been pretty fair..LUCK TO YA !!
Peter Parsons

30 Jul 2019 10:24 AM
Got a jar of black sand from my neighbor from Lynch minning. Got a 3/4 gram nugget and 1/2 gram of flake. Don’t know if they were all like that but was exciting panning!!
Sluice Box Pete!
Laurin Cavender

02 Aug 2019 12:22 AM
The best I have ever found and the one with the most GOLD per container is Crisson's Gold Mine Dahlonega Ga. They will ship or if you are close you can just stop by and pick it up directly from them. Laurin "Swamp~Fox"
Jeffrey Gray

02 Aug 2019 03:56 PM
Personally have used GoldBay! Dave there will treat you right. Some of the clay dirt is nasty but thar be gold in them bags. He’s well priced and good honest people. Good luck 🍀👍🏻
Jeffrey Gray

02 Aug 2019 03:56 PM
Personally have used GoldBay! Dave there will treat you right. Some of the clay dirt is nasty but thar be gold in them bags. He’s well priced and good honest people. Good luck 🍀👍🏻
Don Wendt
New Member
New Member

02 Oct 2019 07:02 PM
Posted By BRIAN FRISCHOLZ on 11 Jun 2014 06:45 AM

You can also check out Gold Pay dirt Reviews on YouTube, he has video reviews on most of the popular pay dirt sites and he breaks down what type of gold can be expected as well as an average return on investment.

Dudes videos don’t mean squat, he is also a scam artist. I won one of his “Razz” aka raffles MONTHS ago. Nothing but lies and empty promises I’m yet to receive anything and he keeps dodging me when I ask him about it..
Scammer to say the least. I am also not the only person who has gotten screwed by him.

Ed Buhain

03 Oct 2019 10:57 PM
all of these will be in the 70 to 70+ roi
Tomsgolddirt .com
Goldbay .com
Lynchmining .com

hope these help you out some.
Ed Buhain

03 Oct 2019 10:59 PM
I've done shout outs on youtube for Gary, his bags are random or custom made to your liking. He also has opal bags of cons as well. Search for my YouTube channel. "HD shovel Ed"

Posted By Kelly Levitt on 25 Jul 2019 02:46 PM
you might try these places for gold bearing dirt , they worked well for me.. ipan4gold --- crisson gold --- tommyknockers ,,,and roaring camp gold ..i'm not selling their product,but they do their best to see that you DO get good all four i listed i've gotten fines,,flour,,pickers,, and sometimes small nuggets . one from tommyknockers gave me a 1.1 gram nugget ..the dirt they sell is a fair price ,there is also Felix's pay dirt though i have not gotten a bag from them for sometime,,and the bags i've gotten from them has also been pretty fair..LUCK TO YA !!
David Vanderpool

13 Nov 2019 08:32 AM
Living in eastern Kansas, I get very little chance for "weekend" panning trips, but I can still stay in the game for less than the price of gas to get to a likely spot. I have purchased 6 1-lb bags from Constellation Mining Co., and am very pleased. They sell bags for $11/lb, but don't accept credit cards, so you must use PayPal or personal check. If you mail a check, they hold shipment till it clears the bank, so it takes about 2 weeks from the time you order online till you receive it. So far, from the 6 lbs of dirt I purchased, I've recovered exactly 1 dwt (1.55 g/.05 ozt - approx. $75), so about even, if I include shipping from Alaska. I have only recovered the larger stuff for now - many of the flakes I picked out of my 20-mesh classifier. I can still see fines in my leftovers, so will finish pan/Miller Table those on the cold winter weekends coming up...I need to practice getting the little stuff.

13 Nov 2019 08:52 AM
I encourage y'all to support Constellation Mining by purchasing paydirt from them.
I have found them to be reliable and honest in all my dealings with them.
They are a small family-owned mining operation and face all the challenges of running a modern day mining operation just like the big boys on TV.

Scott Leidenberger
Basic Member
Basic Member

13 Nov 2019 09:44 AM
I have purchased from Constellation Mining before and have had very good service, fast shipping and they don't over charge on shipping.
Brandon Dixon

14 Nov 2019 05:05 PM
Before you kleshguiters on youtube. He has over 50 gold dirt reviews from alot of companies. He would be the best person to recommend buying from. Hope this helps

14 Nov 2019 05:08 PM
Jimbo's Gold. Stay away from Felix and Gino's.
JP Woodard

15 Nov 2019 10:07 PM Gino rhe owner is a friend.of mine but that is not why I recommend him . His dirt is always awesome you will be very impressed I promise . Since he is in Canada it will take about 2 weeks for it come in but it is worth the wait.
Doug Wozny

17 Nov 2019 06:34 PM
My thoughts on paydirt...

1. Never buy without a fully disclosed guarantee of minimum quantity (unless you really like to gamble or money means nothing to you). I challenge anyone to point out someone who has gotten the "1 in 20 bonus bag containing 5 extra grams" nonsense.

2. Check the price plus shipping, versus quantity versus spot price. Build a list of companies, then choose an ROI you can be happy with. And keep in mind that typical placer gold averages somewhere between 18K and 20K. Example: If the current spot is $1468.10, then 1 gram will have a value of somewhere between $35.40 and $39.33. If that 1 gram bag of paydirt is going to cost $100.00, your ROI will be between 35% and 39%. Paydirt companies vary wildly from 15% to over 75%. It's all fun to pan, but at least be smart about it and get the best value for your hard earned cash.

3. Watch/read lots of reviews on the companies out there. There are shams o' plenty. Ignore reviews that are obviously "paid" or "sponsored". One of the worst sellers is on Amazon. 90% of amazon's listings are the same guy with multiple names, who "buys" ratings by offering free paydirt for a "5" rating and good review. His ROI's are terrible to start with. I recommend "Klesh Guitars" (Shane Klesh) "Prospecting At Home" review videos. He never buys paydirt when the seller knows its going to him. He will use friends to do the ordering, then review it. He is also brutally honest in his reviews.

4. When thinking about value, there are companies that will include things like gems, silver coins, donations to charity, and other swag. If you dig that kind of thing, great, go for it! If not, don't get lured into a paydirt because you get a solid silver half dollar with the bag, that still won't bring the ROI up to your liking.

5. Consider this option... Find a reputable placer gold seller. Buy however many grams you want, of flakes, pickers, nuggets or a mix. Get a shovel of dirt from your back yard and toss the gold into it. Shake well. Pan it out and have a great time. This is no risk, you know exactly what you are getting, and is no different than buying dirt from the seller's back yard or local stream. When i'm teaching someone how to pan, i put flakes from my own vials into the dirt so they get the real experience for free.

6. If you are new to this whole gold thing, stay away from paydirt with heavy black sands and/or lots of flour gold. Give your panning skills a chance to mature before you try the pain in the butt stuff :)

7. Do you want a couple nuggets to show up when you are swirling, or do you want to see some flakes in each pan? Decide ahead of time. Having a .5 g nugget show up and only a few flakes can be a mental downer, if you really want to do some panning. Or dealing with flakes and flour might be annoying if you really prefer a couple pickers or nuggets. Think about it first and order accordingly. Or, refer to number 5 above.

8. Do you want to classify or dump it in the pan and go? Read what you are going to get first and decide if it is what you want. If you are paying the shipping, stay away from bags that include boulders and cobbles. They do nothing for your enjoyment but may incur unnecessary shipping charges.

Personally, I have found Toms, Lynch, and GoldBay to at least be honest and contain what they say. You should read the descriptions for yourself to determine if you like it. Here is a comparison of some 1 gram minimum guarantee bags based on today's price and gold price (at 18K). This EXCLUDES shipping costs, which could lower the ROI. Note: Buying more than a gram will *sometimes* increase your ROI, but not always. Buyer beware.

Toms: "One Grammer". "Approximately 1 out of every 10 gets a 25% bonus" (blah blah blah). Possible garnets or added stones.
Price=$69.99 ROI=50.59%

Lynch: "Supremo Gold and Gems". "The gems that you may find in all of the Gizmos paydirts are rough Peridot, Rubies, Sapphires, Turquoise, and even Apache Tears". Sounds like the item below is a better price than this one on just the gold (if you like gem bits, ignore me)
Price=$77.00 ROI=45.98%
To buy 1 gram of raw placer flakes is $56.50 (or roughly 159% of todays spot price)

Lynch: "Black Label Paydirt". 98% magnetic black sand (oooh, sounds like fun. not. lol). "loyal customers report back to us on a weekly basis receiving anywhere from 1.5 grams to even 2 + grams, just from one jar!" (believe that if you wish. or not)
Price: $67.60 ROI=52.38%

GoldBay: "3# Paydirt 1 gram". No claims of gems or other games.
Price=$53.95 ROI=65.6%
To add 1 gram to the bag is $51.00 (or roughly 144% of todays spot price)

Hope this helps a little.
Arnold Lapham

20 Nov 2019 10:11 AM
I like Goldbay because you can purchase dirt with the guaranteed amount of gold in grams.
It’s really good for beginners because you can check to see if you got it all.
You also can buy dirt with different size flakes or small
Charles Besecker

20 Nov 2019 10:41 AM
DraeMail also offers a guranteed amount of gold at a goodvalue.

20 Nov 2019 10:13 PM
Be advised, I sell Paydirt.

My thoughts on paydirt...

1. The only time the purity of the gold recovered from purchased paydirt is relevant is when you are going to sell your gold to a refiner.
They will assay your gold and deduct the % that is not pure. Then they will generally take another 2% off for melt loss.
You'd be better off selling to a paydirt seller. You'll usually get more for it than from a refiner.

2. Most of us who buy paydirt don't buy it for the ROI, we buy it for the thrill of discovery, the excitement of seeing gold show up in the pan.
Does price make a difference? Of course, but as you said, look for a guaranteed minimum and go from there.

3. The more popular paydirt reviewers have all gotten on the bandwagon that it's all about ROI. If it is, why are you buying paydirt in the first place?
Why not just buy bullion and be done with it?

4. Some paydirt sellers take a lot of pride in offering an excellent product which includes not just the gold and the dirt, but also excellent packaging, a little swag, and even a personal note of thanks. If you're doing business with someone who only cares about getting your money, then don't have any allusions about excellent customer service...caveat emptor. In fact, it is my contention that the paydirt supplier who demonstrates integrity, good value, and excellence in execution possesses a competitive advantage over all the shady characters in the marketplace today. It works for me.

5. To me, it is not very satisfying or fun to pan "paydirt' you have made up yourself by adding your own gold or lead shot to dirt out of your own backyard. Yep, it's cheaper, but so's boring.

6. I agree there are paid reviews out there, which I don't trust, and I especially don't trust some who seem more like sponsors of a particularly large paydirt seller. Just count how many times the same supplier shows up in their list of reviews. Klesh usually only reviews once I think.

7. USPS Flat Rate box prices are fixed..."flat rate" - so cobbles and rocks in the dirt don't cost any additional shipping charges.

8. Double check your math. $51 is not 144% of $'s 107%...and nobody uses the correct ROI formula. A $100 bag of dirt yielding $75 in gold yields a negative ROI of -25%, not 75%. Google the ROI formula.

9. I also have a disdain for "Razzes" and other forms of gambling. Just not for me. I am willing to pay for value.

10. Never buy gold paydirt as in investment, it's for entertainment just happens to leave you with something of value. You will rarely get gold worth more than you paid for it.

11. I agree with comments about the Amazon seller.

12. I do like Klesh reviews, but I would urge him to drop the purity calculations.

13. When you show your gold to someone and the first thing they ask is "how much is it worth?" ... Don't bother trying to explain it to them...they don't get it. :-)
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