Last Post 22 Feb 2025 03:29 PM by  BRIAN WILLIAMS
What is the best place to buy pay dirt from
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Doug Wozny

20 Nov 2019 11:17 PM
Thank you for the great reply! For the most part, I definitely agree with you. Many of my statements included things like "if thats your thing, great". This is because some people actually like the "1 in 5 bags gets 25% more" (or whatever) lottery bag stuff. Some think its super awesome to get a little silver coin with their paydirt. Everyone is different, but we all dig seeing that gold show up. Its definitely a "buyer beware" thing.

I've personally bought paydirt for a couple reasons. I refine most of my gold (with metal detecting finds and other jewelry) into small ingots, and rarely have small placer on hand. When my son wanted to learn, I needed some dirt to play in the garage with him. Same thing when my friends have wanted to try it. When the weather sucks or work is killing me, the creeks and hills might not be an option. I really do need to remember keep more raw stuff on hand. One time i needed some real pain in the ass baby-fly-poop with black sand for a club function. I was able to order a couple bags of "Make this as painful as possible" paydirt. It was an awesome teaching day :)

The whole thing boils down to (1) buying from someone with integrity and honesty and (2) getting the most value for your dollar. Beyond that, its a personal preference as to how to spend your discretionary dollar. Even the scam artist amazon seller will get you a couple tiny flakes in the pan, but those that do their homework, can get much more satisfaction for the same price. I would hope nobody however, buys paydirt expecting a gain or positive ROI (yes, that's a grossly incorrect term, improperly used most of the time).

Klesh seams like a good guy with integrity. But with the youtubers, something to always remember is most of them monetize their videos and do the patreon (or similar) donation thing. A few of them are simply there to sell you on products or services. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of that, but when revenues are at stake, it can sometimes steer video content. If you know this ahead of time, its easier to read [view] between the lines for either educational or entertainment value.

Robert Brown

04 Dec 2019 01:03 PM
Right now Goldbay is selling paydirt with at least i gram of gold for less than the spot price.
Keith Roupp

08 Dec 2019 06:21 PM
The best place to buy paydirt would be ran by Dave you get exactly what u pay for u can even buy gold in different mesh sizes all the way up too nuggets and rare specimens Gold for 46$ a gram $1,399 and ounce Go check that out. Your welcome !!!!!
Greg Beers

17 Dec 2019 01:17 PM
I bought 8 bags from Lynch. Not much there . To say it was poor would be generous. Have 2 bags I haven't even bothered to clean up.
Greg Beers

17 Dec 2019 01:28 PM
I tried to buy 2 $100 GPAA bags for Christmas. A special deal. After they were delivered to someone 3 states away, I didn't have too high hopes of getting them so I cancelled and went with a different vendor. So much for GPAA merchandising.
Scott Barnes

06 Jan 2020 12:26 PM
IMO don't buy from bourbon Bob's. I bought 12 lbs of paydirt that was supposedly loaded with gold. I found 8 tiny pieces! I ran it again with my brother who has decades of experience and still nothing. I tried contacting them but they just said to do it again and recover all the gold I missed. I didn't miss any and they suck!
Gerald Miller

10 Jan 2020 05:37 PM
Check out

13 Jan 2020 02:14 PM
Thanks to anyone who mentioned my company Goldbay.

YES I am a paydirt seller and I will chime in.

I have been selling paydirt since 1999, I own a hard rock mine in CA and finance 3 other mines in Idaho and Alaska.

I have the inside front cover full page ad for the next year in Gold Prospector magazine.

I will be at EVERY single GPAA show this year with a major booth.

I am know for 2 things in regards to paydirt, #1) PAYDIRT FOR LESS THAN SPOT #2) 100% money back guarantee for ANY reason (even after you pan it)

I WILL NEVER tell you I am the best (Thats self serving and opinionated), however I will tell you you have NOTHING to lose, if you are NOT happy simply let me know, I will send you a return mailing label and when i get the gold back that you panned I will refund you 100% of your purchase price including shipping. That has in fact happened 4 times since 1999 and I do not feel a compelling need to get to #5 :-)

If you have any questions text me on my cell 509-465-3229, or join my facebook group :-) (Link is in my profile)

Thanks everyone who mentioned Goldbay in their reply to this message thread!


Doug Wozny

19 Jan 2020 12:58 PM
Goldbay is awesome!

I'll add that every time i've bought from him, it has been very high purity (I refine all my gold to .999, then pour ingots). It has also been very low in impurities (it's not full of rocks, quarts bits, etc). He's either got great sources or i've been very lucky :)

Tom Riley

19 Jan 2020 02:53 PM
I only bought from Gold Bay one time so far and was very happy, so happy that I'm buying again. Gonna get the "Snake River" special next time to test my equipment and panning skills.
James Jernstedt

20 Jan 2020 11:08 PM
Gold Bay is the best pay dirt. They guarantee Gold in every bag, I've bought from them and was very satisfied. (build a bag).
James Jernstedt

20 Jan 2020 11:08 PM
Gold Bay is the best pay dirt. They guarantee Gold in every bag, I've bought from them and was very satisfied. (build a bag).

26 Jan 2020 10:42 AM
When I get socked in during the winter or foul weather, I have bought pay dirt from several sources. Years ago I bought most from the Nugget Man and his pay dirt always gave you a bang for your buck. Since his demise I tried a few others but nothing comes close to the Crisson Gold Mine in Dahlonega, Ga. It is a family owned and run business, (Tony, Tammy, and daughter Brianna). They have all season panning areas that are closed up to foul weather and cater to families and kids and large tours as well as the long prospector. You can buy screenings from straight from the pit to concentrates of that are 75 gallon buckets concentrated down to one gallon of supper good fines and would make the old timers come out of the grave. Any time of the year you can order whatever your taste require and they will ship it to your address. This is a place where they care about the new prospector as well as us old timers. It is a wonderful thing to see young people being infected by the gold bug. It is the future of the freedom to the single person to recreational use of the lands to have places to prospect that our government can't make public lands off limits to "We the People".
John Watkins

28 Jan 2020 10:21 PM
Check out Miners Depot in Quartzsite AZ - Best for your money!
Michael Bliss

31 Jan 2020 07:45 PM
Placer gold is very affordable on eBay ..and if you leave a note after purchase for the seller to throw it all in a small bag of Sandy dirt you'll be assured there is no less than what you paid for.. 3 grams Alaska placer for $150 eBay unsure of seller but there are hundreds of sellers
Carol Matthias

01 Feb 2020 07:50 PM
Wow, if your address was right, GPAA didn’t do that, the delivery service did. Are you really blaming GPAA for delivery error? WOW....sorry. BTW, their dirt is really good, I got 40-50 pieces in a small bag, sorry you missed out. You ought to give them another shot.
Doug Wozny

12 Feb 2020 06:53 PM
HAHAHAHA... That's hilarious. I know you are joking though.
David St John

15 Feb 2020 08:35 AM
my 2 cents. i have done well with gpaa paydirt and lyra, constilation mining company. wasnt happy with golden badger.
Joseph David

16 Feb 2020 12:34 AM
I will chime in also as a fan of Roaring Camp Mining Co. Over the last few years, I've bought several of their "big" bags of dirt at various shows where they have a booth, and have used it to practice my panning. I've pulled quite a bit of gold out of each bag, though I've never weighed it. I have never bought it with the intention of getting a return on my investment. I buy it for the opportunity to see what's in it and have some fun panning it. I don't recall any pan that didn't have at least several flakes of gold in it.

Am I getting my money's worth? In my opinion, absolutely. Am I getting my money's worth of gold in each bag? I seriously doubt it, but that's not why I bought it.
As I mentioned above, I bought it for the fun of panning it, not for the value of the gold in each bag.
Mark Tripp

19 Feb 2020 07:17 PM
I just made my first purchase from I got a bag of "Below spot" paydirt. I was extremely satisfied! Fast shipping, and more gold than advertised.

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