ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Jul 2018 07:54 AM |
It seems to be a problem with GPAA claims, and I suspect by non-members that remove signs so that when asked by members, they can say "Oh, didn't know it was claimed". Non-GPAA claim owners tend to be a little harsher on people working their claims. GPAA folks are more likely to invite them to a chapter meeting or try to get them to join, than call the law and have them arrested. If you see a claim sign and are interested in the area, take the information off of it and run the CAMC # through LR2000 or call the BLM state office with it, and check with the county recorder with the claim name and owner and see if the filing and recording is current. Sometimes you will find signs still up after a claim has been closed.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
17 Jul 2018 03:50 PM |
Leo, That is an excellent question that I do not have an answer for. I do know peoples that do and I will be inquiring Knowing law enforcement, they would probably consider that concealed, although I see it differently. Judged by 12 rather than carried by 6 Bill
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Jul 2018 04:34 PM |
I can see that being a gray area, if in the pack, and wearing said pack, it's not readily at hand. If pack is on ground near to hand, it's not on your person. Loaded in a pack might be a problem depending on the jurisdiction, but a speed loader (for revolver) or a mag (for a semi-auto) velcroed to the grip.......weapon is not loaded per definition....., but you won't be digging for something to load it with either. The semi can even be empty with the slide locked back, ready to stick a mag in and drop the slide. Cost is a round, but in a pinch........
At least up here, common sense rules for the time being.........I haven't had a problem with any LEO yet, either federal, state, county or local.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
18 Jul 2018 03:13 PM |
as far as carry it can be open in some areas .Mostly away from people .As far as being loaded is that there can be no bullet under the hammer .That chamber has to be empty .Been stopped many times while hunting .It is all the same .And I did have a hunting partner who carried his gun on the outside of his pack .made it legal.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Jul 2018 04:18 PM |
You could make a case that if in a backpack, it would be in your luggage....
As to an empty chamber, the only time it is addressed in OR, is in the hunting regs, which state that when on an ATV, hunting, all weapons, including bows shall be unloaded. Only exception is a handgun if you have a CCW permit. Does not address the issue if in a normal vehicle, ie. car, pickup,jeep, etc. Anything I carry is either in condition one or three, depending on what it is.
Like I said elsewhere, CA is "different", glad I left back in '71, never to return.
We can now take you back to our original programming.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
18 Jul 2018 07:09 PM |
Yeah, this thread has been hijacked, but good conversation. Encountered a Wildlife/game warden at one of my favorite area's I approached him very causally inquiring about the definition of "open carry" First thing he said "is the weapon in the truck" ? Yes locked up in the tool box was my reply After that he was very pleasant, answered questions We both went on our ways. I believe, your attitude dictates their attitude toward you Bill
Dennis Lynch Greenhorn Posts:17 
19 Jul 2018 07:33 AM |
Now I'm wondering if all the talk about guns is because there's no gold in the claims to talk about. Seems like if there was any gold, there would be club chapters taking care of the claims and putting up markers regardless of the GPAA not feeling the need to bother. Turns out Sacramento, the closest chapter, hasn't even updated their club meetings details since 2015. Millions of people down there too.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
19 Jul 2018 09:38 AM |
Sorry we got off on a tangent.
The claims I've gone to all have gold in one degree or another.
Some chapters will "adopt" claims, and keep up with signage and some don't. It can depend on the chapter's willingness to take them on, distance from said claims, etc. Our chapter adopted the Quartzville Group in Oregon, and we check them out and take corrective measures anytime members are up there and see something amiss, or we are notified of an issue.
Likewise, some claim owners keep up with signage and some are not as diligent about it. The GPAA claims are still owned by members, and for considerations by the GPAA, are made available for the members to make use of. Some owners tend to think that the GPAA will take care of everything from that point on, and that's not always the case, though they try. But almost impossible with the staffing and limited volunteers....we all have life getting in the way of prospecting.
Dennis Lynch Greenhorn Posts:17 
19 Jul 2018 09:57 AM |
Arthur, I wish I was in Oregon with you guys. Granted, I've only been to two claims so far, but both were obviously over worked dead holes, even though I tried to keep my reviews positive. The first claim is between 2 dams and never replenishes and also has sudden water flow increases that have killed people in the past. If I had found an overland way in to the claim, I would have never seen the danger signs at Lady Bug. The other claim has little sluice dams every few feet, and is on one of the original historic gold routes, I'm sure it has been worked hard for 160 years plus, also not replenishing. I think my membership has provided me a nice hiking guide for California, but access to gold bearing claims, I guess I'll find out.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
19 Jul 2018 10:13 AM |
If you go back to those two, as well as any others, take a look for "benches" or steps above the current stream level. Those can be productive as most people will stay at current levels. More work as you have to move material to the water to process, but those will have been there prior to the dams going in. Same process as on the stream, look for inside bends, big boulders, rounded river rock, etc as goldsettled in the same conditions as today. If you ever get up to our area, let me know and I'll try to get you out to the claims in our area.
Dennis Lynch Greenhorn Posts:17 
19 Jul 2018 10:20 AM |
Thanks Arthur.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
19 Jul 2018 04:02 PM |
Sorry for the interruption in the regular broadcast...
In California
In the pak on your person considered concealed carry
Although, some argue a weapon in transit
Pak in the ground not attached to body, not considered concealed carry
Weapon not attached your person
For semiauto weapons, no matter mag in or not
We now return you to regularly scheduled programming...
T Deems Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Jul 2018 04:23 PM |
We have been traveling across the country for the last 9 months. We have tried to go to as many claims as possible as we travel. We have tried to go to about 40 different claims across the country and have only found claim markers on 5. It is seriously frustrating to travel that far and not find the claim because there is no marker. Probably won't remember our membership this year it is too rediculous!
T Deems Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Jul 2018 04:23 PM |
We have been traveling across the country for the last 9 months. We have tried to go to as many claims as possible as we travel. We have tried to go to about 40 different claims across the country and have only found claim markers on 5. It is seriously frustrating to travel that far and not find the claim because there is no marker. Probably won't remember our membership this year it is too rediculous!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
22 Jul 2018 04:33 PM |
In the absence of claim markers you need to use the GPS coordinates that are listed. At least you will be in a generalized area where good is known to be found and that in itself is a great start.