Well, in the Mid Atlantic area, raw gold in the ground is slim pickings so we fill in with some cache hunting for "refined" gold.
I am presently looking for a cache from a stage robbery. I am working with a partner. He heard of an old robbery of a stage in the 1800's from some people who had looked for it. Thru research we found the stage stop where it occurred. The old stage stop, that was a tavern still stands. In the story, 2 guards on the stage heard that a robbery was planned so they removed the cache from the stage and buried it at the stage stop which was a tavern. The robbers didn't find the cache on the stage so they backtracked to the tavern. The guards refused to give the location of the cache, so the robbers shot them. After doing my boots on ground work I realized that the stage actually pulled up across from the tavern. Prior searchers have noted that they searched around the tavern. I think it is buried across from the tavern. I am presently trying to get permission to detect that area.
You never know until the shovel has sung. lol Frank...-