I have been using two sampling methods to find new areas to prospect.
First is either bring water or use available water to pan and finish pan samples on site. If there's the slightest bit of gold it will show up in the finish pan. I'll sample at different depths and locations at one site.
The next way is to take samples from an area in quart ziplock bags or larger buckets, label the bags for location, then either pan and finish pan them at home or run them through my gold cube then finish pan if there's more material.
If I find so much as one Morton Salt or Flour Gold speck of gold then I'll do further sampling to pinpoint things. If not, then I'll cross that location off. Depends if the geology and data on MineCache/Google Earth suggests there "should" be gold in that area and I'm just not honing in on it. 
I've tried using a Fisher Gold Bug to get an idea of things if an area might be gold bearing but so far it hasn't been useful in that way.
Can anyone share how you go about sampling various locations to see if it bears gold?
thanks for sharing,