Work has finally let up enough for me to get out more. This is my first year prospecting and i would like to learn as much as I can about prospecting so I can pass it on down to my youngins'.
I'm 35, A Millwright by trade so I already work my hiny off for a living, but now I'm geared up and ready to DIG!
Inventory is as follows- 2 Fisher Gold bug 2's & all the necessary accessories, a Royal explorer drywasher and blower, picks, pans classifer screens * spell check is broke I guess* and shovels, not to mention a 6 foot stack of buckets all in the bed of a 4x4 diesel. If that's not ready, I don't know what is?!
I've been a hunter for the past 10+ years and have always seen cool mines and places of the old west and asked myself " SELF, I wonder if there is any gold left?"

and he didn't say anything So I said "screw it, what do you know SELF, I'm Ganna check!

Now I know nothing about this stuff outside of watching YouTube videos until i go cross eyed

while drooling over the takes some of those guys get " taking it all with a grain of salt because I know videos are easy to manipulate ".
But if anyone wants to share some tips and tricks with me it would be much appreciated. I'm willing to gas up the rig and head out with ya! Or If your new to this as well looking for someone to explore the hills for that yellow stuff with, let me know too. We all have to start somewhere right, and 2 shovels are better than one in my opinion. Well so long as one person isn't trying to use 2 shovels at once, that would just be silly!
Disclaimer- I don't drink alcohol or do any kinda drugs so If you do disregard my invitation.

That stuff will make ya sick.