J. Bella Greenhorn Posts:9 
16 Aug 2018 07:26 PM |
I was working the Placer Creek claim in New Mexico yesterday and came across this area where someone had dug along and beneath the Forest Service trail that accesses the claim from Hopewell Lake. This is along Forest Road 356A. Not only does this conflict with the standard guidelines of not digging into stream banks ~ one of the conditions the Forest Service is clear about when obtaining authorization to prospect on this claim ~ it's pretty stupid and disrespectful to cause damage to any trail or road we use to access our sites. Acts like these are what get the FS and other members upset and are detrimental to the GPAA's reputation. This claim is not private, it's on Public Land and this particular trail is used by hikers, horseback riders, mountain bikers, skiers, hunters and anglers, and also may be an emergency ingress and egress route for motorized vehicles should the need arise. Now this damage is compromising the integrity of the trail and will lead to erosion issues. The site by the stream where this hole was dug had been worked, but this hole is new and wasn't there earlier this Summer. It looked like someone had set up a highbanker and processed the material from this hole right there and left the tailings between the road and the stream, and either they or someone else lined the larger rocks along the top.

Rhonda Kaupas Greenhorn Posts:7 
17 Aug 2018 12:53 PM |
I used your photo on FB page "Finding Gold in Colorado" as a lesson in what not to do. I gave you photo credit.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
17 Aug 2018 03:15 PM |
Goes against everything (most) of us miners stand for Very disrespectful and lowdown laziness Bill
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
17 Aug 2018 06:14 PM |
stupidity at its best .don't let me see you as you will get in trouble as i have turned in some for misdeeds as this.
WILLIAM VAUGHN Greenhorn Posts:7 
18 Aug 2018 11:51 AM |
No worries, Im retired and will be spending alot of time out for the rest of my life. If I catch you disrespecting any property with stuff like this, I will gladly take pictures and post your face and what you did.
Steve Capelli Greenhorn Posts:2 
22 Jul 2024 12:17 PM |
Hey J. bella. I would really like to take to you about the Placer creek claim. My chame is chris. If you could get ahold of me on here that would be awesome!
Olli Rita Greenhorn Posts:1 
16 Aug 2024 01:01 PM |
Hey Steve, I'm new here in New Mexico and haven't been able to get out yet. If you're looking for somebody to go out prospecting with, let me know.