John Sach Greenhorn Posts:9 
20 Aug 2018 06:27 PM |
I was watching a few years ago Tom walking into a local hardware store
where he bought a bag of Top Soil and he panned it and found a little gold in the bag.
Wondering if anyone remembered that show and what was the name of that bag of soil so I can see if I can find it local too me....Thanks....JT
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
20 Aug 2018 07:39 PM |
I remember a show where Tom had sand from Home Depot that he found some gold in. Not garden soil. Can't remember what show it was though.
I would ask the manager if he knows where the sand comes from. If not from an area that has gold I would try some other store. Good luck !
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
22 Aug 2018 03:33 PM |
Welcom John,
GOLD FEVER was the show
No idea what episode filmed in SoCal
He even finds gold in the cement crevices in the Los Angeles river
I may have it on DVD if someone knows the episode
Sand from the Santa Clarita/N. SoCal area
If you live in the area, try panning some back yard material never know what you'll find
It's out there, ya just gotta go find it.
John Sach Greenhorn Posts:9 
22 Aug 2018 05:14 PM |
Maybe it was sand? I am in the eastern part of Pa. area and was wondering if anyone knew the Brand name of that sand. I think the next time I am at the hardware store I will look where the Soil and Sand comes from.Thanks allllllll JT
David Hay New Member Posts:54 
22 Aug 2018 05:36 PM |
Anyone in the Northern states from the Rockies to the Atlantic ocean could get local sand and have a good chance of finding gold.
Of course, it would be very fine since it most likely came down with the glaciers.
But it would certainly test your skills and equipment.
Have fun
John Sach Greenhorn Posts:9 
28 Aug 2018 08:08 PM |
Would be nice if anyone that knows a few Brand names that might carry some gold...….But still would have too look on the bag to see where it comes from......JT
Tony Scola Greenhorn Posts:9 
29 Aug 2018 09:44 AM |
tom did it with sand from home deot/ it was sand from LA. the show was GOLD FEVER good luck
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
29 Aug 2018 09:46 AM |
I saw the video on you tube a few days ago... It was quickcrete sand from Georgia
Tony Scola Greenhorn Posts:9 
29 Aug 2018 09:51 AM |
someone else did it with georgia sand he did fine gold not much tom massie did it on GOLD FEVER the sand was from LA. he got it at home depot and he made money with his gold i think he got about 30 dollars worth of sand and got about 35dollars worth of gold
Paul Louly New Member Posts:81 
29 Aug 2018 10:20 AM |
Hey everyone, we found the video and posted it on the GPAA YouTube page here:
Gold Fever Ep.166 - "Concrete Jungle"
I'll see if I can get it to work here too for easy viewing.
Happy prospecting!
Bill Bartram Greenhorn Posts:6 
29 Aug 2018 11:40 AM |
Hi, It was actually bags of sand. Look for bags of dark sand. My grandsons, wife and I tried 3 bags. Fine fine fines, would be interested in trying it now that we have a gold cube. Have fun!
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
29 Aug 2018 12:33 PM |
I live in Colorado and bought a bag of sand from Ace Hardware. It came from Alamosa, CO. No gold at all.
Bill Bartram Greenhorn Posts:6 
29 Aug 2018 01:21 PM |
Bought our bags of sand at Lowe’s in Eugene Oregon. Either from Oregon or California likely.
John Sach Greenhorn Posts:9 
30 Aug 2018 08:54 AM |
Next time I am in a hardware store I will have to look for some dark sand and see where it comes from...Thanks for all yea inputs on the subject....JT
John Sach Greenhorn Posts:9 
30 Aug 2018 05:27 PM |
Looked like Tom used QuikRete All Purpose Sand.Just wondering is the Sand from the same place when bagged no matter what state you buy it from?I am on the east coast and wondering if the folks on the west coast get the sand from the same place...………..JT
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
30 Aug 2018 06:05 PM |
I would think all the sand does not come from one location. That is a heavy material and one would think the shipping cost would be high to supply all states from from one point. But you never know.
I can stop at my Home Depot here in Colorado and look at a bag tomorrow to see if it gives a location.
Kenneth Swineford New Member Posts:33 
31 Aug 2018 04:31 AM |
I guess this goes without saying but, make sure you are buying the unwashed sand. I've found Quickcrete brand sand to have small amounts of very fines but its hit and miss but at less than 5 bucks a bag its a cheap source of entertainment for an afternoon. Some areas have landscape places selling decomposing granite as a grit for under patios etc. that can contain gold.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
01 Sep 2018 04:56 PM |
I looked at my local Home Depot. Could not find where it came from on the bag. The bags were plastic and the printing was hard to read. I did notice a silica warning on it so keep it wet.
John Sach Greenhorn Posts:9 
01 Sep 2018 06:19 PM |
I called QuikRete and the operator transferred me but seemed they were gone for the day.Think I will call during the week to see were the Sand comes from....JT
STEVE ZURIAN Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Sep 2018 10:50 PM |
I believe the sand comes from Guadalupe Dunes. The dunes are due west of Santa Maria CA and north of Vandenburg AFB. Beach placer gold is known to occur from there south past Point Sal. You can't drive to Point Sal as the radio fell off the hillside many years ago. When you drive west on West Main Street out of Santa Maria, you drive straight into the dunes preserve and right past the "sand factory". If you drive over the dunes (paved road), you end at a parking lot on the beach. These same dunes are where Cecil B. deMille filmed "The Ten Commandments", and some of the old sets are still there buried in the dunes.