Last Post 30 Aug 2018 04:16 PM by  William Hall
using a claim
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Chris Terry

23 Aug 2018 02:16 PM

    I am a new member, haven't even got my card in the mail yet.

    I am almost ready to try my hand, once I get the card how do I go about using the local claims?

    Do I have to call ahead? make reservation? or can I just show up?

    will someone show up and check that I am there legal?

    Scott Leidenberger
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Aug 2018 03:08 PM

    Let's try this a third time. The first two posts did not send.

    Just take your membership card and Mining Guide. You could be required to let the BLM or NFS know what you will be doing. Maybe even get a permit. The Mining Guide will tell you what if anything is required.

    Will anyone check your membership card ? Maybe not but they should.

    Good Luck,


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    24 Aug 2018 07:21 AM

    As Scott mentioned, depending on which state you are in and claims you go to, you may have to have a permit from USFS or state agency.

    As to claims, just show up when convienient.  You might run across other members, or not.  If someone is there, ask if they are members of the Association. I don't say GPAA, the answer is always yes, half the time the answer to just Association is "what association" or "huh".  Then I know they aren't members.  You might be asked as well.  Just show your card and you are good to go.  If you ask someone and they won't show membership, remind them that it is an active mining claim, for members only, and politely ask them to leave.  If possible get descriptions and vehicle info to pass on.  But don't put yourself at risk, not worth it.  If it's late in the day and they seem like nice folks, I'll let them stay and invite them to our chapter meetings.  Got a couple of members that way.

    If you run across members, they will be more than willing to help and show you the ropes of prospecting, and don't be afraid to ask.   If you have a chapter near you, consider getting to know them.....more opportunity to learn and have fun in a family setting.

    William Hall

    24 Aug 2018 03:29 PM
    Been to several claims a few times
    Been to a few claims several times
    Not once have I been asked about my card
    Some times see people, most times dont see anyone

    Arthur has a great idea inquiring of others about membership
    If kids are involved, have at it. Let me show you how.

    Todd Hoffmaster

    29 Aug 2018 04:01 PM

    I can't wait to get my membership package so that I can start looking at claims. That was some great advice and I will be sure to always carry my membership credentials with me.


    Dennis Lynch

    30 Aug 2018 08:02 AM
    I would add that once you have the claim guide, a decent gps or downloading a decent gps app to your phone will be very helpful in many places. Makes it much easier to find the claim and know where its edges are. I've only been a member for a short time and I already ran into a couple of members that helped show me the trailhead to a claim in Sierra County I wanted to check out.
    William Hall

    30 Aug 2018 04:16 PM
    Keep in mind,
    knowing where you are, is the responsibility of the person in the creeks and woods
    Making every effort to be in the right area/claim
    There are some cases, the next claim over owner, doesnt take kindly to GPAAers, especially on his claim
    and has publicly stated on this forum (maybe the old forum) his dislike

    Be careful out there guys, know where you are
    Reasonably priced hand held GPS are a must

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