Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
29 Oct 2018 05:10 PM |
I was thinking about buying the goldmonster 1000 and then I saw that White's has a new nugget shooter called the goldmaster 24K. Looking for a recommendation as to which is a better detector for gold prospecting. Thanks!
ROBERT MARTINEZ New Member Posts:62 
31 Oct 2018 05:13 AM |
What I've seen the Gold Monster is more user friendly. But I feel both are very capable of finding gold. I personally like to be able to have control over my settings. So I would prefer the Goldmaster 24k.
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
31 Oct 2018 03:31 PM |
Thanks! They both seem like very good vlf detectors. Still up in the air on which detector to buy. Hopefully more youtube videos will be posted with reviews of the 24K.
GORDON FAUTH Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Nov 2018 11:39 AM |
Interested in this question, myself. A lot will depend on whether the 24K's new XGB ground balance system works better than that of the GMT. So far, I haven't seen any direct testing.
JIM MCCULLOCH Greenhorn Posts:19 
02 Nov 2018 03:56 PM |
BOTH the Goldmaster 24K and the Goldmonster 1000 are easy-to-operate, user-friendly, "turn on and go" machines. The 24k ground balances far quicker (3-5 pumps versus 15 to 25 pumps), and handles really mineralized soil FAR better. Since the 24k has MORE options, features, and capabilities, it requires more operator control and expertise to help further "amp up" gold-finding performance. I have used the GMT as my primary VLF machine for 18 years, and now I vastly prefer the 24K. The XGB ground balance system is the most advanced on the market, and combined with an Iron Reject setting of 2 (extreme soil/hot rock) the 24k can be operated under soil conditions which totally defeat other VLF machines. Check out the "Spud Diggers" YouTube channel to see several videos of the 24K in action. For more detailed info feel free to email me at ophirau@gmail.com
GORDON FAUTH Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Nov 2018 10:39 PM |
Posted By JIM MCCULLOCH on 02 Nov 2018 03:56 PM
BOTH the Goldmaster 24K and the Goldmonster 1000 are easy-to-operate, user-friendly, "turn on and go" machines. The 24k ground balances far quicker (3-5 pumps versus 15 to 25 pumps), and handles really mineralized soil FAR better. Since the 24k has MORE options, features, and capabilities, it requires more operator control and expertise to help further "amp up" gold-finding performance. I have used the GMT as my primary VLF machine for 18 years, and now I vastly prefer the 24K. The XGB ground balance system is the most advanced on the market, and combined with an Iron Reject setting of 2 (extreme soil/hot rock) the 24k can be operated under soil conditions which totally defeat other VLF machines. Check out the "Spud Diggers" YouTube channel to see several videos of the 24K in action. For more detailed info feel free to email me at ophirau@gmail.com
Thanks, Jim, good to know.
Rickey Gaskin Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Nov 2018 12:02 PM |
I just retuned from a Nuggetshooter outing in AZ...I have a 24 k...wished I would have gotten the Monster....Monster was more sensitive in my opinion...I got my 24 k for sale now and I only used it for tis outing.
JIM MCCULLOCH Greenhorn Posts:19 
11 Nov 2018 02:17 PM |
Ricky, your only experience with the Goldmaster 24k is ONE time out? And you developed a strongly-held opinion from ONE use? Questions: Did the local dealer who sold it to you train you how to properly tune it? Or did you buy it from the internet from a dealer who did not train you, and therefore you are merely "self taught?". May I ask, did you merely use the very underpowered factory presets, or did you take the time to test more powerful settings? What searchcoil were you using?, What settings did you use? With my 24k, using the extremely sensitive 6" concentric, with gain of 7, VSAT at medium, audio boost level 2 (b2), I can find 1/20th grain microflakes in highly mineralized desert soil with NO problem. Try those settings, and see if that doesn't change your opinion. Also: your other postings on this forum were on 12/9/2017, where you were selling your GPX 4500, and on 1/18/2018, where you were selling your Gold Monster 1000. What didn't you like about THOSE machines? Again, please try the above searchcoil and settings combinations, and see if that doesn't change your opinion. Best wishes and HH! Jim
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
12 Nov 2018 07:32 AM |
Thanks everyone for the great info. I am still undecided on which one to buy though. I will wait for more online reviews of the 24K.
Rickey Gaskin Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Nov 2018 03:41 AM |
Jim , I think you are right so I will give it more time in the field.
I have emailed Whites as I did not get the set with both coils and I want a 6 inch coil.
I do agree with you. I sold my other machines thinking due to some health issues I was not going to be able to hunt any longer....I enjoy the outdoors too much to give up . So I will keep plugging along , Thanks for the reminder of only one time out , it is not near enough time to make a call on the machine.
JIM MCCULLOCH Greenhorn Posts:19 
14 Nov 2018 06:01 AM |
Excellent idea Rickey. Wishing you the best. HH Jimmy M
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
19 Nov 2018 01:25 PM |
Which VLF detector is the most sensitive to small gold? I had a Gold Bug 2 and it did really with small gold. How do the new VLF detectors compare?
Joe Rollins New Member Posts:28 
23 Nov 2018 11:26 AM |
Hi, I have the 24K and like it. Got it from Capitol Prospecting in Portland, OR
I'm a little bit techie and like more personal control over things, and so far I'm pretty impressed!
Whites has a full training program on YouTube, very much worth watching.
I sold the MXT and Sovereign GT a while back and wanted something different for a while, so purchased an ML Equinox 800 and Whites 24K.
I think this is a good combo for now as the Goldmonster 1000 seems more like a big toy and way too "user friendly", and was not impressed.
However- NUGGET SHOOTER (GPAA MEMBER) sells Minelab products and has a pretty good review of the GM1000, he likes it and the Nox800. Look him up on YouTube, he's full of good intel.
Next time I win the lottery I will be getting a GPX 5000 and CTX 3030, I think that will pretty well round out my dream list and I should be good to go. LOL
Hope this helps.
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
23 Nov 2018 11:45 AM |
Thanks Joe but I did just purchase a MineLab Equinox 800 for $674.25 online at Dick's Sporting goods. They have everything 25% off to include the Nox 800. I could not pass up that deal.
Joe Rollins New Member Posts:28 
09 Dec 2018 10:08 AM |
That's a smokin' hot deal, best ever! It's a damned good detector for the price. Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. JR
TERRY SOLOMAN Greenhorn Posts: 
10 Dec 2018 06:06 PM |
Having used both machines, The Whites is not on the same level as the Gold Monster 1000. People I know are already selling their Goldmaster 24K's and buying the Gold Monster 1000. The Goldmaster just can't compare. Like apples and oranges.
JIM MCCULLOCH Greenhorn Posts:19 
11 Dec 2018 08:05 AM |
REALLY Terry? Since people immediately sell or trade in their unwanted metal detectors, then where are all these "unwanted" Goldmaster 24k's being offered for sale? Where? One would think that if these were being traded in for GM's with the big-time national GM dealers, then those same dealers who have Classified Ad sections on their websites would happily broadcast such information. However, as of the time of this posting, NONE of those national dealers (Bill Southern, Rob Allison, Chris Gholson, Gerry McMullen) have ever offered their own "trade-in" 24k's on their sites. Why is that? Searching Craigslist the ONLY 24k listed for sale ANYWHERE in the US is that of Ricky Gaskin, above. Why is that? Nor are there any used 24k's listed on eBay. Why is that? In fact, the ONLY used 24k listed for sale ANYWHERE on the internet is Ricky's ONE machine. Why is he selling it? He tried nuggetshooting, was not successful after a few outings, and since "99% of my hunting is for coins" he is selling it. Frankly, Terry, there is no published evidence to support your allegations. BTW, if you want to know how to properly tune YOUR 24k (Uhh, do you even have one?) I will be happy to mail you a copy of my 24k optimal tuning "cheat sheet" which settings significantly outperform the factory default settings. HH Jim
Bob Clark Greenhorn Posts:16 
10 Jan 2019 06:58 PM |
Jim, I cannot seem to be able to PM anyone anymore, but I would like to have a copy of your 24k cheat sheet
JIM MCCULLOCH Greenhorn Posts:19 
15 Jan 2019 09:51 AM |
Bob, neither can I. My email address is ophirau@gmail.com
Tim Swenor Greenhorn Posts:5 
09 Feb 2019 08:39 AM |
The Minelab Gold Monster is the easiest metal detector on the market today to use. Simply turn on and go technology. It will smack small nuggets hard and handle almost all the harsh soil conditions. Lighter than most detectors on the market it comes with the 5" DD and 10" DD coils, two ways to charge it, collapsible headphones, a digging tool Lithium ion rechargeable batteries, spare alkaline battery tray and an extra lower yoke for making the detector fit anybody's size. Minelabgolddigger