Last Post 05 Dec 2018 04:12 PM by  James Pavli
Garbage on claims
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James Pavli
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30 Nov 2018 10:28 AM
    Hello all, I was recently near one of our claims in Arizona and was a little taken back by the amount of trash that was around. I don't believe it was any of our members trash. I could have filled a garbage truck if I had one. It was sad to see that amount in a wilderness area. What surprised me the most wasn't just one area.  Anyone else encounter large amounts of garbage.


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    30 Nov 2018 11:42 AM
    Our chapter has 3 "adopt-a-claims", and we do several cleanups a year on them. I also have a claim in the same area and have to clean it up a few times a year.

    Mostly roadside trash, and the camp areas. Finding the camp areas say a little cleaner with constant attention, along with the local LEO's forcing the "homeless campers" to move on after their 14 day limit. Fortunate that the claims are far enough back that the cronic dumpers have plenty of areas closer to town to drop their trash, couches, appliances, etc.
    James Pavli
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Dec 2018 06:02 PM
    I have not been truly out in the wilds for awhile and was just surprised. In Ohio illegal dumping is common and I have seen plenty in my years of hunting in the forests of Ohio and Pennsylvania. I guess I didn't expect to see transient camps that were in some of more remote places I was in. I make a lot of noise when I'm by myself for obvious reason when in remote areas. I guess when I finally settle on working a particular claim I'm going to make plans to clean my area up. It's kinda difficult to do when your visiting a foreign country like Arizona.🌵
    New Member
    New Member

    05 Dec 2018 12:20 PM
    When I go out detecting or drywashing I always have an extra trash bag with me. I pick up some trash each time I go out. No big deal. I still get to enjoy the outdoors and scenery and I feel good about what I've done when I get home.
    James Pavli
    New Member
    New Member

    05 Dec 2018 04:12 PM
    Yeah well I could have filled a few dumpsters up with amount of trash that was near our claims. I don't know where I could have dropped any amount of it off since being an out of towner. I wouldn't disturb a squatters camp because of the danger of confrontation. I wasn't talking about a little trash I talking a dump.
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