Last Post 06 Feb 2019 10:29 AM by  James Pavli
claims and drones
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James Pavli
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11 Dec 2018 10:40 AM

    Hello Ken, I was reading your exploits on research of the claims with drones and sympathize with your frustrations. If I may be so bold is to ask what brand were you using. I have a dji spark and was a little hesitant to use it in the desert to research the claims because of the same problems you stated in the pick and shovel gazette. You can PM me if it is out of order to ask you questions of paticular products that you use in the field. Thanks for all your work here at GPAA.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11 Dec 2018 11:36 AM
    The drone that decided to find a new home was a 3DR which is not built anymore. It has been replaced with a Mavic Air and I have had no issues with this bird. I do know a few Spark owners that share your concerns because of the size and weight in unpredictable desert winds.
    Set your max height and distance to something that you are comfortable in hiking in the event that the wind kicks it around a bit and you should be fine. I also would highly recommend that you keep a battery with just a few minutes of flight time in the bag to test the air and any interference that the remote connection could face. Just remember it is a flying camera with a wireless connection that just may decide that it wants to go away. A low life test battery will assure you of feet over miles if you have to recover.
    James Pavli
    New Member
    New Member

    06 Feb 2019 10:29 AM
    Hey Ken, thanks for the reply i"m still a novice flyer and prospector too. I have seen people destroy their drones by not being attentive to where they were flying. I have air map to let me know where i can fly it safely. Arizona has restricted areas that people ignore. Thanks again.
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