PETE KOTTKE Greenhorn Posts:17 
29 Dec 2018 03:10 PM |
Yesterday I went to a public area to do some stream digging. With a bucket, shovel, sluice box in hand, I trekked to my spot and did some digging. As I was walking out with my gear, I noticed panners walking in with a unique backpack. I didn't get a picture of their pack, but I can describe it. It looked like an external backpack. It had two vertical pouches, one on each side of the area that housed a 5-gallon bucket and sluice box. That area for the bucket was intentionally void, specifically to hold the bucket and maybe sluice box too. It looks commercially made. Can anyone send me a link where I might be able to get one? It sure seemed to make it easier to pack in my equipment. Thanks
Logan Lightfoot Greenhorn Posts:2 
23 Jan 2019 04:16 PM |
Yeah I haven't seen anywhere you can buy packs like that either. Ive seen alot of people custom make them. Thats what i would suggest, buy a pack frame that has the drop down seat, and just strip it down to the frame and start making custom latches/buckles, extra pockets, reinforce the seat to carry heavy buckets. Just build it to suit your needs. I just picked up a older pack frame for 3 bucks at a garage sale, and thats my plan.
Gary Whited Highbanker Posts:120 
23 Jan 2019 06:07 PM |
I would suggest that you consider a military surplus ALICE pack either medium or large with a frame. Sometimes you can find a fold down shelf for them. They offer a great value for the versatility. ALICE frame is very sturdy and you can hang almost anything off it. I have been using one for 20+ years and bought it at a garage sale for almost nothing. Craigslist and Amy Surplus stores often have many of them. Shop around for a good deal.
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
15 Feb 2019 02:35 PM |
I also have an alice pack five gallon buckets fit into it easily plus you have other pockets for other tools you can always hang pans or classifiers of it with caribiners
Richard Brasier Greenhorn Posts:4 
11 Mar 2019 07:14 PM |
I’ve looked for backpacks when I’m panning I like to walk up the creek or stay on the water easier walking felt soled hip waders Keep crevice tool and a small sucker A water bottle and lunch sniffer bottle on the shoulder strap