I took the chance and went this year to Cripple River Gold Mining Camp outside of Nome.. I am so happy that I went for 2 weeks with my 57th birthday right in the middle. From the time I got off the plane I was around some great people that proved invaluable during my adventure.
My first week stayed abit wet with Rain and a bit of wind, The crew at the camp stayed on top of things and there was plenty to keep me busy. A trip into Nome was Great for me as it was my chance at showing others of my gold panning skills. It was an annual panning contest. After many placed their time it was my turn. I finished in 18 seconds flat. That placed me on the top with many still to try. Well in the end my time held up and I finally won a Panning contest. My trip went in to the second week an just kept getting better. I spent plenty of time on the beach collecting gold from the beach sands, The chow hall crew have to be commended for every meal was different, nutritional and always tasty In fact I want to thank all the camp crew for an adventure of a lifetime for me and so many others that have had the pleasure of their hospitality.