Last Post 24 Jun 2021 09:50 AM by  John Watkins
Handheld GPS
 8 Replies
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Jason deBroux

22 Jan 2019 10:31 AM
    Hey there fellow prospectors.

    My wife got me membership for Christmas and Im in the midst of planning a few trips to some of the local claims. It dawned on me that I will probably need something that will be able to tell me my current location. I want to avoid inadvertently digging on property that I don't have any access to. With that being said, can any one out there recommend a modestly priced, handheld GPS that is able to cache loations/coordinates, provide a map and has way point to way point navigation?

    Thanks in advance

    William Hall

    23 Jan 2019 07:39 PM
    Welcome Jason,

    As with any technology, how much you want to spend ?
    Garmin puts out several hand held devices, I have an older Garmin Rhino that works well in mountainous terrain, really more than one needs.
    I'm sure there are other manufacturers out there as well
    Cabelas or Bass Pro website would have all the info you need
    Some have said you can download an app to your phone that does not need cell service, works like GPS.
    Good thinking on your part, it is your responsibility to know, you are where you belong

    Get out there and find some gold, stop and enjoy the surroundings

    Jason deBroux

    24 Jan 2019 03:38 PM
    Hey Bill, Thanks for the reply. I’m willing to drop $200-$250 and not much more. Maybe I’ll check out those apps and bass pro and cabelas. As for knowing where I’m working, yeah, I don’t want to inadvertently jump someone’s claim and end up with a gun pointed at me or get cited by the USFS and get slapped with a fine. Which Garmin model are you using ?
    William Hall

    24 Jan 2019 08:25 PM
    I have an older Garmin 530HCx
    I asked for a GPS hand held for christmas, not expecting anything really = few dollars, Santa was very good to me
    Depending on your location, software loaded, you may consider getting something that will accept an SD card with loaded topo's and other maps
    GPS comes in very handy for many reasons and abilities
    Jumping a claim is someone "claiming" over another claim to sell or ?, what you dont want to do is "high grade" anothers claim, going on someone else's claim taking minerals
    You can do most anything on a valid mining claim, except mine for minerals. You can camp, fish, swim, walk the dog, no mining "IF" the claim is valid
    Generally speaking, you should never let someone point a gun at you, "most" folks out there are there for the fun pleasure of being out. Be respectful but peaceful, expect the same
    I have been lied to about a claim, after doing the research, I learned differently.
    Dont believe everything you hear, research it
    Get out and find the fever.

    Jason deBroux

    24 Jan 2019 10:39 PM
    Great info, I’ve learned a few things just by reading your replies. Thanks Bill it is much appreciated !
    Brad Hatt
    New Member
    New Member

    30 Apr 2019 10:32 AM
    I use a Garmin 64s it has lots of great features and its in your price range.
    John Watkins

    12 Nov 2019 11:16 PM
    i have owned a couple Garmin GPS units in the past but no longer use one. I use my cell phone exclusively. All newer cell phones have a built in gps chip that uses satellite technology. You DO NOT need cell phone reception to utilize the gps function. But you do need to download an app designed for hiking, hunting, etc. I personally use GAIAGPS downloaded from the app store for my iphone. I have also used it on an Android phone. They have a free version and a paid version that has a few more bells and whistles but not necessary.

    You can put in a claims corner markers latitude and longitude locations as waypoints prior to going in the field so you will know when on the claim. Or you can find a corner marker in the field and make a waypoint at that precise location. This app will also track you as you travel if you want.

    Check out for more details.

    Best of luck gold hunting!!
    Bill Wiggins

    24 Jun 2021 03:24 AM
    Posted By John Watkins on 12 Nov 2019 11:16 PM
    i have owned a couple Garmin GPS units in the past but no longer use one. I use my cell phone exclusively. All newer cell phones have a built in gps chip that uses satellite technology. You DO NOT need cell phone reception to utilize the gps function. But you do need to download an app designed for hiking, hunting, etc. I personally use GAIAGPS downloaded from the app store for my iphone. I have also used it on an Android phone. They have a free version and a paid version that has a few more bells and whistles but not necessary.

    You can put in a claims corner markers latitude and longitude locations as waypoints prior to going in the field so you will know when on the claim. Or you can find a corner marker in the field and make a waypoint at that precise location. This app will also track you as you travel if you want.

    Check out for more details.

    Best of luck gold hunting!!
    Hey John. I got the gps app on my phone also use google maps but the cords are off. When I tried to find the claim I just bought.
    I happens to find one corner by accident then worked out where I was.
    I remember something about having to set my gps to NAD 83??? Guessing the updates to google and such make it off from what seller sent. Anyhow how do I change to that nad83 ??
    John Watkins

    24 Jun 2021 09:50 AM
    On a Gaiagps system To change datum go to settings, units, dayum type, change to WGS84.
    Happy prospecting! :-)
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