Todd Knauber Greenhorn Posts:4 
12 Feb 2019 06:45 PM |
Good evening all! First time poster, and recent remember of the GPAA! I was looking at the property in Buchanan, GA and was curious if anyone had tips they were willing to share? Despite ten ish years of trail panning I have yet to find a flash in the pan. Any help is appreciated; I am eager to listen!
Jim Harding Greenhorn Posts:2 
12 Feb 2019 09:12 PM |
I've been to Buchanan and had color show up in my pan. If you're lucky enough to meet any of the local members, they will be more than willing to make sure you see that flash in your pan. It's mostly flood gold, it's not big but it's there. The flow is good enough for a small sluice, which will help you process the gravel. I was there last February.
Todd Knauber Greenhorn Posts:4 
13 Feb 2019 07:59 AM |
Thank you for the guidance friend! Here's hoping there will be other prospectors around to learn from. I have a small angus mackirk sluice and my screens; fingers crossed I can report back with great news!
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
16 Feb 2019 07:18 AM |
Screen and wet youre material before feeding it through. That will help with fine gold recovery.
Todd Knauber Greenhorn Posts:4 
16 Feb 2019 10:05 PM |
So scour the pan and soak the material after classifying. Excellent advice! Thank you!