Jerry Johnson Greenhorn Posts:12 
26 Feb 2019 11:20 AM |
I am Jerry Johnson, retired and recent widower, reside at daughter's in Buchanan, VA. By the 1st of april I will be headed to LDMA Staunton outing on 4/9-14, after that who knows? I am now a full time prospector, still a greenhorn, lifetime LDMA and GPAA. My home is now a 31' Toy hauler with a UTV being hauled, pull behind with a F250 4x4, m8' bed with camper top. Looking to meet up with someone, starting in AZ, ( or otherwise ) and explore the claims of the west. Open to all areas ( weather permitting ) contact me @ 540-798-7298
David Hartman Greenhorn Posts:8 
27 Feb 2019 05:57 PM |
Hi, I am a Greenhorn and want to learn from experience. I will be in the Leadville CO. area all summer and looking for a friend to prospect with. I am a 61 year old retired firefighter with a able body and am eager to learn an have fun. I have my own tools and hopefully by June have a Gold hog Stream sluice. I will be campground hosting in the area and will have lots of time during the week an little time on weekends.
Rhonda Kaupas Greenhorn Posts:7 
05 Apr 2019 02:45 AM |
Where in Leadville are/will you staying? We are also looking for an rv park close to claims. Thanks!
Debra Salazar Greenhorn Posts:15 
24 Apr 2019 05:11 PM |
Rhonda, I don't subscribe to fb, etc. My cell phone number is 5059773539. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Deb
Debra Salazar Greenhorn Posts:15 
24 Apr 2019 05:30 PM |
Hello David. My name is Debbie. Nice to meet you. Did you go to Stanton? I did. My very first time! I had a great time! I live in Albuquerque, NM. My cell phone number is 5059773539 but no voice mail. However I do have a land line. 505 554-1848 I am looking forward to hearing from you! I hope we can text or talk soon, because I am already dying to get out again soon! Debbie
Rhonda Kaupas Greenhorn Posts:7 
30 Aug 2019 06:56 PM |
Are you still in the area, David? We're at Ark River Rim Campground north of Buena Vista. I've been hitting the local areas and also joined the CGC.
David Hartman Greenhorn Posts:8 
31 Aug 2019 08:33 AM |
Rhonda I am still in the area PH #970-945-5905
Ernest Gollihue Greenhorn Posts:4 
06 Sep 2019 04:24 PM |
I'm a new member and looking for someone to prospect and mine with. I'm Mick and live in Apache junction Arizona. I also have a local club I belong to and we have a claim in Hayden. I can be reached here or call my mobile and please leave your name and number on my voice mail and I will call you back. (480) 809-5804. I have everything with the exception of no gold detector and car so it's hard to get around. I do have a minelab 66 detector though. I hope we can get together Mick
Robert Hoppe Greenhorn Posts:1 
25 Feb 2020 03:46 PM |
Hi Mick, Bob here - just ordered (should arrive next week) a Minelab monster 1000. Completely new to metal detecting and am knee deep in learning! I'm in N. Scottsdale AZ, and semi retired (plenty of time to metal detect). Let me know if you're still up to it.
Alexander Petzinger Greenhorn Posts:13 
06 Mar 2020 09:51 AM |
Greetings from Yuba City, CA. I'm Alex and plan to go to an private gold claim near Washington, CA on March 12-14 (Thurs-Saturday). The claim is on a feeder creek into the South Fork of the Yuba River. I have a full wet suit, crevicing tools, hookah system, metal detector, etc, (basically everything except a dredge or highbanker). I've also got a trusty 4wd. Please contact me if you wish to come join me and get some good sized gold! 469-525-9474
Robert Blake Greenhorn Posts:1 
29 Oct 2020 06:10 PM |
I'm a new member and looking for someone whoever live in the San Diego area so that I can become your partner for teamwork to find place to mining dry river or crevices rocks or others. I'm deaf person with American Sign Language, and sometime I can read lip if you talk slowly. I'm unable to hear your voice when you are talking to my phone. please leave your name and number on my text and I will text you back. Here is my mobile number 619-739-1839 (text only) I'm looking for gold some place else I don't know where at I could join with partner who know where of San Diego/imperial County or planner trip. Appericate and Thank you. My callsign: DeafSoul Robert B [b] [/b]