Carrie Sams Greenhorn Posts:4 
30 Mar 2019 09:20 PM |
My husband and I are from Colorado and are new to prospecting. we are trying to get out there and live our dreams. if there are any tips or information anyone can share we are very appreciative, and would love to hear from you.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
31 Mar 2019 01:44 PM |
Carrie, What part of Colorado are you from ? I may know a few places you could prospect. Do you have any equipment yet ? If you are near the Denver area I would highly recommend going to the GPAA Gold & Treasure show on April 13 & 14 at the National Western Complex. Also join your local chapter they can be very helpful and have group outings and get togethers. Scott L.
Casey Lofton Greenhorn Posts:4 
31 Mar 2019 08:57 PM |
My kids n I are currently in Leadville. Went to the gpaa claim just south of here for about a hr. Am gonna go back in the next few days. Only got a test pan out but kids were wanting to go snowboarding so havent panned it yet. If yall are close my number is 270-703-4479. Im new to prospecting but plan on seeing some yellow!
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
01 Apr 2019 07:26 PM |
Welcome Carrie, Dont spend alot of money on gear until you figure out the type of prospecting you plan on. Checking out a gold show is an excellent suggestion, as well as checking out a chapter, good folks, good information Gives you opportunity to check out different types and different areas for mining Take your time, go slow, the gold aint going anywhere, there still plenty out there Bill
Carrie Sams Greenhorn Posts:4 
01 Apr 2019 08:10 PM |
. we are prepared to camp anywhere we can and get out of the city. we are looking to go towards Leadville when we can afford to spend a week or so down there. thank you for the offer we are new also my number is 720-354-8642, if you you would like to chat.
Carrie Sams Greenhorn Posts:4 
01 Apr 2019 08:12 PM |
I actually do not know which chapter is the one we would go to, we live in Aurora but only until we finish our trailer. we have a metal detector and some pans, my husband is building a sluice when it warms up more. we also have a classifier and some other thing like a shovel etc. we are prepared to camp anywhere we can and get out of the city. thank you for the helpful information
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
01 Apr 2019 09:51 PM |
Carrie, Your local chapter is the Foothills Chapter in Golden, CO If you are able to get to the Gold & Treasure show I'm sure the Foothills Chapter will have a booth at the show. Scott
David Holley Greenhorn Posts:3 
08 Apr 2019 09:33 PM |
Would highly recommend going to the gold show in Denver. Kevin Hoagland will bee there and I will answer any questions that you have. Working on 2 more claims in the Leadville area. Hope to see you there.
WESLEY MORLANG Greenhorn Posts:1 
08 Apr 2019 10:19 PM |
I highly recommend joining Kevin Singel's face book page, Finding GOLD in Colorado! Lots of good folks and good information. Check out his free web site also, same name, and if that is the kind of information you are looking for, he has a book, Finding GOLD in Colorado...I highly recommend it. I am a retired guy so I have a lot of time to prospect. I work a lot of the GPAA claims in southwest Colorado near Gateway. They have treated me well. I am easy to find on Kevin's facebook page!
David Hartman Greenhorn Posts:8 
13 Apr 2019 11:25 PM |
I an a new prospector an will be camped in the area of Leadville Co. June July an Aug. of 2019. I am looking for a prospecting partner / mentor. I am a 61 year old retired firefighter and have my own tools.