Last Post 30 Jun 2019 11:45 PM by  Rich Nesbit
Blue bowl Vs Spiral wheel
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Tylor Hoffman

26 Jun 2019 06:27 PM
    Blue bowl Vs Spiral wheel? Looking for opinions from those who have used both and prefer one to the other and why.
    Christopher Satkowski

    27 Jun 2019 05:44 PM
    I never used a blue bowl but didn't look like it could move a lot of material, also appeared the dirt needed to be classified, which is extremely labor intensive: > 8 Mesh +20 Mesh +50 Mesh +100 mesh.

    The wheel can move things quicker, by the scoopful, but is quicker at running concentrates, but not quick enough for paydirt. I did have a spriral wheel, but sold it. Now, I have a Gold Cube and even better a reverse helix trommel. IMOH both of those are better choices than the two you mentioned. I think panning would be quicker for your typical prospector. We don't usually have buckets of concentrates to go through.

    A Spiral Wheel would be good if you have buckets of black sand to go through with very little gold, like "second time throughs," but other than that, might not be what you're looking for. I sold my Spiral Wheel to someone going after free milling, lode gold, I think he crushed quarts, and not sure if he ran it through the dry washer first, but a wheel might be good for that.
    William Hall

    27 Jun 2019 06:59 PM
    Welcome Tylor,

    Having and use a blue bowl myself, once a year to rerun cons a last time
    Has to be level and controlled water speed
    I can tell you it is not for production purposes
    I as well as many others only use it for final clean up into a snuffer bottle
    then that gets cleaned of black sands
    You dont mention where you are considering using one of these units
    As Christopher suggests, neither piece is suitable for production work (on the creek)

    Carry on,
    Tylor Hoffman

    28 Jun 2019 06:43 AM
    I have a Gold cube and was asking in order to determine the best way to go through the cons at home that the cube accumulates on site. Thanks for the info so far!
    Rich Nesbit

    30 Jun 2019 11:45 PM
    The blue bowl works better for black sand and micro gold. The spiral wheel works better for larger dirt. Most times you want to mesh the black sand to 50 or even better 100 mesh for the bowl. Have you considered a quik kiln?. I have often thought about this however not researched it
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