Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
02 Jul 2019 10:40 AM |
I cant see my profile, or access my chapter's profile anymore... I take it these have been eliminated from the website now?
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
02 Jul 2019 11:15 AM |
Shawn, A topic has been started on this. Scroll down on forum topics within the last week and look for "What gives". This may answer your question.
Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
13 Jul 2019 08:16 AM |
If I gotta go back 7 pages of posts and cant find it, it isnt relevant. A link to the post you reference would be appreciated.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
13 Jul 2019 10:10 AM |
Shawn, Look at today's active topics "What Gives".
Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
13 Jul 2019 09:32 PM |
Scott, found it. I was looking for the thread in Greenhorns vs Kevin's posts. The changes made to may have needed a bit of 'splaining before they were initiated and it appears that the IT gurus may be on the case. My chapter had a change in our August outing that I couldn't change here on the site. I believe my chapter President has communicated this to home office as we just had a email from them asking if our outing info and contact info was correct. I run our chapter's website and admin our facebook page along with another person or two. It was nice to be able to message fellow gold seekers here on the site. Too bad this has gone to the wayside.