Allen Jennings New Member Posts:31 
15 Jul 2019 09:33 AM |
I was watching an older episode of Gold Trails, "Nuggets Nuggets Everywhere", where you Kevin and Chris Ralph were staking a claim up near La Porte CA in a hydraulic pit. I don't see it in the guide or online and was wondering what happened with it? Thanks in advance, Allen Jennings
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
15 Jul 2019 03:16 PM |
Allen, We made the cardinal sin of claiming, we talked about where we were while we were in town. A few days went by from the time that we filmed to when we made it to the recorders office and the BLM. By the time that we found that another party had recorded the claim in the county before we had, the episode aired. Lesson here, find it, say nothing, claim it!
Allen Jennings New Member Posts:31 
16 Jul 2019 10:25 AM |
I'm sorry to hear that, the area is so beautiful up there and now that the summer temps are up it is also cooler than in lower elevations. My oldest son and I have been prospecting around up in that area and have found a spot that is giving up some small stuff that only our VLF's are able to detect. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone sees our workings and claims it too.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
16 Jul 2019 11:01 AM |
Allen- If it's open to claiming, then jump on it. Doesn't take that much to file.....Fill out the form, record at the county office and send in with the fee to BLM....Done deal. If you do it before Sept. 1st, be sure to file the "intent to hold" along with it. Don't ask how I know that little bit of info...cost me a few $$. Grew up in Quincy, so know most of the area, though I'm sure it has change a lot in 50 years.
Allen Jennings New Member Posts:31 
17 Jul 2019 09:10 AM |
Not sure it's worth it Arthur, in three trips up, 2-3 people per trip, we've only found about a gram and a half. It is fun though to actually find gold with the metal detectors so we do keep going back lol.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Jul 2019 11:04 AM |
You can be sure that if you have gotten a gram and a half with detectors, there is a lot more fine stuff there. That area is worth doing some more sampling and testing. Run some pans and really see what you have. My own personal claims don't have any gold that would commonally be found with a detector, but still worth playing on. Once you get the initial cost of a claim done, the yearly fees are practically nothing.. Yeah it cost me $367 to BLM and $16 to record with the county on a 40 acre filing, but now that I can do small miner exemption, it runs me $15 to BLM and the $16 to the county recorder. Pretty cheap way to have 40 acres to work on and at least recover the cost of having it. BLM fees just took a little jump though, so it would be a little more, and your county fees might be different. **EDIT** If you do find it is open to claim, fill out the form and get it recorded ASAP. You have 90 days from the date of location as noted on the form to get it and the fees to BLM. Always send by certified mail, return receipt...then you have a record they got it. Same with your August and December filings with them. The first one to the recorders office wins in any dispute. And BLM will take your money if you file and it is already refunds either.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
17 Jul 2019 06:29 PM |
I would strongly agree with Arthur, If you finding small stuff, think of the stuff that isint at or slightly below grade look around for a likely spot (s), dig some test holes or go rent a post hole digger and hit some spots not knowing the conditions, just a thought be sure to file back in after you map your holes maybe even some camouflage to hide your work See Kevin's comment above "cardinal sin" Bill
Allen Jennings New Member Posts:31 
18 Jul 2019 10:16 AM |
Spoke to my son last night and he is agreeing with both of you so we'll be testing and if it looks good enough claiming ASAP. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated gentlemen.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Jul 2019 11:08 AM |
I wish you and your son good fortune on it, and it is open to get if you think it is worthwhile. Once you get the location on a map down the exact spot as to township, range, and section (ie. sw1/2 of se1/4 of nw1/4), call the BLM state office, minerals section. They can tell tell you exactly where any claims are located (LR200 only goes down to 1/4 section, and may not be current on a daily basis), if active or closed, and who hold the mineral rights. ( my claim is half USFS and half private timber company, but the feds hold the mineral rights on the timber co. ground) Double check with the country recorder before doing anything as they have the last word on who has a claim.