Last Post 29 Aug 2019 12:56 PM by  GEROLD PERSONETT
Lucky Linda Again
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23 Jul 2019 12:23 PM
    In November, weather permitting, I'm planning a trip to LLA and wanted to know if I can tent camp next to the dirt road just west of the claim. My plan is to camp along the road just west and center of the claim and walk to the claim. I know there is an elevation drop getting to the claim, but looking at google maps that appears to be one of my best options. Any suggestion, comments or ideas would be helpfull. I'll be metal detecting only, using a Goldbug 2, and a 6" coil. I know the road can get bad when it has rained, I drive a F250 4X4 and it likes driving on bad dirt roads. Thanks, Jerry from Vancouver Washington.
    Christopher Satkowski

    23 Jul 2019 04:03 PM
    Unfamiliar with that claim other than somewhere in central AZ, but if its BLM land then yes, if its state land, you need a permit. http://www.mylandmatters....aps/ClaimsAz/GetMap. I'd then check the bottom box "land manager" and then see if it turns yellow for BLM or blue for State Trust land. You can purchase a state trust land permit, that will allow camping at: for around $20, at least that's what my family permit cost.

    Wasn't there a very large nugget, multi ounce, taken off the Lucky Linda Claim many years ago? November can be a good time to go to AZ. At my elevation of 1000 feet, maybe 70° in the day and 50° at night, drop that about 5° for every 1000 foot rise. Monsoon season is now, so odds of a hard rain are rather low in November.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Jul 2019 04:19 PM
    If your 250 loves bad roads then you might want to consider coming in from the north. There has been a few 2x4 come all the onto the claim from this direction. here is a video that talks about all of the ingress points. The eastern ingress Hell Road will get you right where most of the prospecting is going on and is not a bad drive if you know your rig and your skill level. Good luck and remember to post on the online mining guide. Chances are pretty good I'll see you out there. I do spend a lot of time on the claim in the cooler months.
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    New Member

    23 Jul 2019 04:43 PM
    Thanks Kevin and Chris, I plan on coming in from the north past the Chicken house, and if I take it slow and easy just like swinging a coil I think the pickup will do fine. I checked, and if the maps are correct there isn't any trust land near the west side of LLA. I visited the old Lucky Linda about 15 plus years ago and there was a real nice nugget found there, but I really focus on the hunt and the small gold, but I'm pretty sure if I find something big I'll be OK. Thanks again for the replys and I hope I'll have a nice report to post when I get back.
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    24 Jul 2019 09:29 AM
    Thanks again Kevin, hope to see you sometime. I'll be there around the November 2nd and heading home on the 8th, Plan A is to set up just west of claim post 8 and 9 but I might check out the east access too. I'll be driving a white 1995 F250 so if you do see it out stop on by and say hi, it would be great to finally meet you in person. I'll spend 3 or 4 days there and then plan B is to head over to Vulturebait and spend a few days there. This weekend I'll check out that youtube video you mentioned, I watched the one you did on LLA not sure yet if this is the same one or not, but I'll be watching it again if it is.
    Christopher Satkowski

    26 Jul 2019 10:49 AM
    Vulture bait is located right next to a bunch of other GPAA claims in the Maricopa Group. I can't speak for Lucky Linda, but Vulture Bait you'll probably see another member at that time of year. Plenty of places to tent camp in the Maricopa Group.
    New Member
    New Member

    29 Aug 2019 11:51 AM
    Hello again Kevin, I'm still planning my trip to LLA in November and had another question for you. I know you use PI detectors mostly now, I'll be using a Goldbug2, have you or do you know if anyone has had any success using the GB2 on LLA?, I prefer using my 6.5" coil but would the 10" coil be better to get a little bit more depth? I know there has been some larger nuggets found in the area but I'm hoping there are some smaller one's too, which the GB2 really likes. Vulture Bait was good to me using my 6.5" coil so I'm hoping LLA will be good to me too.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    29 Aug 2019 12:34 PM
    I really couldn't tell you how many nuggets I have pulled off those claims over the years with Gold Bugs. Remember, Before PI there was the Bugs. The GBII will do fine there and the 6.5 is the right choice in coils. Bring the 10 with you and if you hit a patch of little guys after you get all that you can find, swap to the 10 and hunt it again.
    NOW for the tech stuff, you will have to re-balance the GBII on almost every swing of the coil. Not a big deal, it becomes second nature in a very short time. Is a big deal if you do not keep the GBII in perfect ground balance.
    That is one of the reasons mine has not been on the shaft since about a month after Fisher released them so long ago. I have my control box an a web belt on my left side (I'm a rightly) and control the GB with one left hand finger.
    Once you are in balance on your initial ground balance, it takes very little to keep it there, just a little tweak her and there after every swing.
    Remember, to have the threshold set to the mosquito buzzing your ear and dig everything that breaks the T-hold.
    You got this!



    Posted By <a href='' class='af-profile-link'>GEROLD PERSONETT</a> on 29 Aug 2019 11:51 AM
    Hello again Kevin, I'm still planning my trip to LLA in November and had another question for you. I know you use PI detectors mostly now, I'll be using a Goldbug2, have you or do you know if anyone has had any success using the GB2 on LLA?, I prefer using my 6.5" coil but would the 10" coil be better to get a little bit more depth? I know there has been some larger nuggets found in the area but I'm hoping there are some smaller one's too, which the GB2 really likes. Vulture Bait was good to me using my 6.5" coil so I'm hoping LLA will be good to me too.
    New Member
    New Member

    29 Aug 2019 12:56 PM
    Great to hear from you again, It's good to hear the GB2 has found gold on the LLA. That's the reason I keep my 10" coil around in case (when) I do come across a patch. I Gound Balance all the time and it's second nature now and don't even need to think about it, I run my GB2 as senitive as I can so I have to GB it sometimes every few swings of the coil, plus with my slow swing speed I find alot of real small trash so it sounds like I'll have a pretty good chance on LLA too. Thanks again and maybe I'll see you out there in November.
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