Stuart Brough New Member Posts:29 
31 Jul 2019 10:26 PM |
On the site, it gives totally different GPS coordinates for the ingress/center mark than what is in the mining guide (2018) for the Crimson Dove claims in Utah. The website coordinates (which, unless I'm mistaken, only give the ingress and center -- no corners) put the claim in the Fishlake National Forrest, close to the Fremont Indian State Park, right in Mill Creek The guide coordinates put it about 20 miles southeast in the middle of a swath of desert. Which is correct? I've got a campground reserved near the coordinates from the website, and I don't want to go panning for gold and getting a ranger all riled up.
Stuart Brough New Member Posts:29 
01 Aug 2019 10:44 AM |
I looked up the UMC#s, and the website is correct. I'm not sure if anyone from GPAA monitors the forum, but if they do, please correct the information for these claims in the next guide. Also, if the site could get corner GPS locations, that would be fantastic. Would save a lot of time wandering.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
02 Aug 2019 12:43 PM |
Stuart, Would you please email me? I would like to know if you are loading the coordinates into a GPS unit and if if so, what datum set are you using? I have checked Ingress & center of claim in the 2018 printed guide, 2014 guide and the online mining guide as well as verifying all of the corners, ingress & center coordinates are correct with the original coordinates from the GIS mapping software. We need to figure out what is happening. I know it is nothing as simple as leaving the - off in the longitude (112) since that takes you to the Shanxi Province in China.
Stuart Brough New Member Posts:29 
02 Aug 2019 03:11 PM |
Hi Kevin, It appears that, as my wife tells me, I was hogging all of the stupid. My device was set to DD, and I was entering DMS, so it was making it into DD format, but not converting (i.e. 38º33'32.675" -112º22'15.582" to 38.3332675 -112.2215582; instead of 38º33'32.675" -112º22'15.582" to 38.559076, -112.370995). I'm terribly sorry for the error on my part. I hope this didn't cause you any undue work trying to divine my daftness. -Stu
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
02 Aug 2019 03:21 PM |
Stu, I appreciate and am very glad that you sorting this out. Please never apologize for "daftness". (and thank you, for using a word I have not seen used in some time.) For myself, it is about helping members become better prospectors. You have just been a part of that as well. By sorting out your issues and posting the results, you will undoubtedly help another member experiencing the same "daftness" Thanks for your response and answer to your issue. Regards, Kevin
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
02 Aug 2019 05:46 PM |
Stuart, LMAO @ "hoggin all the stupid", thats a great line, hope you dont mind me using it You arent the first or the last, to over look a detail such as this good experience and knowledge Bill
Gerald (Jerry) Traylor Greenhorn Posts:3 
04 Aug 2019 09:19 AM |
Hogging all the stupid - I've been know to do that but never had a formal diagnosis. Going to put that on a t-shirt...
Stuart Brough New Member Posts:29 
05 Aug 2019 10:02 AM |
While my wife and I were dating, I had tried to break up with her, and she smacked the top of my forehead and said "Sorry, I needed to plug the leak. You were leaking stupid everywhere." It's always good to have someone to plug your holes when you've sprung a leak of stupid, and to remind you when you aren't allowing anyone else to have a turn with the stupid. On a quasi-related note (of great sayings about moments of daftness), I once overheard an electrician working in my office say "It doesn't matter if you make something idiot proof. Once you make it idiot proof, the world will always create a better idiot."
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
05 Aug 2019 06:57 PM |
Good point Gerald I'v been known to have had fits of stupid more times than I care to admit Kinda like falling off your bike, you jump up and look around to see if anyone was looking LOL Stuart, Sounds like your wife would be fun to be around and your right, they are making better idiots all the time Bill
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
14 Aug 2019 11:23 AM |
[quote] Posted By Stuart Brough on 05 Aug 2019 10:02 AM While my wife and I were dating, I had tried to break up with her, and she smacked the top of my forehead and said "Sorry, I needed to plug the leak. You were leaking stupid everywhere." It's always good to have someone to plug your holes when you've sprung a leak of stupid, and to remind you when you aren't allowing anyone else to have a turn with the stupid. On a quasi-related note (of great sayings about moments of daftness), I once overheard an electrician working in my office say "It doesn't matter if you make something idiot proof. Once you make it idiot proof, the world will always create a better idiot." [/quote] Now that's funny and a little country if you ask me.
John Watkins Greenhorn Posts:8 
14 Aug 2019 08:50 PM |
Hey Kevin, Regarding the Utah Crimson Dove claims, I was just there and the Ingress Lat/Long info is spot on. Unfortunately Only had a a short time in the area and panning in the creek was unsuccesdful. Enjoy the day! :-)
Stuart Brough New Member Posts:29 
15 Aug 2019 10:37 AM |
Hi John (and others who may venture to the claim), I did about 15 sample pans along the bottom section of the creek, where it's pretty open/flat, and ended up with only a smidgen of flour gold in one pan. Up further, where the creek is flanked by the steep embankment to the road, and the steep hillside, I did 2 sample pans from about 25 feet above the creek on the hillside where others had been digging, and ended up with two flakes in my 2nd pan. Unfortunately, my body didn't want to stay any longer, so I didn't poke around any more. If you make it to the claim again, and have some time, I'd suggest going straight to poking around the hillside, where there are layers of large cobble/gravel. At least that's where I'll be going first thing when I trek up that way again. Absolutely beautiful area. It was a very welcomed break from drywashing in the Mojave.
Michael Brosovich Greenhorn Posts:5 
16 Aug 2019 01:03 AM |
Hey Stuart I have the fifty anniversary edition copy right 2018 page 274 it has all 12 corners marked , Crimson Dove claim 1,2,3 if you do not have this book I can give you direction I've been down their several time, plan on heading down from salt lake on 08-24-19 on a one day trip might stay over night in truck depends on the weather man/woman. you might have put the GPS # for the old claim near Moab,Utah that's desert/very dry ground. GPAA does not own that claim any more. the only list Crimson Dove claim 1,2,3 in my addition. Crimson Dove claim 1,2,3 is located off I 70 exit 17 you should end up on the north side of I 70 about fifty yeard you come to the T in the road right is a pave road (wrong way) you need to turn Left on dirt/grave road follow road till you cross over metal grate in road (cow crossing) turn left on dirt drive you will come to a small turn around area / is also sometimes used as camp site. thier was the claim marker attached to several tree. that's the east end of claim Crimson Dove 1 hope this helps mike b
Stuart Brough New Member Posts:29 
16 Aug 2019 10:08 AM |
Hi Mike, Thank you very much for taking the time to help/post. The problem ended up being me entering DMS coordinates in DD format, without conversion. Best of luck next weekend, if you end up making it down to the claim. -Stu