Last Post 02 Oct 2019 11:30 PM by  Francisco Rodriguez
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Ronald Peterson
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19 Aug 2019 03:42 PM
    Kevin or anyone else with info on prospecting in Mexico, what good advise could you share to help make a trip a safe one ? Thank You, AZ Ron.
    Robert Murata
    New Member
    New Member

    20 Aug 2019 09:46 PM
    Carry a weapon. Lol
    Robert Murata
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    20 Aug 2019 09:47 PM
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    21 Aug 2019 01:48 PM
    I've made a few trips over the years to the Golden Triangle focusing around Caborca not that far across the border. Now I admit it has been a few years since my last trip down and I would suggest making a few friends across the border before going out prospecting. There were a great deal of Canadian mining companies taking up a lot of the ground and finding who has the ground these days is a must. I had permission from one company to be on their leases unfortunately that company is gone by the wayside. Land changes hands a lot down there and looking into companies that have holding there is a great start.
    Now for safety, I have no idea these days.
    When I used to travel to Sinaloa to prospect with a dual citizen on their family ranch it was a blast. But the further south you go the more issues you could run into on your own. I talked to my friend earlier this year and asked him about coming down this year, his reply was "it would be better to wait a coupe of more years". Find a friend that can navigate some of the issues and if they say don't go, then don't go.
    Go to Rocky Point and spend a few days and let some of the locals know what you would like to do. Vet them as well before running off into the Triangle.
    Francisco Rodriguez

    02 Oct 2019 11:30 PM
    Ron, unless you have someone in Mexico you trust now is not a good time. Lot of gang activity (cartel) while mostly against each other easy to get caught in a crossfire. There are good deposits both lode and placer but you need to know someone that knows the area. As for Roberts suggestion on carrying a weapon the penalty is pretty steep even ammo can carry a life sentence. The government has been supportive recently as they are trying to shift the people away from drugs and into mining.
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