Last Post 30 Aug 2019 06:42 PM by  William Hall
Cleaning gold!
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Jaron Yankovich

30 Aug 2019 03:21 AM
    Im looking for the safest but most effective way to clean iron/rust staining off gold without damaging the gold surface or any quartz attached? Also if it is worth doing so, or is it taking away too much of the natural look of the piece? If anyone has any techniques or insight that they would be willing to share it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
    Stuart Brough
    New Member
    New Member

    30 Aug 2019 12:34 PM
    Hi Jaron,

    This is the method I have used in the past for cleaning bullion coins. I imagine it would translate over.

    First, soak in water with mild dish detergent. This should help loosen up and remove any grease/dirt.

    Next, soak it in a very mild solution of water and lemon juice (or other citric acid source/solution). Check back on it often. The milder the solution, the safer it will be, but also the longer it will take. From what I have read, citric acid won't dissolve quartz, so it should keep the specimen intact, while helping to get rid of the staining.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    30 Aug 2019 01:20 PM
    Go with what Stuart said. I leave all specimen gold attached to the host rock but will clean/spruce up the gold in some cases.
    I use 409 for the first soak with a good rinse and then real lemon juice.
    William Hall

    30 Aug 2019 06:42 PM
    I've used muratic acid to brighten up some of my stuff
    or white vinegar NEVER together
    I'm not trying to remove iron stains, just polish things up abit

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