Last Post 23 Sep 2019 01:29 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
did we loose the 'TOUGH NUT CLAIM"
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10 Sep 2019 06:16 PM
    I See that the Tough Nut Claim in Big Bear Ca. is no longer on line. Do we no longer have access?

    thank you
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    16 Sep 2019 12:04 PM
    Don, that is correct. The lack of member reviews and the ongoing concerns with the parking area from members online, in calls and emails weighed heavily in the decision to release the claim. Aside from a few parking concern reviews it did not appear that the claim was being utilized by members.

    19 Sep 2019 07:09 PM
    so I imagine the same thing happened on the Avalon Claim in Barstow?
    oh man I just did a review on Avalon and had the Tough Nut in my sights for this month to go and review. I know that claim had good gold just no dang reports. darn it.
    and how about the Stratton 4 in Barstow? same there too?

    how can I help as a member to keep claims? I have made a commitment to review a new claim each month I go out and cover the ones that had no reports but I guess I am just a bit too late loosing 3 claims in Barstow hey budee 7, Stratton 4, and now Avalon- and Tough Nut in Holcomb valley.

    what is the future in those areas? do you think we will get a few more claims there or are we out of luck for a bit?

    if there is anything I can do to help support NOT loosing claims let me know and I will do and spread the word.

    we need these claims. having a place to go and prospect with no trouble is just a luxury and I love it.

    I see that a lot of people think the claims are crappy, but I think they just do not know what they are doing as I have found gold on every one I have visited but the Hey budee 10 which I will conquer on my next visit there. I have done some more snooping around and learned how to prospect that area in general and the rules of thumb just plain work. so I will hit it hard next time.

    anyway I know it is not easy to just come up with places to prospect so best of luck looking for new spots and please feel free to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance prospecting, sampling or other on a new potential spot. I am knowledgeable, upright and honest and would love to help. I have a get er done mindset so please feel free to call on me here in Southern California
    and of course I have GEAR, 4x4 and will travel! lol

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Sep 2019 01:29 PM
    First, let me assure you that there was a reason for the Barstow claims release. I cover that in the upcoming Pick and Shovel. We did not have HEY BUDEE 7 and I downsized STRATTON to include the area where members were prospecting. Avalon was not being used and there are a number of ongoing issues in the area that could have caused situations that I would rather avoid for the GPAA Membership.
    What can you do?
    That my friend, is a great question and one that I ask that you read the new Pick and Shovel article: "Power Tools" not because I don't want to answer the questions here but I am covering a lot of what is being asked by not only you but other members.
    Now, Is there hope for these areas? YES is the answer. Releasing claims is just one part of the picture. In areas where I have released claims, lets work to find new ones that better suit the membership.



    Posted By <a href='' class='af-profile-link'>DON GREENO</a> on 19 Sep 2019 07:09 PM
    so I imagine the same thing happened on the Avalon Claim in Barstow?
    oh man I just did a review on Avalon and had the Tough Nut in my sights for this month to go and review. I know that claim had good gold just no dang reports. darn it.
    and how about the Stratton 4 in Barstow? same there too?

    how can I help as a member to keep claims? I have made a commitment to review a new claim each month I go out and cover the ones that had no reports but I guess I am just a bit too late loosing 3 claims in Barstow hey budee 7, Stratton 4, and now Avalon- and Tough Nut in Holcomb valley.

    what is the future in those areas? do you think we will get a few more claims there or are we out of luck for a bit?

    if there is anything I can do to help support NOT loosing claims let me know and I will do and spread the word.

    we need these claims. having a place to go and prospect with no trouble is just a luxury and I love it.

    I see that a lot of people think the claims are crappy, but I think they just do not know what they are doing as I have found gold on every one I have visited but the Hey budee 10 which I will conquer on my next visit there. I have done some more snooping around and learned how to prospect that area in general and the rules of thumb just plain work. so I will hit it hard next time.

    anyway I know it is not easy to just come up with places to prospect so best of luck looking for new spots and please feel free to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance prospecting, sampling or other on a new potential spot. I am knowledgeable, upright and honest and would love to help. I have a get er done mindset so please feel free to call on me here in Southern California
    and of course I have GEAR, 4x4 and will travel! lol

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