Last Post 18 Sep 2019 03:56 PM by  David Hay
Placer buyer
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17 Sep 2019 01:40 PM
    I am going to give this buyer a try. Has anyone used them before or at least know they are a legit company? Thanks, Jim

    TCB International in Phoenix
    Christopher Satkowski

    17 Sep 2019 01:58 PM
    Honestly don't know, but they've come up in internet searches for me over the last couple of years. I keep hoping I'll find something that needs to be processed like silvers and maybe they'd take it. Never have called.

    I did not know they bought placer gold. I do see that section on their website. The prices seem fair. Looks like there may be a 5 gram minimum.

    I know no local buyers.

    17 Sep 2019 02:16 PM
    Thanks, I am going to get some more info before I go ahead. its only about 25 grams but I sure don't want to
    just throw it away in a scam site. Was going to use gold hog but they are done for the year.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    17 Sep 2019 02:30 PM
    If you are selling gold only and no refining, CALL AND FIND OUT HOW THEY PAYOUT! There a great number of buyers that will buy only on fineness, In y buying says I would occasionally buy like the example I am going to give. It really depended in spot price and how long I though the wave could be ridden.
    Quick example: Gold is $1000.00 per ounce spot. Your gold is 80% gold, Deduct 20%, now we are down to $800.00 per ounce. Your buyer says they buy at 80% spot (See where this is going?) that makes the gold right around $25.50 per gram (i'm just doing brain math a calculate will be needed for the true numbers.) after the 80% of spot if calculated I think you are around $20.00 per gram. now take that number 20 and X 31.5 grans in an ounce and you have just over $635.00 per ounce you are getting paid on.

    OK I broke out the calculator $1000.00 x 80% = 800 ÷ 31.5 = $25.39 X 80% = $20.31 X 31.5 = $640.00 per ounce.

    I have a hard and fast rule when it comes to refiners. Visit their facilities if you can't, get someone you trust to boots on the shop floor.
    If what they do sounds simply amazing or off-world science stuff, it probably is. And NEVER tell an assayer what you think is the gold value in your ore. even if they ask, "What do you think your dollars per ton is running"?

    17 Sep 2019 02:37 PM
    That is what i am trying now, I sent an email to the gpaa chapter pres. in phoenix for any info he or his members may have. My problem is the address looks suspicious on maps, it goes to a large strip mall. Now there may be a part of that mall that has this shop there but kind of fishy. The price is ok, it is 90% spot over 15 g and 93% over 2 oz. . I am not too concerned about that just trying to find a legit buyer for small amounts. Not to many out there.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    17 Sep 2019 02:46 PM
    Unless all processes are completed in a totally green enviro and all chemicals are safe in every way shape or form and there is no possibility of spillage, vapor or you name it, I can not see Maricopa County or the city issuing permits for a refiner in the middle of a strip mall. Hell I have had enough issues with Maricopa in the past with Bromine leaching and HAC water units in the middle of nowhere.

    Posted By JIMMY MCGEE on 17 Sep 2019 02:37 PM
    That is what i am trying now, I sent an email to the gpaa chapter pres. in phoenix for any info he or his members may have. My problem is the address looks suspicious on maps, it goes to a large strip mall. Now there may be a part of that mall that has this shop there but kind of fishy. The price is ok, it is 90% spot over 15 g and 93% over 2 oz. . I am not too concerned about that just trying to find a legit buyer for small amounts. Not to many out there.

    17 Sep 2019 02:51 PM
    That was another red flag, I watched their you tube video and it could be anything , they could have shot a video of some other outfit. i'll wait for an answer from phoenix, I have a relative that goes south each fall. He'll be leaving some time in october and could at least drive by for me. No rush
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    17 Sep 2019 03:17 PM
    Ok, lets get to the Brass Tacks of this one. I called and talked to Ken (1/2 owner with his Brother in law). I suspected that the strip mall was a mail drop and I had an idea why. Bottom line the video is his processing facility and the address is a mail drop. There are very good reasons for not listing the plants address and Ken told me that the worst of those scenarios had come true sometime back.
    I understand why he is buying gold a bit better now. Given their processes he buys in hopes of talking to the operators to process their materiel that may be going to waste.
    Ken is in NC now returning in a week or so and I asked to meet with him when he gets back.
    I would say that before you ship or deliver, check the price he is paying at that time and be sure to ask if there are any purity deductions. This is a ever changing marketplace what is good today, may not be tomorrow.
    Jimmy email me with your contact info.
    Stuart Brough
    New Member
    New Member

    17 Sep 2019 04:04 PM
    Hi Jimmy,

    If you have any coin shops in your area, you may want to check with them (true coin shop, not the “we buy gold” pawn type joints). The main coin shop I go to often has placer for sale. I’m not sure what they pay when they buy it, but there’s something to be said of a face-to-face in a brick-and-mortar.

    (Thank you Kevin for your legwork for this particular buyer.)
    David Hay
    New Member
    New Member

    18 Sep 2019 03:56 PM
    Thanks for the legwork on this buyer, Kevin.
    I had earmarked them to look into whenever my buddy and I make it out to the SW to prospect.
    Hopefully we'll have enough to meet the minimums. He wants to sell most of his for cash while we're out there, I'd like to hang on to most of mine.
    I think TCB International is the one we will deal with, period.

    Things like this makes it worthwhile being a member.

    Thanks again!
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