Michael Egan Greenhorn Posts:3 
24 Sep 2019 06:10 PM |
Greetings all. I apologize in advance, this is somewhat a sob story....I am a disabled vet, alone and with PTSD that keeps me in the mountains and in nature and as far away from people as possible. I cant climb or dig with a shovel, nor can I hike or walk very far. I also am being made to suffer with massive pain issues due to my allergies to pain medications. All I'm really looking to do is be in and around creeks and streams etc, and learn how and where to do some light panning, where I can find enough color to pay for the gas to simply continue being able to go outside. I didnt mention that I live on a very small income and cant afford diddly squat more than a bucket and a pan/classifier. If anyone can help or advise, I'd be massively grateful. I am new to colorado as well so I definitely do not know my way around. Thank you everyone who took the time to read this and double thanks for those who reply.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
24 Sep 2019 06:40 PM |
Welcome Michael, Thank you for your sacrifices Dont apologize, we all have a story.... Sorry cant help you with info on CO, someone will have some info Im sure What I will say, It is possible to hit a pocket and do very well for a short time I have been weekend warrior for 25 years, spent time dredging, now days sluicing and just hanging out on the river there was only one time the trip was paid for dredging. That in tailed moving LARGE rocks, millions of cobbles, yards of sand and gravels, hard ass work dead tired at the end of the day dont get your hopes high on finding enough to pay for the gas dont get me wrong, its out there, damn hard to find Good luck in your searches, Bill
Michael Egan Greenhorn Posts:3 
24 Sep 2019 09:12 PM |
Hi Bill. Thank you for replying and thank you for your service and sacrifices as well.
Jeffrey Gray Greenhorn Posts:16 
26 Sep 2019 05:15 AM |
Hey Michael. I know nothing about northern Colorado but being disabled has opened an idea for me and I hereby pass that idea on to use. You are a natural for supervising with a partner that can do the things you can’t do. You may be a greenhorn but you can learn and research Time slips by us if we don’t start now. Get a partner with someone that you can “connect” with and understand each other. I’m in Deep South Texas but just found beach sand and believe me it’s not easy to get to or to separate from black sands. Find a partner in northern Colorado and enjoy the shiny. Do know this ......doubtful you will ever get rich. Lol. Have fun.
Michael Egan Greenhorn Posts:3 
26 Sep 2019 06:57 AM |
What a wonderful reply for me to wake up to. Thank you so much Jeff, for your reply. Funny enough, I just made a nearly identical suggestion to a buddy of mine up near Juneau, about needing to find a girlfriend who might like to spend lots of time in nature and wouldn't mind throwing a few shovel fulls into a bucket for me to play in. 😁 As for the getting rich part, I cant begin to express how much that isn't even a remote relevance to me. If all I accomplish is getting to sit in a Creek on my chair, in the glory and solitude that only mother nature can provide to me, and I never see gold in and amongst the geological history that will pass through my hands, teaching me about her past, well, that alone will be heaven on earth for me and far more valuable than any amount of monetary "richness" could ever hope to bring. I hope you find "your" partner and get those hands separated and find nothing but color at the bottom of your pans. Take care, thank you again and best of luck to you Jeffery!