Edsil Oaks Greenhorn Posts:6 
02 Nov 2019 12:19 AM |
Hello! Would anyone want to go prospecting in southwest Ohio, Little Miami, or StoneLick or even go to a Claim? I'm a Greenhorn, but try like hell! Anyone been to these areas? If so, any luck? Any advice? I've been going to Little Miami about once or twice a week. Haven't found anything yet! Ige been watching YouTube videos. Trying to learn! Any help would be much appreciated!
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
15 Nov 2019 07:31 PM |
Hi Edsil - I'm in AZ now, but would have loved to give the Little Miami or ... a try. I wont be returning to the area until next spring to summer. There is a group I liked http://www.ospagold.com/ Kevin and Betty were very good to me teaching me the art :)
Edsil Oaks Greenhorn Posts:6 
16 Nov 2019 02:16 AM |
Hello Cynthia! Thanks for the reply! I haven't had any luck at Little Miami, but still trying and I found another place , I just started prospecting! Hope you're enjoying Az! Take care!
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
18 Nov 2019 08:32 AM |
Hello Columbus ohio here Been playing at this about a year now... havent had much luck either i wouldnt mind trying out the little miami Chris
Edsil Oaks Greenhorn Posts:6 
18 Nov 2019 10:12 AM |
Hello Chris! Thanks for the reply. If you would like to go a few places, just let me know! I've tried Stonelick also. Have you tried any of the Claims in Ohio? Take care!
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
19 Nov 2019 08:37 AM |
if tried the three northern claims but havent tried the southern one yet i havent had much luck but i am not 100 % sure of what im doing let me talk to my lady and see what plans are for the weekend
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
19 Nov 2019 08:45 AM |
my lady is working this weekend so i have time if you would like to go somewhere...
Edsil Oaks Greenhorn Posts:6 
19 Nov 2019 11:41 AM |
Hello again! I will talk to my woman and see, but this weekend should be good. I was thinking the Scioto Claim, or Stonelick. I've not been to the Claim yet! Hopefully the weather is nice. I live about an 1 an 25 from Scioto Claim/Lucasville, and I live about 30mins from Stonelick. You can text me at 5139404926. We will figure something out. Ttyl!
DAN WALDMAN Greenhorn Posts:4 
02 Dec 2019 05:31 PM |
Hello, you can contact me, in ohio I could help ya..know all the areas...Dan
DAN WALDMAN Greenhorn Posts:4 
02 Dec 2019 05:48 PM |
Dan in ohio for help ..audredgeralaska@yahoo.com
Edsil Oaks Greenhorn Posts:6 
03 Dec 2019 11:40 AM |
Hello Dan! Thanks for the reply! Is there any good places to find some good Gold in Ohio or anywhere close?
DAN WALDMAN Greenhorn Posts:4 
03 Dec 2019 08:31 PM |
Yes!! Look at the ospa web site..ohio state prospectors association,,they have the best claims in state..try to attend an outing...its around 100 a year to join , southern ohio has the best claims, email me if ya need any more info...gpaa has the swank claim …..over by mansfield
David Smith Greenhorn Posts:6 
18 Jan 2020 09:12 AM |
Edsil, I live in southeast Indiana. Franklin county. I haven't ventured across the border much, but would love to try it this spring sometime. I'm about 40 minutes from Harrison. oh. And about 30 minutes from oxford. Also, I have a few places on the east fork of the white river over here if ur interested. Call or text me @ 765-265-7667 David Smith
Jimmie Smith Greenhorn Posts:5 
27 Jan 2020 03:58 AM |
Hello David, My name is Jimmie Smith and live close to Madison, IN. I have never tried the White River before and would love trying it out. But has to be warmer, lol. So if you would like to start setting things up lets do it. I am a life member of LDMA and want to get out more this year. Can you use a high banker there? I would like to hear from you.(812) 689-6658
David Smith Greenhorn Posts:6 
27 Jan 2020 12:42 PM |
Hi Jimmy, I'm a lifetime member of the GPAA. I can't afford the dues for the lost dutchman. I get out every chance I get and find the yellow stuff every time. It's placer gold, so not alot, but it's there. I know of a couple places with fairly easy access for your high banker. I don't have anything as sophisticated as that, 2 sluices. 5 pans. And 4 snuffer bottles...lol. The greensburg chapter is having a cons party 29 feb in Lebanon, IN. NW side of Indianapolis. Can you make that? We could go over some plans then. Dave
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
29 Jan 2020 09:38 PM |
I'm still in Arizona but the OSPA has many events, and every event I went to I came away with some color. I didn't join this year, since I'm out west but once I return to the area they will be my go to club. A lot of members cross to the Buckeye Chapter of the GPAA also ( http://www.buckeyegold.com/meetings.htm)
Jon Boyle Greenhorn Posts:2 
04 Feb 2020 09:06 PM |
My name is Jon, I'm a seasoned prospector who operates a 4" dredge, high banker, sluice box, etc. and would be glad to meet up with you when weather permits or I have time to get away. I don't mind teaching you what I know and helping you along the way so I will get back to you or call sometime. 606-375-5811 leave message.
Adrian Carlisle El Greenhorn Posts:8 
16 Feb 2020 06:57 AM |
Hi Dan, How is prospecting at the swank claim?
Russell Lynch Greenhorn Posts:3 
22 Feb 2020 03:06 PM |
Howdy, just joined. Im live outside cleve. Im a greenhorn as well. I would like to try the swank. Interested? Let me know. Got 4wd
Adrian Carlisle El Greenhorn Posts:8 
24 Feb 2020 11:43 AM |
Hi Russell, I'm a greenhorn to and I'm Cuyahoga Falls. I'm planning on going out this Friday to swank west mostly just to check it out and maybe do some panning depending on how cold it is but once it warms up like it did yesterday it game on. Here's my number 216 370 0070