Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
03 Nov 2019 08:55 PM |
hey there folks. Just curious as to how everyone goes about finding places to pan and prospect at. Other than the national forests. Not having a vehicle to access alot of out of the way spots is a huge hinderance at the moment. I live in an area where knocking on doors isn't accepted very well. I put a few adds on facebook and one on craigslist recently but no hits as of yet. We have our chapter meeting on Wednesday of next week where I can do some chatting with other active members in the region. As of right now I have ordered a few "paydirt" deals on the ol "feebay" so I can get some shiney stuff through the pan to look at til I can figure the rest out. Let me know a few ideas that I havent thought about yet. There are a few sites that have bags of stuff you can buy and pan on site but those are all 100+ miles away so they arent an option at the moment. Hope everyone's pan turns yeller. Talk to yall soon.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
04 Nov 2019 07:05 PM |
Gary, Start with checking out the GPAA properties near you Top of the page under the properties button Some are easy to access, some are not Research your area of interest, local chapter is a great idea Bill
Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
05 Nov 2019 12:45 PM |
Thanks. I just joined the national chapter and have an Augusta Ga Chapter meeting next week on the 14th. I met the president of the local chapter and fired of an email to him but havent heard back yet. No biggie there though as I can chat with the members that show up then. I would love to find someone to hit a creek or 2 with before then though. The only area listed on here is the Graves Mountain site but it is only open for 1 weekend a year according to the information Ive found so far. If the area is listed on here on the properties tab does that mean it is a GPAA claim and open to members anytime of the year? There is another GPAA lease property across the river in South Carolina that the chapter president said was good to work but i havent been able to get in touch to find out where that is at and its not listed on here, nothing listed in South Carolina listed on here at all in fact. Any info?
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
05 Nov 2019 06:59 PM |
Gary, thats a great question about online guide and pay to play places...I'm not sure I know in the printed version, PtP places are listed, but wont have size of claim, GPS cords It does have phone numbers where available The right coast doesnt have much gold, dont get me wrong, it;s out there just harder to come by Being on the left coast I'm not much help Again research is the word, SC has a history of gold in the past, search areas where gold has been found before Bill
Greg Powell Greenhorn Posts:2 
08 Nov 2019 04:16 AM |
Georgia is tough because most places are on private property. You can also join more than 1 local club which may open up some properties for you. Read Ga. regs on gold prospecting. Allot of the streams in North Ga. are designated trout streams so they are off limits but there are still allot that are not. If you want to spend a good day and find some fine gold with a few flakes look into Gold and Gem Grubbing in Cleveland Ga.. They offer camping and you can dredge up to 4", High bank and pan. they have allot of gems also. The fees are listed on their web site. Good way to spend a weekend and you will find gold. Doc from Gold Hog tests allot of his equipment there. It is a good place to practice your craft, find some gold and Gems. Greg
Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
08 Nov 2019 10:56 PM |
Thanks Greg. Kinda limited on transportation at the moment so Im pretty well stuck with the immediate local area. I have 2 landowners line up to go out and do a survey on their properties in the next few days and see about a 50/50 split with them in order to gain access if the ground testing goes well. 1 of the is very close to the best historical gold site within 50+ miles in any direction so I hope the test pans on both of their creeks perform well. I have a meeting this coming Thursday(the 14th) with the Augusta GPAA chapter and am hoping to make a few contacts there and get the location of a club lease that is really close to me that is putting out fairly decent gold numbers. I met the chapter president and a few other members at the mine park in McCormick S.C. last weekend and sent off an email after joining hoping to be able to link up with some club members and get out in the creeks to do a little panning as everything around here is privately owned. Going to go hit up a state park in S.C. tomorrow and see about doing a little panning there if that is permitted which the state dnr and forestry service websites say that it is indeed allowed so that will be something to check out if neither of 2 other properties are available to survey tomorrow. Fingers crossed tho, kinda drooling over both of those lol. Hope all is well for you.
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
21 Nov 2019 08:13 AM |
you could check with the local city parks i have seen youtube video where a guy panned in a city park i asked our local metro parks, they said good luck
Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
21 Nov 2019 02:29 PM |
Pretty slim on city park locations and most of the state parks close for the winter season around here. Most of the prospecting around here is from working deals with landowners for club lease's or just straight landowner/prospector deals. I have had one landowner let me do some prospecting on their land but didnt find a single color in about 50 pans throughout the creek with no luck. The local GPAA chapter has one land lease that has some decent stuff in it that I have seen some good stuff come from. Waiting to round up the $ to cover the fees on that lease. Also planning to make a trip to the local corps of engineers office and the regional forestry service office to get the prospecting permits for the national forests and the corps land. Up til now that is all i have found that works in my immediate area. Feel free to follow along on the journey if youd like. krazy4gold prospecting is my youtube channel. Ive been doing mostly sports card type prospecting but I will be switching between the usual card stuff and the gold stuff once I can get the lease stuff taken care of. Hope all is well