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Last Post 28 Dec 2019 10:23 AM by
Marc Luedecke
Lucky Linda Again
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Greg Olsen
10 Nov 2019 09:20 PM
Hey Kevin, is there a way to get the coordinates for the Lucky Linda Claim? From what I've read, others are accessing the claim, but I am at a loss as to what they are using to locate the claim borders. Bewildering as to why they aren't in the online Guide.
Thanks from Greg in Vancouver, WA.
Basic Member
11 Nov 2019 02:18 PM
The Online Guide does not allow enough information fields to be list all of the points. The corner post and run line is difficult at best to find as they are nowhere near roads with the exception of 2 of the post.
If you follow the directions in the online mining guide (either mine or John Watkins) it puts you right on the claim and the center of claim listed in the online is spot on. Use the directions from Angels Ranch Road for better accuracy.
Greg Olsen
13 Nov 2019 03:21 AM
Thanks Kevin. I find that having the outline of a claim on my GPS unit to be extremely valuable when I'm on the claim. It allows me to see exactly where the claim borders are so I know I'm not wandering on to a neighboring claim and/or private property. I have created routes from the corner coordinates from the 2014 and the 2018 versions of the paper Guide for all of the Washington and Oregon claims and will soon have the Idaho and Arizona claims loaded. Interesting how some of the numbers change over time. Some claims, such as the Lucky Linda Again, had to be created using Township and Range overlays with a bit of educated guessing thrown in. Exporting the GPS data as KML files and importing them to my Google Drive lets me look at all of the claims with Google Earth on any of my devices anywhere I can get a cell signal or Wifi. Using the 3D Sat View capability really helps to get a look at a claim before actually getting there.
Does the GPAA intend to continue to update and release new versions of the paper Guide in the future? It would be a shame to discontinue the paper Guide as there is so much more information there than the online Guide. It seems to me that reducing the amount of available info, especially gps coordinates, devalues the Guide. However, if a file of the coordinates were available as a download, that would help to fill the gaps. What do you think? Do you think others might find value in this type of data?
Also, in doing this I have discovered a number of errors in the printed Guides in terms of point locations and also location order such as SE and SW corners being switched. Is this something y'all would like to know about?
Basic Member
13 Nov 2019 11:14 AM
We had found a number of the SW/SE corner mistakes. Seems final layout just before printing pulled the files incorrectly. They were made aware of this and changed a huge amount of files but some did slip through. When you find these please post them to the GPAA Online Mining Guide in the "Getting There" section.
There is no plan to do away with the printed guide. The Printed and Online Guides work hand in hand with each other to help members. Print falls behind and online is right now info. Both are valuable to the membership in getting out on a claim and onto the gold!
New Member
14 Nov 2019 11:58 AM
When I'm checking out a new claim like LLA, being I know the bacic lay out of the claim (160Acres) and know at least one GPS point (center gps) you can get a good idea where the corners are, being most 20 acre claims are 660' x1320' I can get a rough idea where each corner would be and for LLA (all 12 of them). And I use google maps to help get the lay out too. I do this with all the GPAA claims before I visit them.
Marc Luedecke
28 Dec 2019 10:13 AM
I was just out there at LLA with an iPad using topo maps.....without coordinates it was very frustrating. I spent hours yesterday comparing maps and decent estimates of all the corners of the claim. I will post the numbers tomorrow....until then a picture of the maps.
Marc Luedecke
28 Dec 2019 10:23 AM
I dont know why posting an image is so difficult on this site, but if you right click and open in another tab it comes up.
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