Joshua Renteria New Member Posts:33 
18 Nov 2019 10:54 AM |
I recently purchased A gold cube back in July I’m not 100% sure I’m using it right can any one help me figure what I’m doing wrong I’m getting lots of material stuck in the G force separator and the Mats. I Classified my material to 1/8 The stand is leveled I removed air pockets with jet dry and water Using one scoop at a time
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
18 Nov 2019 01:38 PM |
Are you using the 1100 GPH electric pump with a fully charged battery? Any hose restrictions? Pieces of roots can hang up in the mats, but if classified to 1/8 shouldn't be a problem.
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
18 Nov 2019 03:21 PM |
I just want to add how high and how thick the hose is will also effect the flow. These bilge pumps are not made to push water up, only out, so a foot of height difference will make a visible difference wit the flow. My gold cube is a three stack tray that sits on top of a five gallon bucket and works fine. Also need to stick to the hose size the pump is made for. To prevent organics and silt from clogging the pump, I use a five gallon bucket to catch the tailings which drains in a 20 gallon cement mixing tub my gold cube its in to catch muck, which drains to a 10 gallon tub, where my pump sits wrapped in a mesh. I've used different things for mesh to a narrow mesh I got at hobby lobby to panty hose. Also, are you running regular dirt or a black sand concentrate?
Joshua Renteria New Member Posts:33 
18 Nov 2019 04:40 PM |
I’m running regular dirt. The battery is fully charge. I will Try your set up and get back to you hopefully that fixes it
Rich Nesbit Greenhorn Posts:11 
21 Nov 2019 09:31 PM |
The pump may not be pushing enough water. Try increasing the amount of water you are using. Also check polarity, reverse slows the feed of water. If that is all good try a different pump
Joshua Renteria New Member Posts:33 
24 Nov 2019 09:47 PM |
Thank you for all the tips. I should say I found the root cause. Tons of roots in my pump she runs good now