RONALD HIRSCHGreenhorn Posts:2
09 Dec 2019 08:39 AM |
We have a membership we want to sell that we’ve had since 1999 (only ended up using twice since there are no properties near us). Maintenance dues paid up through 2020 and will sell for $1100. Also have equipment, but live in Maine so it may be difficult to pick up. Email if interested. Because it is an older membership, transfer cost is only $50 dollars. Purchaser is also required to have a Life Time GPAA membership at a cost of $450. This membership was sold in 2019.
Stan MosherGreenhorn Posts:3
27 Jun 2020 09:27 AM |
We are interested in your LDMA, please respond to Thank you, Stan Mosher
Galen NelsonGreenhorn Posts:7
14 Nov 2020 07:18 PM |
I have my lifetime ldma membership for sale if you still need one. My name is Galen Nelson email, sm ph # 541-659-9005.
Lia McVickerNew Member Posts:36
24 Nov 2020 08:20 PM |
Hi Galen. My name is Lia McVicker. I am just a regular member of GPAA. Do you still have your lifetime membership available for sale? Do I need to be a lifetime member of GPAA in order to purchase your lifetime ldma membership? thanks. Lia
Galen NelsonGreenhorn Posts:7
25 Nov 2020 10:07 AM |
Yes I still have it. I don't know the particulars in you ourchasing it. I think you can call gpaa office and ask. If you want to check with them and call or text me at 541-659-9005.
Galen NelsonGreenhorn Posts:7
25 Nov 2020 12:32 PM |
Hi Lia, I just talked to LDMA office at 888-465-3717. They told me that if you are not a lifetime gpaa member there is a $600 transfer fee. Just contact them and they will go over the terms and if you agree pay them the transfer fee, then pay us our sale price. After that is done we tell them that we approve of the transfer and they send you the membership. We are asking $1,000 for it. The price for a lifetime LDMA membership from them is $4,750.00 so we are offering a sweet deal! Look forward to hearing from you. Galen
Lia McVickerNew Member Posts:36
26 Nov 2020 02:48 PM |
Hi Galen, Thank you so very much for contacting the LDMA office and getting this information for me. Unfortunately, I won't be able to purchase your membership. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. I saw others on this forum that want to purchase a lifetime membership, I hope someone contacts you soon about yours. Lia
TOM BROHAMERGreenhorn Posts:2
18 Dec 2020 06:59 PM |
Hello Galen, Is this membership still for sale?
Galen NelsonGreenhorn Posts:7
18 Dec 2020 07:18 PM |
Hi Tom, Yes it is.
TOM BROHAMERGreenhorn Posts:2
20 Dec 2020 05:50 PM |
Hello Galen, Let's make this happen tomorrow. I will purchase your membership. If you confirm that you'll sell it to me, I'll call GPAA tomorrow to set up the Lifetime Membership/Transfer. Cheers, Tom
Galen NelsonGreenhorn Posts:7
20 Dec 2020 08:13 PM |
Hi Tom, Lets do it. I won't know what time I will be available tomorrow until 1st thing in the morning. I will let you know. Do you have a phone #? Mine is 541-659-9005 call or text. Galen
Jim FramptonGreenhorn Posts:1
25 May 2021 03:02 PM |
ARE THE Prices for LDMA membership really thousands of dollars??? They have no cheaper memberships? SAD
JASON PATTERSONGreenhorn Posts:2
20 Jun 2021 02:49 PM |
Hi Galen, If your still selling your LDMA membership I would be very interested in purchasing it. If it is available send me an email at Thanks, Jason
Alex KykerGreenhorn Posts:1
22 Jun 2021 02:53 PM |
Galen Nelson: If you still have your Lifetime LDMA Membership Available, please contact me at My son is interested in purchasing a lifetime LDMA membership. He's on SSI so his income is limited so he's looking for acquiring someone else's membership and paying the transfer fees. Again, if your membership is still available, we are interested.