Last Post 21 May 2021 08:35 AM by  Mark Taylor
new members suffer
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Greg Miller

11 Dec 2019 01:27 AM
    I am a new LDMA and GPAA member and I have to say this is the one of the most lame forums I have ever seen. There is virtually no new information about claims either GPAA or LDMA. The catalog of information is about worthless as no new information has been published in what appears to be months to mostly years. I want to get started prospecting, but most of the information is out dated or non existent. Why is there so little information for new members? As it stands for newbie on the east side of the us, the locations are limited and no new information is shared with anyone. In fact, I was interested in going to GA, SC, or AL for a 3 day stay and could hardly find any information for me to feel comfortable with going as as a new prospector with new gear not used before due to weather in Michigan not allowing me to test my equipment prior to snow flying. So how does one go about this new adventure without feeling like a fool? I thought that forums were around for people to learn. If that is the case why would anyone spend the money to access the claims without any help or assistance from these forums. Knowing what i know now about this "wealth" of knowledge from these forums I would have reconsidered my purchase. This is ridiculous. How do we as "members" that have paid thousands of dollars get information that will actually help us in our efforts? I do not want to drive to a site that this worthless. Lets take three from the SE USA as an example. The most recent post from Vein Mountain was in November of 2018, the most recent from Oconee was a post in 9/19 that no one responded to, and the Loud Mine was also in 9/19 which had a few responses. How does this help anyone? Why is no one posting? Why are there so few willing to help? Why did we pay so much for no assistance? Guidance please for the SE USA? We all want to learn to be successful and have fun, but it is difficult with this "membership" that appears to be unwilling to help and guide. I am not looking to get rich, but I am looking to find people willing to have fun and help those around them learn how to enjoy themselves looking for the allusive gold in ground. I am interested to hear from new and old how we can assist all of us in this common goal?
    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11 Dec 2019 09:36 AM
    I really think that prospectors that have been doing this for awhile do not want to give up information on the location of their favorite fishing hole. And the organization in of itself, is TOO occupied with running the business portion of the club. They basically leave the updating in the forums to the members to do. If no members post, then that is what we get, nothing.
    William Hall

    11 Dec 2019 06:46 PM

    I'm surprised someone would lay down thousands of dollars to join a "club" without doing any research on that club
    Did you expect to have a GPAA representative take you out somewhere and say dig here ?
    If you would read the forums here, you would find a plethora of information, more than you will remember, its there
    Forums are a dying thing, it's face space, twittel, texting, only us dinosaurs come to the ole forums
    and as Leo suggests, no one here will hold your hand out to the creek side and say pan here
    YOU have to do the research, the info is out there you just gotta go get it yourself
    Belonging to the LDMA, they have many common digs and other outings, join in, join a chapter, great people, good info
    Joining a club is just the first step of gold prospecting/mining
    Research and hard work is the only way to get that flash in the pan, even if you buy cons, it takes research

    Or, go sit in the corner and be mad at yourself, your choice...

    Christopher Satkowski

    12 Dec 2019 01:17 PM
    I would recommend you go to the local chapters part of the website, and contact the state director, or better yet, attend a local chapter meeting. I've found gold mining you really need to "pull" information, rather than having it "pushed" to you. Also recommend you attend a Gold and Treasure show near you. The GPAA is listed here: www .goldprospectors. org/Store/Events. Does not have to be the GPAA show. All show's I've been have had a club or two where you can make contacts and sign up for meetings.

    As far as learning how to mine, IMO nearly everyone on this forum is waiting to get their first ounce and certainly not making a living out of this. In the state of AZ, there is something like 5 people who earn a living consistently by mining gold, out of a population of 4 million. Those 5 are probably spending a lot of time in the field and not on the forums. There's probably a lot more that make something, but not enough to live off. There's definitely many more that have spent more than they will ever get back. Out of the 100,000 people who went to the Klondike Gold Rush, only a little over 100 found it worthwhile.

    Really can't do much about # of people on this forum. There are other forums out there much more active than this, but they are regionalized. Another forum I am on in nuggetshooter, but that is specific to AZ.

    Lastly, if its that bad, contact the GPAA about returning the membership, at a discounted price if you need to.

    Take my "free" advice for what it is worth.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    12 Dec 2019 02:57 PM
    The advice about contacting/joining chapters is spot on. There is a wealth of knowlege about equipment and it's use to be had for asking. Many, many members are willing and able to help someone new learn, all you have to do is show up and ask. Contact the state directors for the areas you want to go to.

    As you might be aware, you can't file claims in the eastern part of the US. Therefore the properties listed are either private land owned by LDMA, or leases of other property by GPAA/LDMA.

    As to what is out there, look at the online guide and see what members are posting about various claims/properties.
    Bill McCoy
    New Member
    New Member

    12 Dec 2019 11:18 PM
    If you can get to any of the group dig activities, I found that helpful in my first few months. Met a lot of people, saw lots of equipment in use, gained a lot of understanding. Just my $.02
    Dominic Ricci

    19 Dec 2019 04:20 PM
    Hi Greg,
    Welcome to the GPAA-LDMA family! There are many great sources for information, and like the previous post responses to you, you will have to go to more than one place. Here are a few suggestions for LDMA: - General info on each LDMA Camp - Main LDMA facebook page

    Each Camp has a facebook group page with what is happening in camp.
    Burnt River Camp – Oregon
    (541) 519 - 0104
    LDMA – Burnt River Camp

    Blue Bucket Camp – Oregon
    (541) 869 - 2455
    LDMA – Blue Bucket Camp

    Scott River Camp – California
    (530) 496 - 3204
    LDMA – Scott River Camp

    Italian Bar Camp – California
    (209) 213 - 1485
    LDMA – Italian Bar Camp

    Duisenburg Camp – California
    (760) 793 - 8072
    LDMA – Duisenburg Camp

    Stanton Camp – Arizona
    (928) 427 - 9908
    LDMA – Stanton Camp

    Athens Camp – Michigan
    (269) 729 – 4446
    LDMA – Athens Camp

    Vein Mountain Camp – North Carolina
    (828) 652 - 0144
    LDMA – Vein Mountain Camp

    Oconee Camp – South Carolina
    (864) 944 - 8325
    LDMA – Oconee Camp

    Loud Mine Camp – Georgia
    (706) 219 - 3075
    LDMA – Loud Mine Camp

    Plus reading the Gold Prospectors magazine and the Pick & Shovel Gazette always has information in them.

    Contacting the local GPAA Chapters is a great source.

    I trully encourage you to participate in a few National Events as well. Dirt Party Outings and Detector Hunts.

    Please call me in the office at 800-551-9707 when you have questions or need some guidance.
    Chad Snyder

    02 Jan 2020 12:38 AM
    As a person who has literally only ever panned a single pan of dirt, I come armed to the teeth with knowledge about gold prospecting, claim laws, how to stake a claim, your rights as an claimant, geology, history, panning techniques (blueberry bounce) for you old timers, how to search for claims on LR2000, how to find claims on google earth, townships. And a lot more!! This is the kind of knowledge and dedication it takes man, gold mining isn’t easy if it was every dog would be out there getting that shiny! Watch the YouTube channel Askjeffwilliams and you will learn more than enough to go diggin in the hills. If you want to know a specific thing all you have to do is ask, just don’t ask where the gold is because people will just laugh. So get off your hinny and find that shinny!

    02 Jan 2020 02:06 PM
    The Chapter Officers are usually a good source of information on their respective areas. I often receive inquiries from both Newbies and others on claims and other sites here in Alabama. I have met with folks at the sites to show them where they might find gold and even lent my highbanker and other equipment to help them during their stay. I agree that the GPAA website has it shortcomings, but the Gold Prospector magazine and the Pick and Shovel Gazette can also provide contact information on the areas that you want to visit. Dan Harriger, President, North Alabama Chapter
    Kenneth Swineford
    New Member
    New Member

    07 Jan 2020 10:40 AM
    A little late to this thread, but I suspect the lack of information is as I observe at my local level the GPAA/LDMA attempted to stay with the times or perhaps cut cost, but chapters have a lot of older folks and those not interested in learning/using/posting to social media. If you're from the North East, you know our problem, Property! Chapter Members come from all walks of life but, when we talk social media many just don't use it. Otherwise this forum has a core of Members willing to share opinions and ideas. Your local Chapter or GPAA location has that guy who can't wait to teach someone else how to pan, sluice, or make biscuits but we certainly are not telling anyone beyond generalities where we are finding gold. You can find local chapter information for your area on this site, go to a meeting Chapters are free regardless of club affiliation and chance is someone has recently been or is going to a GPAA/LDMA property "hint" "hint". You can expect to be disappointed we all were/are it's the nature of the game we play. That said you could"suggest" to the LDMA that it has a main Facebook page but what about the camps with hosts?
    Rodney Godbey

    09 Jan 2020 06:56 PM
    Lots of good information from Dominic here, thanks!

    09 Jan 2020 09:06 PM
    Hi Gregg,. There is a lot of info in these forums / members areas. There a lot of videos that show how to set up and use the equipment.. I'm a member of glass living east of Cleveland Ohio. My first trip to prospect was to Buchanan Ya. Due to my brother living outside Atlanta.

    I stayed a week at the claim in Buchanan and found gold. I also talked with everyone I came across. ( About 6 in all as it was the first weekend of October in Georgia and getting to cold for them southerner lol. 1 gentleman came over and helped allowed me to use his camp stove to cook my supper as mine broke the first night there and the next morning took me to the creek and asked me where I thought I was going to start I pointed at a spot and he agreed and showed me where and how to do a test pan then withinin an hour I found my first pice of gold in my life. Not long after that I as able to return the favor and assist him in getting his dredge running.

    I have also been to and found gold and a small diamond at the swank claim in beliville Ohio , which I'm planning on spending the second full week prospecting and camping. Like the others have said, join a chapter or show up at a meeting if possible. I have not yet met any unfriendly people at any of the outings I've been to or just at the claim prospecting..

    If your not busy that week April 10th to the 18th ( the week before Easter. ) I invite ya to c'mon down to ohio off I 71 and I'll share my limited knowledge and send show ya the folding sluice I found my first gold on. It's be a shame for ya to go to GA or SC and have problems. Just a thought.

    P.S. I am by no means any kind of seasoned prospector, just a mere novvice. but I enjoy it.
    There are also 3 sites here in Ohio in which to and try out the ones I've not been to.

    I wish you luck
    John Chase

    14 Jan 2020 06:26 PM
    I started prospecting prior to the invention of the internet. I learned by doing and making friends with similar interest. no one in their right mind is going to advertise on this forum or any other where the gold is.
    I purchased a metal detector in the early 70 s from a guy named Jimmy Sierra and been friends ever since. Jimmy was made famous from his books and working as an adviser to Whites detectors. as Of this date there are over three hundred books and publications in my personal library about geology and gold prospecting. they will tell you where to find gold if you read them. Finding gold is like mastering any sport
    you need to learn and practice. Its not enough to buy gobs of equipment and memberships you need to get some dirt on your shoes and start reading. An excellent book to start with is "Fists Full of gold by Chris Ralph. " You didn't mention if you belong to a local gold prospecting group that is where you should have started. years ago I had a friend who left a great job to go into photography he must have spent over a hundred k on equipment sad thing was he couldn't take a good picture to save his life. When I mentioned he should take a few classes he blew me off we have never spoken since. he eventually went BK.
    your situation is not so uncommon but you can correct it if your willing.
    Rick Thomason

    15 Jan 2020 05:33 PM
    Hello, just joined in my new status as "RE tired". Will be in Vegas end of month and looked forward to trying out my new detector. I don't understand claims, and what to look for. Haven't read anyone having any success, I assumed protecting that fishing hole. I think we will have to go thru the rigors also. I did find out that the claim closest to Vegas has a lot of rattle snakes-whoa, that was good feedback! Good luck.
    Bill McCoy
    New Member
    New Member

    16 Jan 2020 02:25 PM
    Posted By <a href='' class='af-profile-link'>Rick Thomason</a> on 15 Jan 2020 05:33 PM
    Hello, just joined in my new status as "RE tired". Will be in Vegas end of month and looked forward to trying out my new detector. I don't understand claims, and what to look for. Haven't read anyone having any success, I assumed protecting that fishing hole. I think we will have to go thru the rigors also. I did find out that the claim closest to Vegas has a lot of rattle snakes-whoa, that was good feedback! Good luck.

    Welcome, Rick! I haven’t tried the Vegas claims but I also hunt the deserts in CA. Get yourself a good pair of boots (with no metal eyelets for the laces) and a pair of snake gaitors and you’ll have some peace of mind. It’ll also help in the event you get into cactus as well.
    Paul Bordlemay

    20 Jan 2020 01:32 PM

    The best advice is to educate yourself. Nobody is going to spoon feed you information. You can buy books or go to the library. There are thousands of videos on YouTube. There is an exorbitant amount of information online.

    Don't rely on forums. Most people don't take the time to specifically search forums for questions from others that need advice. Find a local GPAA club and network with people. If your getting started into metal detecting there are local metal detecting clubs as well. Ask them questions. If you have a question about a claim and you don't get any response from a forum, email the GPAA club from that area or find their Facebook page.

    What is more important than the forums is the access to the claims. Your membership gives you access to these claims. Yes there may be some areas or claims open to access by the general public, but you might not be near one. There may also be fees and restrictions.

    Its best to look at your membership as a tool. It has a specific use and it can't do everything.
    Ricky Adams

    20 Jan 2020 07:10 PM
    That is some good advice Paul :)

    27 Jan 2020 07:24 AM
    Hey Greg
    The first club meeting at the Buchanan claim is March 7th, come on down. We have Schedualed outings the second Sat. of every month
    Vince Petrillo

    27 Jan 2020 07:52 PM
    I’m also having trouble. I just joined and I’m trying to register. Also as a newbie, I too was hoping to get more info. Perhaps I’m not using site correctly.

    27 Jan 2020 07:58 PM
    I'd love to come down again but sadly any be able to until sometime the end of September to October. This is the place I fund my first gold
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