Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
28 Jan 2020 03:52 PM |
Damn. Sounds like some people are just built for going it alone.
Ricky Adams Greenhorn Posts:9 
28 Jan 2020 03:56 PM |
I was kinda thinking the same way Bill.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
28 Jan 2020 07:48 PM |
LOL @ Ron, I love this, some serious words of wisdom "I have a limited tolerance for BS" Every day I cherish my alone time Bill
Ron Graham Greenhorn Posts:6 
28 Jan 2020 10:53 PM |
I think I was too cranky, but I get irate at the mention of social media as a learning tool. Social media is mostly a whole lot of "Hey, look at what stupidity, inane act, or whatever else my drunk rear end thinks is cute today! " In regard to claims I painted with a bit of a broad brush. I have not tried them all, and there is likely some good GPAA claims out there with gold yet. I'll try to get to them all one day. ..after the apocalypse...when no one will bother me. 😉
Jeremiah Hartman Greenhorn Posts:5 
02 Feb 2020 02:39 AM |
The GPAA is a great place to help get started. I have been in contact with several members and have helped me out in many ways when I first started prospecting. There are chapters that will help you if contact them. I hope you find a way to enjoy prospecting and finding shinny stuff! Good digging
GREGORY BUSHEY Greenhorn Posts:1 
13 Feb 2020 11:50 AM |
I originally joined this organization back in 2013 with the exception of the reading on line and at that time they were TV shows that showed a lot but the majority of what I learned how to find claims how to find a place to dig how to dig how to pan so on and so forth right from scratch there was not a single person on that claim that wasn’t willing to help most of the time walking over just because I had a confused look on my face they are that helpful go to A claim, find someone that’s already there ask questions worse thing that can happen is a lot better than what you’re going through now someone may say “I’m busy ask someone else or come back in 30 minutes”
Michael Welch Greenhorn Posts:3 
14 Feb 2020 02:56 PM |
Rick, If you are going to metal detect for gold make sure you practice, practice, practice of what to listen for with your metal detector. Gold will sound different than other metals, and knowing exactly what to listen for will save you hours of wasted energy on trash. Mike
Michael Parramore Greenhorn Posts:3 
14 Feb 2020 05:05 PM |
Join a local gpaa club. That's what I did and man have I met some awesome people.
Angel Wood Greenhorn Posts:1 
18 Feb 2020 10:40 AM |
I can understand your frustration, When my wife and I first started this, we didn't know what we were doing.. a third of the time we still don't ( lol ). however, we have been members of our Local chapter, met a lot of Helpful people who have taught us a lot. we find that a lot of claims online aren't updated as much as we would like either, but with the tight group of friends we've made word of mouth spreads kind of fast. Look up your local chapters, for group outings, meetings, events etc etc, meet people don't be afraid to ask questions.
Andrew Sinkewicz Greenhorn Posts:2 
28 Feb 2020 05:14 PM |
I am brand new at panning and a brand new GPAA member. I am using GPAA as a tool. I am not interested in joining a chapter or going to events. I use it to help my technique and to seek advice. I was lucky enough to find some flour gold and a small small flake my first time out. I was spoiled. I since have not found any. But its fun just to hike around, sit next to a stream, pan a little and be one with nature. I do NOT plan on getting rich. If I find a “picker” I will be happier than a Pig in PS- TV is entertainment ONLY!! They get paid to produce ratings. No drama = no ratings = no watchers = no money. Why would a real miner go on TV? same reason people sell “paydirt”. To supplement what panning cant provide. ***they are washing 500 yards an hour and walk away with only 100,000$ in gold!?**** (Real/Fake?) So how much dirt are YOU panning an hour? My 2 cents...;)
Jerry White Greenhorn Posts:1 
01 Mar 2020 10:29 AM |
most site have been pick over so bad that you have to wait for flood gold to find a flake as a member I will not be advancing to LDMA to the fact that the sites are way over picked I feel so duped by this site.
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
01 Mar 2020 02:50 PM |
I've been a member off and on since 2009. This year I became immersed in prospecting. Also, my first year of really finding anything worth telling tall tales about :) If you aren't the type of person to do things alone and want to do group adventures, then recruit some friends to do this with you. I notice you haven't responded to many of the posts. I hope you find this hobby to your liking. It falls short for many folks who are hoping for fast riches. In my first year, I joined the state chapter. Those folks were very helpful in teaching me how to pan. They were using sluices and such but I wasn't ready to invest in more equipment. I was armed with my green pan, a kitchen sifter to classify :-) and a buck knife to dig in crevices and loosen the dirt. Things have changed and I'm looking for my next piece of equipment. I know what I want and that's the beginning of expanding the hobby. With classifiers that fit in the buckets and a couple of green pans, I'm ready to hunt for the shiny. Decide what you really want out of the hobby before complaining newbies suffer. This newbie doesn't feel as if she has suffered, it's one big adventure. PS: after checking, he hasn't responded to any of the advice offered. Shame on him.
Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
01 Mar 2020 03:36 PM |
Well said Cynthia!
John Chase Greenhorn Posts:12 
01 Mar 2020 08:05 PM |
I’ve worked picked over sites since 1970 most people don’t know geology and not what to look for. I’ve never been disappointed.
Andrew Sinkewicz Greenhorn Posts:2 
02 Mar 2020 12:38 AM |
You know what they say, “Gold is where you find it!”
KEN FLOOD Greenhorn Posts:19 
02 Mar 2020 12:11 PM |
Greg, I'm reaching out to you and everyone else on here. 1. 864 944-8325. This phone number will get you all the information you need concerning gold mining. 2. Updated Information on gold in SC. 3. What is happening, Events, National Outings, Camp Happenings - 4. Gold History - 5. Gold Bearing Material Is Waiting To Be Run - I don't understand when you say there is no help or guide. I have been here at Oconee Gold Mine for over 2 years helping and guiding fellow miners. I even post on the Oconee forum page things happening here. Oconee Gold Mine has a busy 2020 Gold Season with something going on every week starting in April. Fish Fry, Spaghetti Dinners, Meet and Greet Socials, Pancake Breakfasts, Dig Parties, Detector Hunts, Stream Digs and 2 huge events which you should have received an email on. The Gold N BBQ Event on April 16 - 19 and Diggers Dirt Party on October 6 - 11. I have given you plenty of information that I have posted all over the internet, including the forum here. What you do with the information is up to you but if you're wanting to learn, have fun, meet great people, find gold and more then I suggest you make the call and book your site. When you call, provide this code OCONEE20 and get your 3rd night of camping FREE. Offer expires 3/31/20
John Chase Greenhorn Posts:12 
02 Mar 2020 12:31 PM |
Greg, I've been prospecting probably since 1970 and I've learned that most folks want the gold but many aren't willing to learn the dirt. They just want to walk out and pick shiny things off the ground and when that fails someone else has to be at fault. Usually this happens after they spend big bucks on equipment and memberships with very little budgeted for books and classes.
Michael Welch Greenhorn Posts:3 
02 Mar 2020 02:05 PM |
Isn’t that always the case? Lots of people want success but aren’t willing to put in the effort to get there. I’m not criticizing anyone on this site, I’m just agreeing with a basic observation. “I was lucky all my life.” “The harder I worked, the luckier I got.”
Ricky Adams Greenhorn Posts:9 
02 Mar 2020 04:20 PM |
Hi Cindy, good post !!! This is my first time as I got a 3yr membership for Christmas from my Honey Buns LOL. I have found nothing but help in this community, as long as you want it !! The forum here is very helpful as long as "you search" what you are looking for, and if you do not see what you need, someone will contact you to help get you the info that you need. As "most" people should know and understand is that closed forums like this one will be much slower to obtain your answers as most everyone joins FB pages which are of course more active than the old type forums. I could ramble on and on LOL, but I will not! :) ... I just wanted to let you along with the other positive posters on this topic that "us new members" are not suffering, and if they are, they are doing something wrong,,, IMO anyways. Love it here!!!!
Ricky Adams Greenhorn Posts:9 
02 Mar 2020 04:21 PM |
[quote] Posted By Michael Welch on 02 Mar 2020 02:05 PM Isn’t that always the case? Lots of people want success but aren’t willing to put in the effort to get there. I’m not criticizing anyone on this site, I’m just agreeing with a basic observation. “I was lucky all my life.” “The harder I worked, the luckier I got.” [/quote] I totally agree!