Ricky Adams Greenhorn Posts:9 
02 Mar 2020 04:25 PM |
Thank you so much for the information you just posted !! This is why I "Love" this community, if you talk and act positive people like you knock my doors down with info. Just wanted to pass the flowers onto you Ken :)
KEN FLOOD Greenhorn Posts:19 
03 Mar 2020 12:52 PM |
Thanks Ricky! I will be sure to post more info on our Oconee Camp forum page. I try to post events and happening at the camp on here since some members do not use FB or other social media to keep our members informed of the great things happening at Oconee.
James Martin Greenhorn Posts:7 
07 Mar 2020 03:57 PM |
To me this is a recreational pastime involving getting out and exploring. This is not about getting rich. However I believe that my membership should be going to purchase more gold bearing claims so I have more places to go. If this organization is spending more than 25% of its incoming money on administration then something is amiss. I just got done visiting the Phoenix Gold Show. I was surprised how small it was. Still a lot of fun though. Should be visiting the one in Butte too. Thanks!
JERRY PEREZ New Member Posts:61 
08 Mar 2020 01:16 AM |
100% agree I have been inactive for about a little over a year and a half and came back and was excited to come back to GPA only to find out at The farms are just as lame as ever I might call to get a refund back cuz this is just plain old nonsense might as well join a local prospecting club
JERRY PEREZ New Member Posts:61 
08 Mar 2020 01:17 AM |
100% agree I have been inactive for about a little over a year and a half and came back and was excited to come back to GPA only to find out at The forums the same and lame as ever I might call to get a refund back cuz this is just plain old nonsense might as well join a local prospecting club
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
12 Mar 2020 09:39 PM |
Wow Jerry, maybe you should get a refund. With your being inactive for over eighteen months and still unhappy, definitely you should ask for a refund and find a better club to hang out with.
Tom Riley Greenhorn Posts:9 
13 Mar 2020 01:10 PM |
[quote] Posted By Chad Snyder on 02 Jan 2020 12:38 AM As a person who has literally only ever panned a single pan of dirt, I come armed to the teeth with knowledge about gold prospecting, claim laws, how to stake a claim, your rights as an claimant, geology, history, panning techniques (blueberry bounce) for you old timers, how to search for claims on LR2000, how to find claims on google earth, townships. And a lot more!! This is the kind of knowledge and dedication it takes man, gold mining isn’t easy if it was every dog would be out there getting that shiny! Watch the YouTube channel Askjeffwilliams and you will learn more than enough to go diggin in the hills. If you want to know a specific thing all you have to do is ask, just don’t ask where the gold is because people will just laugh. So get off your hinny and find that shinny! [/quote] Perfect !
Jeff Walsh Greenhorn Posts:1 
18 Mar 2020 01:11 PM |
Greg im from Michigan too my friend and I are members me ldma and my friend gpaa . I come on here to pay dues and just to see whats up if anything new we haven't been able to do much with groups in many years now . when we first got into it the mi chapter had a little outing in west branch at a gravel pit my friend lives near there so I called him up and made the trip out there we met many a lot of great people and gave us so much info im sure we forgot most few years back we went to the Athens camp had a great time and the caretaker there at the time helped us out a lot more we take at least our pans with us everywhere and keep our eyes open if we have the time it does not matter if its the side of road river or a small pit somewhere we take a look even our fishing trips never hurts to look when and where you can its been a few years sence we have been able to do anything j so hell or high water we have planed to get back to Athens this year in short see what the Michigan chapter is doing and try to get on an outing with them the people are great and are willing to teach we are still greenhorns but love to keep trying to get that shinny stuff and when you can start to find here in my you can find anywhere your friend happy
Steven Boesch Greenhorn Posts:2 
23 Mar 2020 03:49 PM |
I signed up over a year ago to hopefully meet some others with similar interest and access to the GPAA claims. I have not met any other members but I have not attended any meetings or reached out to any local chapters, so that one is on me. I do not expect to have anyone point and say dig here but I would like to talk methods, equipment, share ideas talk about the different GPAA claims, events and chapters as well as the possibility of creating creative and interesting solutions that benefit us all. I have visited the closest GPAA claim "Homack #1, 2 & 3 - Clear Creek" twice and found it very confusing. I plotted the claim on my map but could find no markers when I got there so I wasn't sure I was truly in the right location the first time. On my second trip I was much more assured of my location but again could find no markers, they might be there but I couldn't find any trace. Are GPAA claims marked? I understand the philosophy of not marking a claim, kind of says "look here!" Any advice? I am also looking for feedback on the Arkansas river GPAA claim in Colorado- Any would be helpful, thanks! Planning on a trip soon. I was up this year already in my favorite spot in mid-march, trying out my Keene Grizzly Sluice, still need to pan my cons but it was a beautiful day for washing dirt! WooHoo, Happy Hunting all in 2020! Hopefully get to meet some of you on the river!
Rick Thomason Greenhorn Posts:18 
23 Mar 2020 06:27 PM |
I'm in Fla and I love Lone Pine. Did/do some acting in LA and regular go/went to Ala Hills where my western heros filmed. I didn't know there was Gold in them thare Ala Hills. Really? I haven't seen a claim around there. Do you have a club?
Ricky Adams Greenhorn Posts:9 
23 Mar 2020 06:56 PM |
ALABAMA AUBURN, AL Adam Broach • 334-401-0471 adambroachgpaa@gmail.com CRAIGFORD, AL Dan Harriger • 706-586-8434 dharriger@yahoo.com
Burt C Greenfield Jr Greenhorn Posts:17 
24 Mar 2020 05:10 PM |
Hi Steven; My name is Burt Greenfield and I live is Stratmoor valley I am a member of GPAA. Where do you live in Colorado. You can email me at prospector_41@yahoo.com. So we can get together and talk about Gold.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
24 Mar 2020 06:30 PM |
Steven, The Homack claim markers may have fallen over or have been taken. Lots of people in that area. Lots of shooting at one time, don't know if it is still like that though. The Arkansas river can be good. Flour gold is normal so you should not get skunked. A good place to start out is the River Bridge campground. It has parking, camping sites and restrooms. If you are just going for the day you will have to pay. It was $8.00 dollars last year. Take small bills. If camping you need to call and reserve a spot first. The claim is big so you may find a place down the road to pull off if you do not want to use the campground. During spring runoff the river is very dangerous. It is a very popular for river rafters as well. Good luck. Scott
Steven Boesch Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 Mar 2020 02:33 PM |
Scott, Thank you for the information. When I was up at Homack last year I did see three vehicles in the parking lot and several hikers but did not hear any shooting. Maybe that has changed. The north side of soda creek road has many homes and they may have something to do with it. Thanks again, Steve
Martin Wormser Greenhorn Posts:3 
29 Mar 2020 10:36 PM |
Exxactly Bill
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
04 Apr 2020 08:08 PM |
Well, Facebook feed has taken away a lot from the Forums. It was way good until some kept saying to lock all out except members. Seems like it went downhill from there. Just my opinion.
Jerry Clagg Greenhorn Posts:1 
25 Apr 2020 07:42 PM |
I agree with Greg, you have a poorly designed and maintained website. I spent hours trying to find claims in Arizona. Whoever you let design your sight was inexperienced with end-user interfaces. Come on, Why do I have to start from the beginning every time I back out of a search? Why can I not search on a web based map. If you plan to continue without plans for updating to a better interface, I feel you will go the way of the Dodo. I will rather spend more money for a usable service, then suffer with what you offer.
Raymond Brown Greenhorn Posts:7 
27 Nov 2020 11:22 AM |
It is what you make it. Attitude is paramount.
George Mendoza Greenhorn Posts:3 
22 Dec 2020 10:49 AM |
I’m brand new to all this too but I don’t feel like I’m entitled to anything. I ask for help and if someone is willing to share something I consider it a bonus but I certainly don’t expect it. Nobody forced me to do this, I chose the pastime and whether I’m successful or not is on me. You mentioned the “thousands you spent”. Did anyone force you to spend that? How is it someone else’s responsibility to see that you get the satisfaction for those dollars you spent? It’s your money, and completely up to you find that satisfaction. I bought the membership for access to the claims. That’s about all I expected. Like I said, anything beyond that is a bonus but nobody owes me or you anything beyond that. Maybe you should take a minute to rethink your whole viewpoint.
John Chase Greenhorn Posts:12 
22 Dec 2020 11:44 AM |
Ive been prospecting since 1970 so i have some experience. Firstly i dont. Find it helpful to bash smash or flame anyone or websites. That being said We have many new prospectors looking for gold that may never have gotten any dirt on their boots. There are many websites and books available to teach prospecting. I find itts best when someone is having issues to actually TALK with people not click to find answers. Join a gold club get out and get dirty. With the value of gold going up there are going to be lots more frustrated flamers.