John McKeel Greenhorn Posts:3 
14 Dec 2019 06:49 PM |
I am new to prospecting and plan an outing to southern Nevada in the next few weeks. I wanted to go to one of the GPAA claims and explore. I read in my copy of the Mining Guide that I am required to have the guide with me, my membership card to GPAA and a "Prospecting Permit". I don't recall this permit. I assume it would have come in my membership package but can't find anything. How can I obtain one? Thank you.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
14 Dec 2019 07:37 PM |
John, Your prospecting permit should have been on the same sheet as your membership card. Maybe the way they issue the cards has changed since I renewed two years ago. Scott L.
Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
15 Dec 2019 01:54 AM |
That’s correct. I just got my renewal and there were 2 cards.
John McKeel Greenhorn Posts:3 
15 Dec 2019 10:09 AM |
I did receive two cards but I don't remember a permit. Is there a way to get a duplicate?
John McKeel Greenhorn Posts:3 
15 Dec 2019 10:47 AM |
In my file, i have the second card but that is all. It says there is a $5 replacement charge if the permit or membership card is lost. So, I'll call them monday
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
16 Dec 2019 12:47 PM |
One card is your membership card and the other is the permit card, both should say what they are.
DEWEY DECOST Greenhorn Posts:4 
17 Dec 2019 11:30 AM |
one card is your membership and the other should read Claims permit on it
Lee Johnson New Member Posts:46 
19 Dec 2019 08:31 PM |
I am also ldma and i only got the gpaa and ldma card but no permit card
Scott Redman Greenhorn Posts:1 
24 Feb 2020 05:14 PM |
Just got mine. Left side is Membership Card. Right side says "Claims Club Prospecting Permit" in white letters