Last Post 25 Jan 2020 06:44 PM by  STEVE SCOTT
Camping on Vulture Bait claim AZ
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16 Jan 2020 06:49 PM
    Hi Kevin- we are planning a 2 week trip to AZ the end of Feb- first of March. We want to camp on the Vulture Bait claim but don't see any mention of the camping, other than taking the lower road. We have a 24 ft trailer and a 4x4 pu (extended cab)- approximately 38-39ft total. My questions are- if we take the upper road into the claim, is there camping with trailers? Also, we have a friend coming with us who has never prospected and is interested in the GPAA. Are we allowed to have him camp with us (he also has a trailer- 16 ft) for the 2 weeks? Thanks Kevin- we look forward to your reply!
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    17 Jan 2020 11:06 AM
    Steve, Camping on the upper road may not be an issue but I would suggest that you contact the Arizona State Land Department and get a recreational permit. they are inexpensive and offers you some other choices if the areas around the upper road are taken or the road is washed.
    Having a guest on a GPAA claim for two weeks is more than what is allowed. If he gets there and likes what he is doing, Visit Bill Southern and sign him up for the GPAA. Bill is right down the road from the entrance to the area. There are some specials running now as well through the office that he may want to look into prior to getting on the claims as a limited guest.

    17 Jan 2020 12:57 PM
    Thanks Kevin. We were wondering about that State Lands Permit, so will go ahead and order it. If our friend decides not to prospect but instead just sightsees around the area, can he continue to camp with us? We kind of want to make camp a home base. Thanks. Steve
    Tad Hamilton
    New Member
    New Member

    17 Jan 2020 01:41 PM
    I would suggest camping at jackass flats that is where most people with trailers camp and drive the rest of the way but you can drop the trailer there and scout the upper road first to find a spot for the size trailers you guys have that way you don't run into trouble
    Christopher Satkowski

    17 Jan 2020 02:24 PM
    I would think bringing the big trailer to Vulture bait is a risk at getting stuck.

    -The lower road that goes up the LSD through the southern part of the claim has better access,, but there are still a couple of sharp turns and one point where the rocks have been cut out.
    -What I call the upper road, towards the North East portion of the claim off mine road, I go down a side road, but can't drive my F250. Just to steep. Saw an off road jeep go down there once, but haven't seen anyone else drive it. Not trailer worthy.
    -There's also a road by the NW portion that I have no experience.

    South of Vulture Bait, there's the Maricopa Group which access to the southern part of Vulture bait drives through. and leaving mine road to cross the Lil San Domingo would be quite the adventure with a trailer. Perhaps after parking at Jac Ass flats and scouting the route, maybe you could get a trailer there.

    I have a 35' fifth wheel and would be sweating it going to Jack ass flats, never mind going any further off road than that. Jack Ass Flats is about a quarter mile off the road.

    25 Jan 2020 06:44 PM
    Thanks Kevin- we got a State Land Permit and our friends are going to get a 1 year membership to GPAA.
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