Jim Gold Greenhorn Posts:10 
24 Jan 2020 09:05 AM |
How much water would you need for a 3" dredge? I'm asking about gallons per minute. 50 gpm or 60 or 70 or 100 or more?
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
24 Jan 2020 06:46 PM |
Jim, Check out Keene Engineering .com Look at their 3" dredge, figure out what pump/motor setup they use Go from there Trash pumps dont do it for a jet type dredge My guess is more Bill
Jim Gold Greenhorn Posts:10 
25 Jan 2020 08:43 AM |
Went to their site and they don't have specs on their pumps. Don't know why . Pretty poor marketing if you ask me.
JEFF W HIGGERSON New Member Posts:28 
25 Jan 2020 12:25 PM |
on a Keene 3" dredge they uses a 5 hp B/S engine and a P180 pump it has 300 G.P.M bigger the engine the more P.S.I you get the higher the P.S.I more volume and more gold https://www.keeneeng.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=P180
David Vanderpool Greenhorn Posts:10 
12 Feb 2020 10:23 PM |
Doc at Gold Hog has some good videos explaining volume/pressure /flow rates, and how they all affect each other. One essential video is "Proportional Force". Some segments specifically refer to dredges.
Michael Woods Greenhorn Posts:14 
11 Jul 2021 02:32 PM |
Hi, here's a suggestion. Use a marble. While the dredge is running, drop the marble. It should roll off the sluice in about 3-4 seconds (depending on if you have your angle right). Adjust your throttle accordingly. I do this. Mines a Keene 6" necked to 5". Works well for me. I'll be making an album when I can, to show what I get.