JOSEPH SIEDLECKI Greenhorn Posts:3 
03 Feb 2020 05:42 PM |
I have acquired THOUSANDS of maps dating back from up to 80 years ago to recent. All Topo maps, and are made for BLM and National Forest use, and cover most every state in the western United States including California, Arizona, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and more. If interested please respond to the post and we will get in touch!
Steve Kuchinsky Greenhorn Posts:9 
04 Feb 2020 11:19 PM |
What do you have in the way of old Montana Maps?
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
05 Feb 2020 04:11 PM |
Interested in any/all Oregon maps you may have. Can PM me with info and $$. Thanks, Art
David Hay New Member Posts:54 
06 Feb 2020 03:51 PM |
Not interested in anything concerning California and Montana & Oregon appear to be spoken for but I would be interested in the rest. Thank you
AARON BAZOR Greenhorn Posts:15 
06 Feb 2020 08:30 PM |
Likely I'd be interested in the Arizona maps. Please let me know what you have and prices. Thanks Aaron Bazor
JOSEPH SIEDLECKI Greenhorn Posts:3 
18 Feb 2020 03:04 PM |
Going to do a hard count on what's available after separating by state and will re post soon!
Joshua Renteria New Member Posts:33 
28 Feb 2020 07:22 PM |
I’m interested in northern ca maps
Don Hatfield Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 Apr 2020 03:17 PM |
Interested in any Oregon maps PM me
Don Wendt New Member Posts:31 
27 Apr 2020 07:16 AM |
California maps have my interest.
Michael Jose Greenhorn Posts:1 
17 May 2020 10:55 AM |
Do you have any maps left?
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
26 Nov 2020 03:19 PM |
Good Afternoon and Happy Thanksgiving!! Are any of these maps still available? If so what is the cost? Thanks. Lia McVicker
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
29 Nov 2020 08:47 PM |
Joseph...looks like the PM feature has disappeared. Email me at Oregon maps and pricing. Would consider copies if you want to keep originals.
Dean Olson New Member Posts:32 
13 Dec 2020 05:18 AM |
Just an fyi on this topic, I assume most know this, but anyone interested in topos can always order them direct from the USGS website for anywhere in the U.S, the ones for AK are at a different, larger scale. You can also view and order some older topos that show old mine related features as well, I did this for an area of interest in the Lincoln MT area where I have done some prospecting in the past -some of the newer remade maps do not contain the old mine and prospect locations on the maps... When you order these on the USGS website the cost is reasonable and they are large, and very detailed, I can tell you. There is always the USGS national map as well, with the layer options for MRDS, etc for online use as well...
David Garry Greenhorn Posts:5 
13 Dec 2020 12:39 PM |
do you have any Idaho and Nevada and 1975 and prior for ease of a message you can email me at
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
14 Dec 2020 01:44 PM |
I have been in contact with Joseph, due to the very large quantity of maps they haven't had to the time to sort. Said they're now thinking of package deal. Due to amount and weight probably looking at truck freight. They're still looking at options. Have some patience. As to current maps from USGS and other sources, as they're revised, a lot of information gets deleted. Things like old buildings, 4x4 trails, mine dumps and sites, etc. Reasons can be real or perceived. But the older maps from the early 60's and back are a great resource when combined with current versions.
David Garry Greenhorn Posts:5 
27 Dec 2020 09:55 PM |
so if you've been in contact with Joseph is there any way he can let us knw what he decides to do we asked for certain states but no response
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
28 Dec 2020 12:53 PM |
Hey guys, if I hear back and he doesn't post up, I'll put it up on here. Hoping to swing a deal and maybe go from there.
Jack Chapin Greenhorn Posts:5 
30 Jan 2021 04:27 PM |
Hello all, if Joseph does decide on a package deal and the price is too steep for me I'd be interested in Texas and all surrounding states and Colorado, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,Florida,Georgia. About how many lbs. of freight does he think he has? Last question totally off topic: I'm not setup for auto pay and need to pay for 2021 maint. Dues, but can't find a payment link anywhere!?!
A. BRENT HARSHBARGER New Member Posts:40 
30 Jan 2021 04:50 PM |
Hello Jack, after logging in, tap your name at the upper right. Your account preferences should pop up and in there you can make payments, set up auto pay etc....
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
30 Jan 2021 08:31 PM |
Jack,. He never gave an approximate shipping weight or pricing. Have not heard anything recently.