Last Post 06 Dec 2021 08:35 PM by  Ron Graham
Gold monster 1000
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Joshua Renteria
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07 Feb 2020 06:58 PM
    Okay I been thinking about purchasing the gold monster 1000 or a good detector I know the gold show is right around the corner possibly get a killer deal for one. Or should I buy one from the mine shop and get free one day Field training put on a claim for 900 dollars I need some ideas.
    Jim Gold

    08 Feb 2020 10:04 AM
    Buy from someone who will give you training. Even though the GM1000 is a fairly simple machine to use, you won't go wrong if you get some training. Most vendors will help you with this. If they don't , buy from one that will.
    Christopher Satkowski

    10 Feb 2020 10:48 AM
    Especially if you purchase by a goldfield, I second buying locally. Can't beat the training you'll get in the hours you'll be with your guide. Probably find your first nugget with the detector because of that training months or years earlier.
    Joshua Renteria
    New Member
    New Member

    10 Feb 2020 06:35 PM
    I’m going local they take out 3 people per month for the full day to one of there club claims if you Buy from them. Just can’t
    Decide from the gold monster or the minelab equinox 800 both are great Machines still watching videos on both. Have any one of you used them.
    Leo Lorenz
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    11 Feb 2020 02:39 AM
    The Gold Monster is by far the better machine. The old timer masters are using this machine to find gold. I have several pro's that sold the Equinox to get the Gold Monster. Easy to use and it finds the small stuff. You wont be finding large gold on the surface much so its the crumbs that are left and this machine does great on it.
    Ron Lang

    18 Feb 2020 04:12 PM
    Just purchased 2 whites TDI Hi-Q pi gold detectors (dealer recommended) set it up had different sizes of gold to test , wouldn’t detect any small 8-10 mesh . Balance again adjusted everything. Went to 6 mesh still nothing. Ck and adjusted again ! Went to mesh size 4 this was over gram 1.45 g did not detect it till coil was just about touching the nuggets 2 “ inches very mad 😡 paid over $1000 each . Called and talked to tech he said they should have nailed the 8-10 mesh easily.went over setting again. Packed them up and they are going back . This time we are going with the Minelab 1000 most of club members swing Minelab. They love the 1000 wish us luck!!
    Joshua Renteria
    New Member
    New Member

    22 Feb 2020 11:05 PM
    Next week I will have the gold monster 1000.
    Any one buy extra stuff for it like the carbon fiber shaft or a stand.
    Joshua Renteria
    New Member
    New Member

    05 Mar 2020 07:24 PM
    Well I order the gold monster last wed with docs rod kit. The rod kit came in I called about my gold monster and it’s currently on backorder. Not a good feeling it’s like waiting for Christmas but don’t know the date.
    SSGT Owen Halloran

    09 Mar 2020 09:30 PM
    I too just inquired about purchasing a Gold Monster 1000, and was informed about the back order. Does anyone know when they are likely to be shipping out the new ones?
    Joshua Renteria
    New Member
    New Member

    11 Mar 2020 12:53 AM
    I don't know what's up its not a new machine not the only one I'm still waiting for mine. I'm happy the shop let me use the minelab equinox 800 for a week.
    New Member
    New Member

    26 May 2020 06:59 PM
    did you ever decide on which detector to go with? I had the GM 1000 but got pretty frustrated with it since it was All Metal Mode Only, I didn't even bother checking for that mode. I usually like to have the best of both worlds Multi purpose with Prospecting Mode as well. Another thing that drove me nuts on the GM 1000 was the straight shaft it came with, not a big fan of it especially since I always break my machines down after each use. I bought an after market shaft from Doc's essential rod kit with camshaft and stupid thing broke within 1 month, got a replacement rod and same thing. anyways those were my preferences and nothing against the GM 1000 since it is a good machine but just not "my" cup of tea. If i were to choose between the GM and the EQ 800 again, I would unhesitatingly choose the EQ 800 because of it being "All-Purpose" Beach , Field, Gold and Park. I love that in a machine.

    the GM is very limited with fine tuning and for me was also a Con for me, I like to be able to manually and also use automatic on occasion, the 1000 lacked fine tuning for me. It also lacked Pinpointing , No Target ID, No backlit display. those were things i didnt catch before buying it, I simply just bought it because of Minelabs track record and becfause it was the latest they put out. I wont do that again. anyways enjoy whatever you get!
    Ron Lang

    27 May 2020 12:36 AM
    Hi thanks for the post. I tested the machine with All sizes of nuggets and Pickers . Last one I tried was almost 4 grams it struggled with that , Even called Whites for some assistance. they spent total of 4 minutes helping me before hurrying me off the phone
    I spoke with 2 more venders they said that machine was not for gold hunting it was. Ment for beach hunting. Sent both back .!!!
    Purchased Monster 1000 that detected all
    Nuggets and pickers same as used on Whites

    02 Nov 2020 09:00 PM
    Gold monster is ordered. Read up in it seems pretty good. Used detectors over 28 years I cannot wait to get this one.
    Ron Graham

    06 Dec 2021 08:35 PM
    I have the GM1000 (which I am selling), and unless you're in an area with very shallow or very large gold, its not much better than any other detector I've used. Even the big guys doing all those YouTube videos say they use all metal deep mode and that they dig everything...which I could do with a much cheaper bounty hunter! It is simple to use, but if it can't discriminate deeper than a couple inches (unless its the rare bigger gold) its not a game changer. My now very old bounty hunter does a better job of identifying junk so I dont waste time digging foil and other trash that the GM1000 cant seem to distinguish.
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