Philip Lundquist Greenhorn Posts:3 
16 Feb 2020 04:19 PM |
I’m finding very little information about locations on the website. I have an RV and can’t find information on which locations I can stay at. Or for haw long and Amenities. Also I do not find a map of locations. I have to google each one Individually. Than they give me the information for the general public. How does being a member of GPAA differ, I must be missing something. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Phil
James Henderson Greenhorn Posts:21 
17 Feb 2020 08:53 AM |
Phil, Most of the info you are inquiring about can be found under the properties tab/Member Activity located at the top of the page. Most claim information will tell you if it is accessible by 2 wheel drive or if a 4 x 4 is needed. If 4 x 4 recommended, you probably can't take your RV to that claim. Most of the GPAA claims are on Federal land and are primitive (no bathrooms, porta-potties or garbage cans, etc.). If you can't find the info you need on this site. Look up the state director or the chapter president for the area you are interested in and give them a call. Federal claims pretty much limit you to 14 days. There are some private claims that members have access to that have amenities for a fee to the owner. Hope this helps.
Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
17 Feb 2020 06:56 PM |
Phil, What general area are you looking to explore? Southern CA, Northern CA, Nevada, Arizona, etc. And what sort of RV are we talking? A 30 footer or a trailer? Do you have a quad or side by side? I'm sure others can chime in on areas that will work well with your setup but a little more info would be needed. Keep in mind many/most locations are going to be relatively remote and not suitable for driving the RV right to the spot you're going to prospect. Also, it might be relevant to know what you're using (metal detector vs. dry washer vs. sluice). PS - From one greenhorn to another, if you're metal detecting set your expectations accordingly. You're going to have to work for it and it will probably take a while before you find your first nugget.
Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
17 Feb 2020 07:01 PM |
Also, if you want something where you MAY be able to park an RV close to the gold and maybe even have hookups, I think there's an option for a 1-time complimentary 3-day LDMA pass in the GPAA store. The LDMA properties are generally very accessible and you can get right near the gold. Here's a link.
Russell Lynch Greenhorn Posts:3 
22 Feb 2020 03:02 PM |
My name is Russ, i was a member in the early 90’s. Just rejoined and live in Ohio. Looking forward to panning and meeting new folks.
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
01 Mar 2020 03:32 PM |
The membership mining guide is your best friend on claim locations. Most are primitive (pack it in pack it out) and an ATV, UTV or jeep toad will be your friend. I have a 27' class C and while we have desert pin stripping, I can't take it everywhere. I park it and either hoof it or ATV it to the site.