Last Post 01 Jul 2020 11:46 AM by  Steve Scukanec
Gold Claims in California
 4 Replies
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Joseph Simonsen

22 Feb 2020 09:08 PM
    I'm not even sure where to post this as its my first post here. Mostly I just scan the forums and property listings for interesting ideas on places to go panning. This had me thinking. recently a Buddy of mine filed for a mining claim in Nevada which he said was rather easy by comparison to California. Does anyone have experience or know how to do this in California. I've looked around online for a while and the information doesn't seem that helpful. As he put it, "Yeah they bury the forms on purpose I think".

    Thanks in advance!
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    24 Feb 2020 10:30 AM
    The federal forms are the same and the filing with the BLM is simple. Counties on the other hand are county by county and there is little continuity between them. Prior to filing I suggest that you contact the county where the claim will be located and get a true assessment of all of the county cost.
    In all cases be aware of any restrictions that have been placed federally, state and county. Research on the front end is the best tool you have.
    Joseph Simonsen

    24 Feb 2020 10:34 AM
    Thank you sir!
    William Hall

    24 Feb 2020 06:52 PM
    Welcome Joseph,

    Educate yourself on locating and validating a mining claim, many snakes in the grass in the mining claim world
    Once you have done it a time or two, its easy LOL Books and info on the BLM website if you want to wade through it
    If your buying a claim, dont lay down a dime until you sample the claim, verify the claims validating with the county, checking that all fees have been paid and current (the county is law on mining claims in California)
    Check the BLM, however BLM will take your monies with a smile, one misstep with the county and the BLM receipt is worthless
    As Kevin said, research and due diligence up front will save heart ache out the back

    Steve Scukanec
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Jul 2020 11:46 AM
    Hi Joe, I am a claim owner in Southern California. I am co-owner of the Placer Pete Claim. I would be happy to help you get through the process of owing a claim in So Cal. Contact me directly at and we will get to talkin!
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