Ron Kennedy Greenhorn Posts:9 
12 Mar 2020 04:09 PM |
Hello, I am in Easley, SC and am looking for a method of communication with local members of GPAA. I contacted GPAA with a question about something and was told that it would be a good idea to speak with members in my local chapter. How do I find communication methods with those members?
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
12 Mar 2020 06:56 PM |
Check out the buttons at the top of the page You will see "community", under that you will find chapter info There is a chapter in SC with an email and name Bill
Ron Kennedy Greenhorn Posts:9 
12 Mar 2020 07:28 PM |
I sent an email to that weeks ago. Lol
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
12 Mar 2020 08:27 PM |
Hi Ron, Is there another state close by that has a telephone number for their chapter pres? I noticed SC only had an email :(
Ron Kennedy Greenhorn Posts:9 
12 Mar 2020 08:59 PM |
There is a gold show in my town in August and I wanted the local chapter to be there with a booth for people to join. We don't get a lot of love out here in the upstate of SC
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
12 Mar 2020 09:36 PM |
darn ... Is there a State Prospecting club you might join? In OH I have the option (and did both for many years) of the Ohio Gold Prospecting Association along with the Buckeye GPAA Chapter. It defeats the purpose if you have to look outside the GPAA, but if your state director isn't being communitive, not much of a choice. I joined the OGPA first and they turned me on to the GPAA ten years ago. I hope you find your happy medium.